I clearly remember the last time I saw my late grandmother alive. It was the spring of 2010, and I was back in Virginia Beach visiting for a few days from California, where I was completing my final year at Palmer College of Chiropractic West. The past couple years had been nothing short of challenging […]
The Pineal Gland: A Mysterious Marvel
The pineal gland which is, according to Cayce, one of our body’s seven spiritual centers, is located at the base of the brain, arising from the roof of the third ventricle. Its small reddish-gray body is about the size of a pea, less than .3 inch (8 mm) long, and is shaped like a cone; […]
Healing Parkinson’s – Body, Mind, and Spirit
If there is that attitude of bringing help and of keeping helpful forces through the periods when the applications are made, we may eradicate almost entirely this deficiency that is called the Parkinson’s Disease. (4085-1) What I call my “spiritual adventure of healing” began when I was having dinner with my son and his wife, […]
The Cure You Haven’t Heard About
By Michael Clark The wet cell device is a curious piece of equipment to those who don’t use it – and a miracle cure to others who do. Either way, it’s at the extreme end of even New Age health trends. Unproven beyond anecdotal results, the wet cell looks like something out of a mad […]
Parkinson’s Disease and the Mercury Connection
By Linda Caputi, RN Up to 60,000 Americans Could be Suffering from Mercury Poisoning For the last few years I’ve been reformatting and updating the old mimeographed Circulating Files into word documents and, on occasion, even putting together some new ones. A number of these updated files are now available online free of charge as […]
Parkinson’s: Cayce’s Four-Point Plan
A recent study of the most frequently requested health information from the Cayce readings revealed that Parkinson’s disease is a chronic ailment of great concern to our members. This is not particularly surprising in that over one percent of the U.S. population over fifty suffers from this ailment. Every year 50, 000 new cases are […]