Vitamin D has appeared in news items recently, prompting me to take a peek into just what the Edgar Cayce readings had to say about this “sunshine” vitamin’s role in good health. As with other vitamins, the readings emphasize obtaining the food value of the vitamin principally from what one eats rather than from supplements […]
It’s Time to Take a Hike
Are you feeling stressed, anxious, or depressed? Are you spending too much time in front of a computer screen, constantly checking your phone, and overwhelmed by the continuous stimulation of our digital world? Then it’s time to take a hike. In hundreds of health readings, Edgar Cayce recommended spending time outdoors, in the open air […]
Vitamin D is for Defense
In this current climate, keeping our immune system strong and healthy has never been more important. A key factor in maintaining a healthy immune system is vitamin D, especially D3. Renowned for its role in maintaining healthy bones, recent clinical research has shed new light on the important roles of the “sunshine” vitamin. This past […]