by Ernest F. Pecci, M.D. [From a lecture delivered at the 10th Annual Medical Symposium of the A.R.E. Clinic, Inc., held in Scottsdale, Arizona, January 1977. Reprinted by permission from the 1977 Medical Symposium Proceedings © 1978 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation.] Ernest F. Pecci, M.D., is a practicing psychiatrist in Oakland, California. He has […]
Effects of Vitamin D on Health
Vitamin D has appeared in news items recently, prompting me to take a peek into just what the Edgar Cayce readings had to say about this “sunshine” vitamin’s role in good health. As with other vitamins, the readings emphasize obtaining the food value of the vitamin principally from what one eats rather than from supplements […]
“There is always aid that can be brought to the healing process by the adoption of a properly designed diet. The diet, then, becomes the first line of defense.”(2986-1) Edgar Cayce Readings A TRUE STORY Cancer of the rectum is not a pleasant thing to discover in your body. Left unattended, it can, of course, […]
Boosting Immunity Through Nutrition
I write this column at the end of April, I wonder what our world will be like when this magazine is published this summer. My hope is that lockdowns will have ended and that the pervasive fear that has kept many of us indoors will have lifted. After all, nothing is better for body, mind, […]
Avoid Or Overcome Viral Infections The Cayce Way
Our instructor in virology said that if one were to put a hundred people in an enclosed room, and spray it with viruses, only a certain percentage would contract and develop an infection. Besides being immune because of previous exposure to the pathogen or previous vaccination, he said there was an ‘unknown factor’ that prevented […]
Nutrition for Beauty and Rejuvenation
Health creates beauty. This popular idea has taken on new meaning with the recent surge in research involving nutrients for improving the appearance of skin, hair, and nails. The supplement industry has seen an uptick in the demand for nutritional beauty and rejuvenation products, especially those based on collagen—the primary protein in connective tissue, skin, […]