While the term magnetic healing appears in less than a dozen Edgar Cayce readings, a host of other designations from this source describes the same effect: laying on of hands, the raising of (electrical) vibrations, hand therapy, magnetic or electromagnetic forces/vibration/applications/treatments, electrotherapy, suggestive therapeutics, or (low) electrical forces/treatments/vibrations. These terms describe the various aspects of this ancient healing art.
For magnetic healing the hands are utilized as magnets, each one becoming like a battery pole when placed on another person. The readings told one woman: “…sit for a period and use the left hand as the negative pole and the right hand as the positive pole.” (Cayce) Evidently a circuit is formed, precipitating in a low electrical force that with the proper preparation and intention offers a healing vibration to another.
One notation from Gladys Davis Turner added to [a] reading contains information on Cayce’s own healing ability: “…frequently EC [Edgar Cayce] consciously removed warts from people—he would rub the wart and tell the person to forget all about it; in a few days it would disappear without the person knowing just when or how. EC attributed this to a kind of electricity which his hands generated; he said many people could do it.”
In a number of cases the readings expressed a prayerful attitude, a sufficient amount of energy, and a desire to be of loving service as necessary qualifications for such healing work. To one forty-four-year-old woman who was interested in developing her “spiritual healing or psychic powers” Cayce warned: “…get the physical body better first.” (Cayce) Another woman was given this advice on “how to heal by laying on of hands”:
“…praying with others and letting the vibrations from self pass through or into their bodies. Not taking on the vibrations, but laying them all on Him. For He is the healer, He is life.” Earlier in her reading the Cayce source stated: “Know, then, that the healing is ever in Him, and that to Him goes the credit of the abilities as manifest through thy hands, through thy voice, through thy pronouncements. To Him the love, the honor must ever be given.” (Cayce)
Further Qualifications for Magnetic Healing
The person doing the magnetic healing need not necessarily be a relative or friend of the one receiving the treatment. An osteopath could also do it, yet several readings specified it was not to be done by one’s osteopath. Certain qualifications spread over a number of readings include: it could be “one of those who has been aided or helped by the activities of this body (young would be better, to be sure, but sufficiently old to know the intent and purpose of such)…” (Cayce), “one…closely affiliated with the entity…” (Cayce), or one “in whom the body has confidence…” (Cayce) Other designations mention the quality of energy: “an individual who carries healing in his body and mind” (Cayce), “one who is supercharged with this [magnetic] force…” (Cayce), or “Whoever has the greatest magnetic forces in body!” (Cayce) A certain high level of energy is needed, “For [the magnetic treatment] takes vitality from a body.” (Cayce)
Preparation for this healing work includes a knowledge and understanding of one’s self, the ability to use and apply intuition, and a certain propensity for self-healing (“when the body itself has been purified by the healing within its own self and the vibrations raised to that where [it] may accord or attune itself immediately with the vibrations of other individuals seeking aid,” states [one] reading). As noted earlier, several readings allude to a transference of energy from the healer to the healee; hence, the necessity of high energy and vitality in the one doing the application. Just prior to placing the hands on another, the healer in a few instances was advised to rub his/her hands together, since this would “force the body to that state wherein heat and vibration may be radiated to another body.” (Cayce) The heat and friction would also “produce that form of vibration as is necessary to reach the centers…” (Cayce) The hands were to be kept clean as well.
One twenty-eight-year-old woman was given this advice plus the results when followed: “Cleanse thine mind whenever there is to be a treatment given, of all urges of any nature as against any individual, group, or peoples, and be passive for those supplications, those prayers…for in being such a channel there comes to such individuals those of blessings that few may ever know.” (Cayce) Maintaining a state of balance and harmony is a necessary prerequisite for doing healing work.
Hand Placements During Treatments
Because our bodies carry an electrical vibration, our hands seem conveniently built to convey this energy to others. Placed upon another individual, they help relieve pain and stress—whether physical, mental, or emotional—bring a “quietness and strength to the body” (Cayce), restore the cells, and help prevent physical disintegration.
In many cases in the readings the right hand (positive pole) is placed on the back or spine, while the left hand (negative pole) is placed on the front of the body. Yet exceptions abound; in one case both hands are on the front of the body. Meredith Anne Puryear, who wrote a concluding commentary in the Circulating File on “Magnetic Healing,” felt that in her experience “85-90% of all hand therapy treatments should be done by this thumb rule”; that is, right hand on back, left hand on front. The hands may also be rotated or moved to different locations during the treatment, following the energy and one’s intuition, as stated in this reading: “…do not become mechanical or rote in action. Rather be the growth as the spirit moves self, as the understanding comes…” (Cayce)
The length of time for the sessions ranged from a few minutes to forty-five minutes, even up to an hour, and may be repeated several times daily. The period could also be used as a time for prayer, meditation, and reading. The prayers might include affirmations, positive suggestions spoken aloud often by both parties and expressing a particular truth, such as: “Lord! Let Thy will be done in me today.” (Cayce) In one reading Cayce humorously added that the person doing the treatment should not be “one that would talk the person to death while giving it to him!” (Cayce)
Indications for Magnetic Healing
Some conditions for which magnetic healing was indicated include adhesions, allergies, aphonia, cancer, epilepsy, migraine headaches, laryngitis, pain, Parkinson’s disease, poor circulation or elimination, shingles, and stroke. Children with various heath concerns also were given these treatments. As with the Cayce regimen, these sessions were part of an overall holistic treatment plan, often comprising spinal manipulations, massages, the Radio-Active Appliance [Radiac®], and fume baths. Since a low electrical force is present in everyone, magnetic hand therapy can be done by anyone who has the proper desire, intention, and energy.
February/March 2008 © True Health Newsletter
IMPORTANT: “Do NOT combine Appliance treatment with magnetic osteopathic manipulation. … There may be the massage, or the general massage over the body, and the use of the low electrical vibration in the Radio-Active Appliance or the magnetic; but do not combine these.” (Cayce)
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Elaine Hruska is a therapist at the A.R.E. Houston Spa and former teacher at the Cayce/Reilly* School of Massotherapy. This article is reprinted with permission by Venture Inward Newsletter, Virginia Beach, VA.
www.baar.com Baar Products is the Official Edgar Cayce Company
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