There are two types of Charred Oak Kegs – one heavyweight with heavy gauge metal hoops and another lightweight. Both kegs are equally as effective at supporting healthy lung and respiratory function but are prepared differently.
#320 Heavyweight Charred Oak Keg – Preparation
Place the Heavyweight Keg on its side in your kitchen sink with the wooden plug facing up. Remove the wood plug from the side of the keg and completely fill the inside of the #320 Heavyweight Charred Oak Keg with distilled water then place keg in larger tub of tap water and submerge. Allow to soak for 2-5 days. This will seal the seams of the keg by expanding the oak.
#407 Lightweight Charred Oak Keg – Preparation
Place the Lightweight Keg on its side in your kitchen sink with the wooden plug facing up. Remove the wood plug from the side of the keg and completely fill the inside of the #407 Lightweight Charred Oak Keg with distilled water. Allow to soak for 2-5 days. This will seal the seams of the keg by expanding the oak. Do NOT submerge the outside of the Lightweight Keg in water.
After 2-5 days place a screen over the hole and then pour out the water through the screen to keep any loose charred oak pieces in the keg.
Pour in two quarts of Lairds 86-100 proof Apple Brandy and you are ready to go. To create a greater volume of fumes, place a heating pad around the keg for several minutes just prior to using. Then remove the heating pad until next use.
Keep the hole well plugged when not using to prevent vapors from escaping.
Inhale the vapor in the upper part of the keg through each nostril for three or four breaths. Use the tube supplied with the keg to do this. This can be repeated 3 or 4 times per day. You are inhaling the fumes NOT the liquid.
When the Brandy has evaporated to half or two-thirds of the quantity (approx. 4-6 months), empty the remaining Brandy through a screen and follow instructions for re-soaking. Do NOT allow the Keg to dry out as it may not re-seal when you try to re-soak it.
Edgar Cayce Quotes
“First we would give that the body begin inhaling the fumes from pure apple brandy in a charred oak keg. Put half a gallon of pure apple brandy gallon or a gallon and a half of charred keg. Prepare the keg so that two vents may go into one head of the keg after it has been corked. To one vent attach a little hose or a connection so that the fumes from the vacuum may be inhaled deeply into the lungs. The other vent is to allow air to enter, so that there is not the attempt to inhale against a vacuum. At least two or three times a day inhale these fumes into the lungs, blowing out through the nostrils when it is practical. Keep the keg in a warm place so that evaporation may occur easily.”
Do this and it will change those activities in the lungs that once in a while do break through.Use these fumes regularly.”(3154-1)
“The activity on this is not only for the destruction of live tubercle tissue, but it acts as an antiseptic for all irritated areas; also giving activity to cellular force of the corpuscle itself. It acts as a stimuli to the circulation, then, recharging each cell as it passes through areas so affected by the radiation of the gases from this fluid itself.” (3176-1)
“For the properties inhaled will work with the activity of the respiratory system, as well as the properties contained therein will act upon the influences of the liver and kidneys in their ability to be purified – in the assimilating of these forces that arise from the infusion of these influences indicated.” (1557-1)
“This will act not only as an antiseptic, but will so change the lung tissue as to bring about healing of the tissues, and will also increase the abilities of assimilation, and we will have improvements.” (5053-1)
“These [inhalations] will irritate at first, but use through the nostril for the stopping of cough, as well as inhaling into the lungs.” (3594-1)
“Do not attempt to inhale too much in the beginning, or it will be inclined to produce too much intoxication for the body.” (2448-1)
“Keep the keg. This is as life itself. ” (1548-4)
Purchase Lightweight Charred Oak Keg
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It has been about 6 months since I used the keg. I followed the directions to soak the inside and the water is coming out the sides?! What do I do now? Thank you
Hi Nadine,
The kegs really shouldn’t be allowed to dry out over an extended period of time, as excessive drying may render them unusable. I’d recommend letting it soak for a good long time- over a few days, at least. Hopefully that’ll be enough to get a good seal again.
I started using the keg in April, 2023. I added 2 1/2 bottles of Apple Brandy which filled half of the keg to start. It evaporated a lot so I added another 1 1/2 bottles in August. It’s December and there’s not much left. I use the plug at all times and there’s not much dripping (one teaspoonful over 6 months). 1) Is it normal that Apple Brandy evaporates so soon? 2) I want to start a new batch. After discarding the remaining Apple Brandy, should I rinse the keg with warm distilled water or should I leave the distilled water in the keg?