Obesity rates have reached epidemic proportions in the U.S., with 58 million Americans overweight, 40 million obese, and 3 million morbidly obese. Childhood obesity as well is running rampant: in 1994 16 percent of U.S. children were overweight compared to 4 percent in 1982; in 2001 25 percent of white children and 33 percent of African American and Hispanic children were overweight. What can be done to help reduce these statistics?
To control weight increase, over one hundred readings suggest “the grape juice way, rather than any particular dieting; [and] just requiring that the body refrain from too much sweets and starches.” (Cayce) What exactly does this simple recommendation entail?
Grape Juice Intake
Instead of following a strict diet, leaving out specific foods, the Edgar Cayce readings emphasize a more balanced approach with reductions and some elimination of food groups as part of one’s dietary regimen. Additionally to reduce weight gain and help control appetite one can drink diluted grape juice, taken three or four times a day, thirty minutes before each meal (and again at bedtime). How much juice in proportion to water varies only slightly from one reading to another—usually two or three ounces of grape juice to one ounce of plain (not carbonated) water; or three-fourths of a glass of juice to one-fourth of a glass of water; two-thirds grape juice to one-third water; or one-and-a-half ounces of juice to half an ounce of water.
Exceptions include the following: For one individual the amount of water was greater than the amount of juice: one ounce of juice to one-and-a-half ounces of water (Cayce). A few readings suggested an equal amount, such as “four ounces of an equal combination of grape juice and water.” (Cayce) Only one reading mentioned mixing the juice with carbonated water (Cayce).
Some individuals were advised to drink the mixture slowly, sipping it. “Take about five to ten minutes to drink the juice each time, see?” (Cayce)
Just what type of grape juice do the readings recommend? The answer is contained in the following exchange:
“(Q) Is it important to reduce weight?
How much and by what means?
“(A) It is more important that an equal balance be kept. As we find, the weight may be reduced some without disturbance; and as we find, the better manner would be through the refraining from breads or greases of any kind, of course, and by the taking of Grape Juice—preferably the juice from fresh grapes, this prepared at the time to be taken, three times each day…half an hour before each meal. If the juice from fresh grapes is found to be impractical, then take the fresh Welch’s Grape Juice.” (Cayce)
Another individual was advised:
“Even though the meal may consist only of a glass of orange juice and a piece of toast, or the like, take the grape juice thirty minutes beforehand—and at bedtime. Welch’s Grape Juice is preferable, unless the fresh grapes are used—unsweetened.” (Cayce)
Over forty readings mention Welch’s Grape Juice by name, ten of which refer to it as “preferable” to other brands or if freshly crushed grapes are unavailable. A notation made at the end of reading 457- 7 summarizes Cayce’s idea of “Welch’s Grape Juice as the purest of the more well-known varieties on the market.” Since preparing freshly squeezed grape juice may not be practical, the Welch’s brand was offered as an option: “Unless the juice from fresh grapes is used, the Welch’s Grape Juice is preferable.” (Cayce) Why? Several comments from the readings follow:
“The Welch’s…has more of the elements in same that aid in the reduction of the carbohydrates in the system—and thus tends to supply the food values in a way that is in keeping with that which has been indicated as the purpose for taking same.” (Cayce)
The grape juice is also “unfermented” (Cayce) and “will make for better assimilation, better elimination, and better conditions throughout the system.” (Cayce)
Perhaps another nod of approval is indicated by this exchange:
“(Q) Is the Welch grape juice prepared without benzoate of soda?
“(A) Prepared without benzoate of soda. Pure grape juice.” (Cayce)
A Brief History of Welch’s
According to the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, a dentist, Charles E. Welch, gave up his practice to devote full-time to the promotion of grape juice, founding the Welch’s Grape Juice Company at Westfield, Chautauqua County, in New York. The Web site for Welch’s notes that they have been in the grape business since 1869. The juice is “made from freshly ripened purple Concord grapes from Welch’s own vineyards and contains no artificial additives, preservatives, or sweeteners. It is also fat free, cholesterol free, and naturally rich in antioxidants.” (Antioxidants help support the heart and the body’s immune system.) Each glassful contains two servings of fruit with 100 percent Vitamin C.
Benefits of Grape Juice
A thirty-four-year-old woman asked Cayce why she had been advised to take grape juice for her weight problem. He responded: “To supply the sugars without gaining or making for greater weight.”
She followed up with another question:
“Does it really have a direct effect on the reduction of weight?” His answer: “If it hadn’t, would it be given?” (Cayce)
The number-one cause of being overweight is eating excess starch, and the sugars that come from these starches are addictive, even at the cellular level. Substituting a sugar that does not come with the addiction will help offset this imbalance. One reading describes it this way:
“…if the grape juice is taken it supplies a sugar, the kind of sugar though that works with the system—that which is necessary, see? and then that prevents the system’s desire for starches and sweets in excess. Not that these are not to be taken at all, for they supply, of course, the necessary heat units for the body in a great measure; but as these would be supplied through the taking of the grape juice, or the eating of the grapes (if they are taken as the regular diet, and not just occasionally), there would only be the partaking of others as the appetite calls for same. When the appetite is controlled, it will govern the necessary forces in these directions.” (Cayce)
In addition to keeping away from meats and reducing his consumption of pastries, a sixty-two-year-old man was told to drink the diluted grape juice because “it will reduce the excess sugar. Though this is sugar in the grape juice, it is a different character and will produce a better reaction through the alimentary canal.” (Cayce)
Other readings simply state, “While this [grape juice diet] will reduce the activities through the appetite, it will supply sufficient sugars without adding avoirdupois” (Cayce) and “would materially reduce the desire for foods that tend to produce flesh.” (Cayce) When the cravings are under better control, one can eat a more healthful diet. Reducing “the desire for foods” (Cayce) is mentioned several times in various readings as a benefit of taking the grape juice.
Other healthful effects were noted in individual readings. “[The grape juice] will be found to prove beneficial to eliminations, and prevent the use of or desire for starches or sweets; and will give the inclination for the body to keep a normal balance in weight.” (Cayce) “The taking of the grape juice will tend to cut down upon the sugar supplying, and thus maintain a better body ratio throughout the system.” (Cayce) It will “give strength to the vitality of the resistance forces in the body” (Cayce) and “will tend to keep from so much rich foods.” (Cayce)
Duration and Additional Suggestions
Once you begin drinking the grape juice on a daily basis, how long before you see results? Much like other dietary regimens, one needs to be consistent as well as persistent. One woman asked,“What length periods should the grape juice be taken?” The reply: “At least for a month or six weeks. Then leave it off a while, then again after two to three weeks, take another six weeks period.” (Cayce) To another woman Cayce advised, “Take this regularly for about four weeks at a time. Then leave off for two weeks and repeat.” (Cayce) Gladys Davis’s note suggested to one individual to follow the diet “regularly for several weeks at the time, then leave off a week or two, and repeat.” (Cayce) The readings seem to favor applications done in cycles.
Grape juice in and of itself, of course, cannot stand alone in reducing weight. Scattered throughout individuals’ readings are suggestions to receive osteopathic manipulations, colonics, and steam baths [to “keep down the weight as well as remove poisons” (Cayce)]. Exercise and nutritional advice are also important adjuncts to dieting. One eighteen-year-old woman’s reading stated, “Eat anything you like, save potatoes and white bread.” (Cayce) Others were advised: “Don’t take pastries or pies, cake or such things, and very little or no sweets.” (Cayce)“Keep away from too much starches. While the taking of the grape juice will, to be sure, tend to make the desire less for sweets, do beware of sweets—or any that add an extra quantity of sugars to the body…” (Cayce)
A fifty-six-year-old male was told:
“…if the Grape Juice is taken, we will find the diet will adjust itself.” (Cayce) Another was told: “Take Grape Juice… Then in the matter of the diet, it will almost care for itself; and take those things the appetite calls for, save sweets, chocolate or the like; not great quantities of sugars, nor of pastries; but all other foods, vegetables or meats, provided they are not fats, may be taken according to the appetite; but we will find the appetite will change a great deal.” (Cayce)
Curbing the appetite, as mentioned earlier, plays a major role in balancing one’s body weight. That this simple grape juice diet, taken on a regular basis, can help contribute to this process may be an incentive for those struggling with this imbalance to add it to their regular diet as a food, Cayce would say. The results and benefits may be worth the effort.
© True Health Newsletter
This is the Grape Juice Diet as mentioned in Bottom Line’s “Secret Food Cures”.
Elaine Hruska is a therapist at the A.R.E. Houston Spa and former teacher at the Cayce/Reilly* School of Massotherapy. This article is reprinted with permission by Venture Inward Newsletter, Virginia Beach, VA.
www.baar.com Baar Products is the Official Edgar Cayce Company
cassius peak says
thank you for the information- this seens like a really good idea- will give it a try-God bless you.
Adie says
Has anyone tried this? I struggle with weight and always thinking I feel hungry. Just curious if anyone has true it and gotten good results.
Margarita Santana says
Thanks for sharing but it will be ideal if you can share a common diet for diabetics following with the grape juice diet.