Article taken from Venture Inward, Spring 2020
A gentleman wrote to me recently with the following report: “I have been using the Radiac regularly and find that it has helped me maintain a level of energy, excitement, and concentration that is very satisfying to me and apparently amazes my much younger associates. I am eighty years old and still working full time.” I liked what he shared because I’m getting older too (though I prefer the term “gaining wisdom”), and I still enjoy working. As founder of Baar Products, which is the exclusive distributor of Edgar Cayce products, a special part of the work I do is making the Radiac.
If you haven’t heard of it, the Radiac was referred to in the Cayce readings more than eight hundred times as the “radio-active appliance.” It is one of three items the readings stated was “good for everyone”—not to be mistaken with “good for everything.” (The other two items were ragweed tincture and Cayce’s ingredients for what has become New Seasons™ Herbal Tonic 545.) Over the years, I’ve heard from thousands of Radiac users whose reports align with Cayce’s promise: everyone who uses it properly feels some form of benefit, just like my eighty-year-old friend.

Once a Radiac has been purchased, it’s good for life—though it’s to be used only on the same person. There are no batteries to buy, and no electricity is needed. Detailed instructions come with the appliance. In brief, using the Radiac correctly requires that it be placed in the proper container, surrounded with ice cubes, and filled with water reaching the indicated red line. Then wait thirty minutes before you connect one wire to your wrist and the other wire to the opposite ankle. Once connected, you simply lie down and relax, or even sleep, and let the Radiac begin its balancing work on your body. You want to avoid anything that would distract your restful attention, like watching TV, and instead, make this a quiet and sacred time. You may find yourself feeling sleepy. If this happens, just allow yourself to fall asleep. If your body relaxes but you remain mentally alert, then this is a good time to meditate, pray, visualize, or say a few affirmations.
The first scientific double-blind study of the Radiac was done by the Fetzer Energy Medicine Research Institute in HEALTH NOTES FROM HEADQUARTERS by Bruce Baar, MS, ND1987, and it showed statistically significant results. The appliance demonstrated a measurable effect on the human neuroendocrine system, which was indicated by the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine, as most of us know, is related to stress reduction, relaxation, good circulation, and the control of fine motor function. This may be one of the reasons people write to us with reports like, “I enjoy an intense relaxation of my muscles within minutes after hooking up to the Radiac,” and, “I attribute the increase in intuition and calmness, understanding and patience, to the Radiac.”
In my own research, I have discovered quite a few factors that optimize the Radiac experience—from the proper size of the container, to the type of attachments, proper sanding of the discs, and properly connecting the unit to the body. All of these are addressed in my book Experience the Radiac, which includes pages of accounts from other users.
I have used the Radiac on and off for more than thirty years and have learned many things about its workings. What I think about and how I process my thoughts when I am connected to the appliance are very important and have demonstrated to me the truth of Cayce’s teachings that “thoughts are things” and “mind is the builder.” Through the Radiac, I have also come to know that we as individuals have far more potential than we are taught. We have our physical life and existence, yes, but when the spiritual component of our life unfolds and grows, an exciting life adventure begins, and life is so much more rewarding. Love takes on a whole new dimension. And when you have a tool like the Radiac to enhance your spiritual adventure, that is a welcome boon. The readings tell us as much about the Radiac’s value, all of which amounts to its facilitating the union of “the body, the mind, the soul with the Trinity—God, the Father, the Son, the Spirit. Thus may it bring to thee those experiences that are thine alone.” (1173-8)
Bruce Baar, MS, ND, is the founder and CEO of Baar Products, Inc., a natural health company and the worldwide exclusive supplier of Edgar Cayce products. He is the author of several books and manuals and a Life Member of A.R.E. You can learn more at Baar.com.

Dr. Bruce Baar is founder and CEO of Baar Products, Inc. He has a Doctorate in Naturopathy, a Masters in Health, and worked for 18 years in the medical diagnostic industry. He started Baar Products as a health care and personal care company and Nature’s Blessing™ as a high-quality supplement line. The new facility in Pennsylvania is run on solar power—clean, sustainable energy, and environmentally friendly Solar Crafted™. Dr. Baar has lectured around the world on a variety of health topics that inform, encourage, and empower us to take charge of our health choices and decisions. Baar Products is the Official Worldwide Supplier of Edgar Cayce Health Care items. Visit Baar.com for more information.
Nice testimonials. How does it work tho?
Hello Casandra,
The Radiac is mentioned in over 1,000 readings given by Edgar Cayce. The unit is designed to balance the body’s subtle energies. It works to harmonize the life energy in and around the body, balance and enhance the body’s vibratory forces and support well-being of the mind, body and spirit. It is not a battery. For a deeper understanding, you simply need to experience the Radiac for yourself.