Acid Reflux and Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) are virtually synonymous in nature, their most identifiable symptom being heartburn. There are other symptoms as well, such as a sour taste in the mouth or sour burping, a persistent dry cough, a sore throat in the morning, hoarseness, sleeplessness, and more. GERD is a condition in which the lower esophageal sphincter, which functions to protect the sensitive lining of the esophagus from the highly acidic gastric juices of the stomach, has been weakened for some reason. What then happens is that the gastric juices can splash past the sphincter and damage the delicate mucosa of the esophagus. Over time this can create inflammation, scar tissue, and if serious and prolonged, is known to be a primary cause of esophageal cancer.
Traditional medical treatment involves dietary changes, use of antacids, and two pharmacological approaches: H2 antagonists (like Zantac) and proton pump inhibitors, PPIs (like Prilosec). There is a new and viable medical procedure, the Stretta Procedure, which can help reduce dependency on PPIs.
The Cayce Perspective
Although Cayce did not identify the term GERD, many of the people who came to him for a reading clearly identified GERD-like symptoms, with phrases like “continued regurgitation,” “burning sensation,” “sphincter reactions,” and “gas accumulations in the duodenum.” It is not surprising that the Cayce readings present many interesting and natural remedies for the people suffering with these physiological problems. As always, Cayce’s suggestions to the person seeking help are highly individualized. However, there is a common denominator among many of these readings as well as repetition of several key remedies. Cayce’s suggestions are presented here and may be adapted to individual needs.
The Common Denominator
The overall perspective Cayce presents is that GERD-like disease is not isolated to the upper stomach/sphincter area but is systemic in nature. Cayce states, “Now, these conditions, as we find, may be relieved, will the body but carry out those that will bring to the system that of the necessary reactions for the body as to alleviate those conditions as produce same, reducing those in the system and building up those as are necessary to create balance and proper coordination through the body.” In another reading he is very clear that the situation that arises from GERD-like symptoms strains the whole of the digestive system, focusing in this reading and several others on the impact digestive disorders can have on the kidneys. Clearly, he is encouraging the balancing of the entire system so that the long-term result will be a reduction or elimination of the symptoms.
Specific Remedies for Heartburn, Acid Reflux and GERD
Cayce’s suggestions regarding diet (as presented over 70 years ago) were predictive of what modern medical science recommends. “No red meats. No white bread. Not too great a quantity of starch, though this should be a portion of the diet. Let at least seventy percent of the diet consist of alkaline-reacting foods at all times.” (Cayce) Other readings warned of the negative effects of fried foods and improper food combining, such as cereal and citrus juice at the same meal. One reading suggested that at least one meal a day be entirely raw, a concept that many nutritionists today are advocating.
Colonics, or high enemas, are mentioned several times as a means for bringing normalcy and balance to the entire system. One specific colonic regimen (suggested in a case that appears to be Acid Reflux) was as follows: “three times in the first month, once in the next, twice in the next, and once in the next. This should be sufficient for the cleansing of the condition from the system.” (Cayce)
According to Cayce, Elm or Yellow [American] Saffron tea will act with the gastric juices to relieve the burning sensations. He suggested drinking such teas with a moderate frequency.
Although there doesn’t seem to be a direct reference to almonds as an antidote to heartburn, Cayce does allow that nuts can be a part of the proper diet when suffering from such symptoms. Interestingly, in The Handbook for Health Through Drugless Therapy, Dr. Harold Reilly refers to a study conducted by the Research Department of the Rothschild Municipal Hospital in Haifa (Medical Tribune, March 27, 1969), which was prompted by an observation that heavy smokers in Middle-Eastern countries often chewed almonds to alleviate heartburn and stomach pain. What they reported was that peeled, sweet, dried almonds are effective relief of heartburn and peptic ulcers.
Eno Salts
Eno Salts are mentioned over 300 times in the Cayce readings (and that’s a lot). Eno Salts is a fruit-based antacid. Cayce often recommended that a teaspoon of Eno Salts be taken in the morning, before breakfast, in 6 oz. of water. One recommended, routine was to take Eno Salts for a week, then leave off for about 5 days; then, take a drop of Atomidine in a half glass of water before each meal for a week, leave off for a few days, then repeat the Eno Salts. For heartburn, this would be a good routine to try for 3 to 4 weeks, to see what result it might have on heartburn symptoms.*
Olive Oil
“Take just a sip, not even a half teaspoonful just so there is the activity of same upon not only the glands of the digestive system but the salivary glands and through the esophagus, the cardiac and throughout the stomach, by the reaction of the ABSORPTION of same, without become disturbing to the system.” (Cayce)
Often recommended as an after-meal antidote, Alcaroid is no longer on the market. Having a standard, natural, over-the-counter antacid on hand for any time acid-reflux-related discomfort is experienced may be a good substitute for this product. Or the almond remedy mentioned above may be effective.
How to Apply This
As mentioned, the Cayce health readings are, for the most part, highly individualized. Note that my colleague Elaine Hruska leads off her article on the common cold by saying that few readings were given on the subject of a specific disease. So for those of you who suffer with Acid Reflux or GERD, a “medicine chest” of items has been offered to work with in finding a solution that works well with your body. Acid Reflux/GERD is such a widespread disease—physically, mentally, and emotionally draining. Consider trying some of the suggestions in this article, applying those that sound right to you, and documenting the effects of the changes in your symptoms. Slowly, but surely, you may find a natural formula that provides you with relief and long-lasting health.*
April 2005 © True Health Newsletter
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