from True Health Newsletter
In early autumn while I was working on this issue, much media concern regarding H1N1, also known as “swine flu,” has been broadcast, leaving some True Health readers wondering what suggestions the Cayce readings made on this subject. Over one hundred individuals are listed in the readings’ index as receiving information on the “flu,” its treatment and its aftereffects. The following excerpts narrow the focus to immunization, about which several recipients had questions.
On July 12, 1935, a twenty-three year old woman, planning to travel to the British Isles, asked:
“(Q) Are inoculations against contagious diseases necessary for me before sailing in September? [from N.Y. to England and Scotland]
“(A) As we find, only where the requirements are such as to demand same would this be adhered to at all. So far as the body-physical condition is concerned, the adherence to the use of carrots, lettuce and celery every day at a meal or as a portion of the meal will insure against any contagious infectious forces with which the body may be in contact.” (Cayce)
She followed this with another question:
“(Q) Can immunization against them be set up in any other manner than by inoculation?
“(A) As indicated, if an alkalinity is maintained in the system—especially with lettuce, carrots and celery, these in the blood supply will maintain such a condition as to immunize a person.” (Cayce)
Venture Inward magazine published an article in the Nov./Dec.’08 issue, pp. 20-24, “How I Immunize Against Colds—in Alaska,” by Katie Wood. While specific to colds, it also contains more detailed information about immunization.
Another reading for a twenty-nine year old woman, given on January 16, 1937, mentions the importance of maintaining alkalinity as well as using a nasal and throat spray:
“(Q) Is there any special precaution one can take to keep from getting the‘flu’?
“(A) Spraying the nasal passages and throat occasionally with a thirty percent solution of Atomic Iodine—that is, commercial strength—will most insure not getting same; provided the body is kept alkaline with the diets.” (Cayce)
The next and final excerpt, given on June 21, 1928, for an adult woman (no age given), includes information distinguishing between the cold and flu germ as well as blood composition.
“(Q) Will the ‘flu’ vaccine taken prevent re-attacks?
“(A) With the proper care this will prevent; though the conditions that arise from cold or congestion will ever be apparent without sufficient of that in the system to combat with that germ or bacilli known as cold (and is not ‘flu’ germ!). One may be combated with, certain elements in the blood, while the other would be only to create others that would affect other portions of the body. With proper care, though, the ‘flu’ would be out-lawed, or the body would be immune to the effect of ‘flu’ proper.
“(Q) How can she prevent taking ‘flu’?
“(A) As given. To prevent taking cold is to prevent the body from reaching that point where the blood is acted upon by that bacilli known as cold, or the preventative is to create in the system that which combats cold (which is pure rich blood!), by keeping the system nominally balanced, keeping the metabolism of the body at or near normal.
“(Q) Is the ‘flu’ germ that which is causing her repeated illness?
“(A) More those of cold than ‘flu,’ though the effects are produced by that of the inability of the hemoglobin to produce that in system that will efficiently combat cold, germ, or bacilli, or lack of the white strep in the blood itself.” (Cayce)
Maintaining an alkaline system, particularly by daily eating lettuce, carrots, and celery, is a healthy habit to follow. These blood-building vegetables will help promote the needed alkalinity that, according to the excerpts quoted above, “will insure against any contagious infectious” illness. It’s certainly worth a try putting into practice, since media emphasis has largely been on promoting a vaccine rather than building up the body’s immune system.
A fifty-seven-year-old naval architect and marine engineer received his fourth and final reading from Edgar Cayce on January 6, 1944. In this health reading, the last question he asked was: “What specific kind of shots should I take?” Cayce’s answer describes the effects of cold shots upon the lymphatic system, and it happens to be the only mention of this type of inoculation in the readings. It is offered here as further information in combating the cold and flu. Here is the answer from the reading:
“Just take three cold shots. These are cold germs destroyed, then put in a tube and put into the body. It produces the effect of causing the lymph to create a greater quantity of leukocytes, which acts upon the system to increase circulation — thus keeping down cold. For it is the leukocyte that strangles each germ that enters, either through the nostril or the breath or by contamination. And the leukocyte must strangle same, so we increase it! If the circulation is slow, then there are not as many leukocytes. So we inject this type of serum to increase the quantity! If the body uses the electrical forces [hand-held violet ray machine], it will be good. If it doesn’t, it’ll be bad.” (The June/July 2009 issue of True Health features the violet ray.) Editor’s note: The Reading is saying to use the Violet Ray when he gets the cold shots and “it will be good”. If he does not use the Violet Ray when he is getting the cold shots “it’ll be bad”.
Leukocytes are colorless, small cells that are part of the body’s defense system, sometimes referred to as white corpuscles.
No follow-up references mention whether Mr. … took Cayce’s advice. A note from Gladys Davis, Cayce’s longtime secretary, stated that he had “lived an active life until his death at 72 years of age.” (Cayce)
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