Over a five year period I was treated seven times for Lyme disease. It started with a tick bite in June 1999. I removed the tick and monitored the site for a rash or “bull’s eye,” typical of Lyme infections. There was no skin reaction so I believed that I was not infected. Later, I was to learn that less than 30% of infected people ever develop a rash. About 8 weeks after the bite I had severe headaches and by 9 weeks heart palpitations started. That got my serious attention. The blood test available at that time indicated that I was not infected, but urine test results confirmed that I was “in the mid to later stages of infection”. Almost at the same time, my wife, Marge, was bitten, infected and developed a skin reaction. A program of antibiotics cured her in short order and she has been fine since. Seems that if you get it early that a cure is easy. A standard treatment of antibiotics cured me of all my symptoms.
At that time, no test could tell if you had been cured. I was bitten again and symptoms returned. At that time, no test could determine if you were newly infected or had been infected some time in the past. Currently, a DNA blood test can tell which of about 11 tick borne diseases you have. “Markers” or “Bands” appear in the test results.
The combination of markers is like a finger print and identifies which disease is present. During those five years, the DNA test once showed that I was free of Lyme, but had a tick disease similar to Malaria. Anti-Malarial medication worked fine. Each time I had Lyme symptoms, a stronger and/or different drug or drug combination was used until the symptoms stopped. I have no evidence that I was bitten more than twice, but the disease “flared up” again and again.
Medical opinion became that the spirochetes causing the Lyme would “hide” in deep muscle or possibly bone and emerge later to cause a new infection called a “flare up”. Each treatment took longer until I was symptom free, but I believe, never truly free of the spirochetes.
My last infection was treated with 500mg of Zithromax EVERY day for seven months plus a weekly injection of Penicillin. Zithromax is a very strong antibiotic and normally three days of use will cure most infections for which it is used.
It was during this last infection that my wife, who is a nurse, thought that I had reached a plateau. We agreed that I was not getting better. For the first time, I searched the web for information concerning Lyme. No one had found a cure or even gave any hope of help for long term infections.
The next step came because of my long term use and understanding of the Radiac®. I have used a Radiac® unit for many years either by itself or with a solution in a jar. I thought that if silver injections could kill Syphilis spirochetes, then maybe the vibrations of these solutions could do the same for Lyme spirochetes. The spirochetes might try to hide, but they could not escape the solution vibrations that would flow through every part of my body.
In mid March, 2004, I got Vibradex™ 185 Lyme’s Solution from Baar Products, Inc. (610-873-4591 or their web page is www.baar.com) and started the four day (30 minutes per day) cycle around my body. After two days into the cycle, I started to feel worse. That was actually good news. I knew from experience that what my doctor had said was true. When spirochetes die they produce toxins that can make you feel very poorly. I completed the 4 day cycle. For 2 more days after the cycle I felt badly. Then I slowly started to feel better.
About two weeks after this cycle, I decided to repeat it. This time I did not get a toxins reaction so I believed that all the spirochetes might be dead. To be certain, I repeated the 4 day cycle with a fresh solution in early April. Again, no toxins response. By the end of April my doctor agreed that I could stop taking the Zithromax and Penicillin. I started to feel even better. It has been 9 months since that first cycle and I have no Lyme symptoms. My energy level and endurance have returned to normal. Should I become bitten and infected again my first response will be to use the Radiac® with the new solution.
Here, in Chester County, Pa, there were 903 confirmed cases of Lyme disease in 2003. It is not a trivial disease for long term patients. There are about 50 different symptoms. My doctor also had the disease, so he was very aware of the problems I was facing which were severe headaches, heart palpitations, extreme fatigue, poor sleep patterns, no dreams, falling asleep during the daytime, short term memory loss (that was scary!), and continual depression without a desire to do anything. I am SO thankful to report that all these symptoms are gone!!! Hopefully, other long term Lyme patients will receive help from the Radiac®, as I did.
In August and again in September 2004, medical science proved twice, by a series of blood tests, that I am FREE of Lyme Disease.
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My husband and I also used the Radiac and we are now Lyme free. If you have access to Facebook, you can read our story here: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=5278551728892793&set=a.5278602915554341
Wonderful. It helped me too.
The Radiac worked for both my husband and me too! It cured our Chronic Lyme disease!
Does anyone have the ability to explain to me why the Radiac can be used by only one person? I have a large family and need several in that case which will cause it to be quite expensive.
Thansk for any knowledge or advice shared.
The Cayce Readings are VERY specific that a Radiac unit cannot be shared with anyone else.
When working with a Radiac unit, you are working with subtle energies of the body. Everyone’s energy is unique and personal. There are items in the reading where others can share the unit, like the Violet Ray.
Hope this helps.
Call the company and ask: Baar.com