Colds and flus are common in the winter season, but in these extraordinary times, the topic of viral contagion is taking the spotlight more than ever before. Previous generations relied on simple home remedies to prevent and treat seasonal respiratory illness, but today we spend billions of dollars on over-the-counter pharmaceuticals for colds, coughs, and fever. We are being urged to take flu shots, and our governments have committed an astronomically large number of our tax dollars to the development of a COVID-19 vaccine.
Vaccines sometimes have side effects that can be worse than the diseases. We know from the Cayce readings that pharmaceutical products are not the only answer and that we can protect the body from infectious agents by keeping it in an alkaline state through proper diet and lifestyle. Since we covered this topic in depth in the summer issue of Venture Inward, suffice it to say here that a diet high in vegetables and fruits (ideally 80 percent of total food intake) helps to keep the body in an alkaline condition and the immune system strong. Lettuce, carrots, and celery, taken regularly, are foods highlighted in the readings to help protect against infections.
Drinking plenty of pure water and avoiding refined sugars and starches also helps to keep the immune system functioning optimally. In addition, the following foods, nutrients, and herbs can help prevent and cure colds and flu.
Citrus Fruits
Highly alkalizing and rich in vitamin C and bioflavonoids, citrus fruits and their juices (ideally freshly squeezed) promote detoxification and boost immunity. Take citrus fruits daily in the morning for prevention and several times a day when you feel you’re coming down with something. Cayce says: “With the cold and congestion in the present, almost an entire liquid diet would be the better—and the greater portion of it orange juice and lemon juice combined, three parts of the orange juice to one part of the lemon.” Avoid combining citrus fruit and grains, although a slice of whole-wheat toast taken with citrus is acceptable. Fresh lemon juice and unpasteurized honey added to hot water or herbal tea are great for soothing a sore throat.
Anise, Onions, Garlic, and Ginger
These are time-honored natural remedies for relieving congestion and spasm and for expelling toxins. Use alone or in combination in salads, soups, broths, and casseroles. Anise and ginger can also be enjoyed as a tea or in herbal preparations.
Chicken Soup
Broth made by boiling chicken bones (ideally organic) relieves congestion and promotes the elimination of toxins. In a separate pot, boil onions, garlic, carrots, celery, and parsley; then combine with the chicken broth. Season with unrefined sea salt or herbal salt.
Vitamin D
Research has demonstrated that vitamin D can modulate immune response. A deficiency in vitamin D is associated with increased autoimmune diseases and an increased susceptibility to infection. A recent study at the University Hospital Marques de Valdecilla in Santander, Spain, showed that more than 80 percent of hospitalized COVID-19 patients were vitamin D deficient. Sunshine is the best source of vitamin D, but during the winter months, it makes sense to supplement.
This popular herb is one of the most effective remedies for colds and flu. At the onset of symptoms, take thirty drops in a small amount of water every half hour or so until symptoms subside, then reduce the dosage.
Cayce Respiratory Formulation
For coughs and bronchial problems, the readings recommend an herbal syrup mix of wild cherry bark, horehound, rhubarb, and wild ginger. Relaxing and soothing to the respiratory system, it’s the most effective natural cough syrup I know of. This formulation is available from Baar Products (Baar.com) under the label Respicol™.
Oils of eucalyptus and pine needle in hot baths, steam inhalations, or an aromatic diffuser help relieve nasal and bronchial congestion associated with colds. Remember that adequate rest, sleep, and exercise in fresh air and sunshine are essential for optimal immune function. Regular castor oil packs applied over the abdominal area also support the immune system. Add some optimism, enthusiasm, and gratitude, and you’re on your way to a healthy winter!

Simone Gabbay, is a holistic nutritionist, based in Toronto, Canada. Her books are rooted in the Edgar Cayce health material and include Nourishing the Body Temple, Visionary Medicine, and Edgar Cayce’s Diet Plan for Optimal Health and Weight Loss. You can learn more at SimoneGabbay.com.
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