Twelve-year-old Kathy’s parents took her to dermatologists at Wayne County General Hospital in Michigan when her psoriasis had failed to improve after three months of ultraviolet ray treatments, bath oils, and a special sun lamp for her scalp. Under a new regimen consisting of sun lamp, ointments and Baker’s P. & S. oil, she improved slightly for a while and then, during this four-month period, the lesions multiplied and worsened. Kathy’s parents, using Fred Lansford’s medical commentary in the psoriasis circulating file, then put her on the diet that Cayce prescribed. Peanut oil was applied locally on the worst of the lesions and on the scalp, and camomile, saffron, mullein and elm teas were used. In two weeks she began to improve. After a year’s therapy, Kathy’s problem has cleared up, with the exception of two very small spots on her scalp, which also seem to be disappearing.
[† May, 1972, Volume 7, No. 3, page 184, Copyright © 1972 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]
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