A.R.E. members call us often with a variety of problems. One such woman, a 57-year-old diabetic, was losing her sight due to retinal hemorrhages that were resistant to therapy. Her vision had become so bad that she had to quit work. She confided to me (as she probably had not to her doctor) that she had not followed her diet, and felt quite discouraged. I emphasized that a constructive diet needs to be followed persistently and consistently, and told her how to use a potato poultice. She was to take a raw potato (like one uses for baking) and after washing, scrape – not peel – the potato onto a piece of cloth until there is a little mound of mushy material large enough to separate into two parts. Lifting the cloth with both hands, the mounds of potato peel were to be placed on the closed lids of both eyes. This is left in place for fifteen to thirty minutes, and then the dried material is washed off with boric acid water. She was to do this once a day, while paying strict attention to her diet.
Three months later she wrote me that she had followed the suggestions exactly, and had been on the prayer list at Virginia Beach for the three months. She had just returned to work, and was very happy. One eye was much improved, and she said (with a twinkle in her eye?) that the other eye “needs a little more potatoes.”
[† March, 1975, Volume 10, No. 2, page 84, Copyright © 1975 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]
Are the mounds of potato peel applied directly to closed eyelids, or are they left in gauze or cloth and then appIied to the eyelids?
From reading the description, I would use it both ways as an experiment. The dried material could be the juices or it could be the actual mushy material. Either way it is not peel but scrapings that will be juicy. Don’t wait for the perfect directions, do it both ways to see how it feels to you.
What boric acid is used, I see ones for different things. Can peroxide be used instead?
A small amount of pure boric acid powder can be mixed with water to form a solution. Otherwise, you can buy a sterile eyewash with boric acid and use it as an irrigation solution for your eyes. Ask pharmacist should be able to help you find such a product.
As for peroxide, you should only use things that are intended for the eye. Check with your doctor if you’re not sure.