Sometimes at the Clinic we find it very important to treat a person where he is, improvising from our own experience and knowledge of physiology what should be used as therapy. Cayce, for instance, seldom suggested potato poultices for cataracts. He did recommend them for blepharitis, however, and they are usually highly effective in treating this eye condition, commonly called a “stye.”
The potato, when used as described in the following extract, produces an enzyme, which in turn facilitates the lymphatic flow through the eye and its supporting structures; this action provides better elimination-the primary factor needed to remove any buildup of material from the interior of the eye. Cayce explained the application as follows:
Each three hours (during the waking day, see?) there should be a dressing placed on the eye (with it closed, see?) of scraped Irish potato (old – not new ones, see?). This scraped very fine and placed over same, making a cake or covering of same of about one-half inch thick. (20-1)
Our 80-year-old patient, seeking to improve her physical body without undergoing the difficulties of surgery, wanted something to use that she could apply herself, since she lived alone. She was told to use these potato poultices on her eyes twice a week. She was also doing the head and neck exercises, which are very beneficial for all conditions affecting the senses. For her sinuses, which had caused her some trouble, she was given Glyco-Thymoline pads.
She followed the directions to the letter and was very persistent, consistent, and patient in her approach. Eye examinations about a year and three months later revealed that the cataracts were still there, but they obviously had not progressed. However, her vision had improved. A letter of the same date tells her story better, because it is the experience of one person who did something helpful for her body; it expresses the joy and hope and realization of the nature of life that can come from seeing a response that is truly meaningful:
“I have an appointment with you in about two weeks, but I couldn’t wait to tell you the good news – I’m back to wearing my glasses again – they seem to be almost perfect! Now, I can read with both eyes, instead of one. I had abandoned the glasses a year and a half ago, as I had so much trouble focusing with them. After taking your treatments with the grated raw potato, and the Glyco-Thymoline compresses, my sight seemed to improve enough so that I could carry on. I realized my eyes were getting better and better, but did not think to try my glasses until last Sunday. Of course, this gives me much more confidence in driving, which I had been somewhat reluctant about, especially on the crowded highways. I am praising God and blessing you …”
[† May, 1977, Volume 12, No. 3, page 133, Copyright © 1977 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]
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