Application of enzymes is what one might call the use of a potato poultice placed over the eyes. We have had considerable experience in using these poultices with patients who have a variety of eye problems. And, if you have ever made up such a poultice, you are probably aware that the potato, when properly scraped (and not peeled), is loaded with enzymes that are released from the cells of the tuber.
The following is an extract of a letter from one of our correspondents, who writes: “You may be interested to know that I have been using the potato poultice on my eyes, off and on, for several years, and my ophthalmologist (to whom I go every two years for a reading-glasses check) looked at me quizzically the last two times and said that my left eye was ‘getting younger.’ This last time he said that the right eye was only a very little bit worse, so I remembered that you instructed someone in the A.R.E. some time back not to peel the potato, so now I use the outside scrapings with the peeling on my right eye (as though perhaps you were thinking of some aid from the potassium).
“I can tell the difference in my eyes (not overnight, of course – no one should expect this) in reading price tags and also in watching TV, as it used to seem as if some ‘hindrance’ was in the middle of my right eye. It is there no more. I’m 64, and my eyes seem much better than my friends’.”
A poultice such as this is made by taking an ordinary raw baking potato, washing it, then scraping it with a kitchen knife – not peeling, but scraping it – until you have a small pile of mushy material. Divide it into two small mounds, separated so that the cloth it has been prepared on can then be taken up by both hands and the potato applied directly onto the closed eyelids. Lean the head backward, recline in a chair and relax for 15-20 minutes. The poultice provides a very soothing application for the eyes. The enzymes released by the scraping can enhance the lymphatic and circulatory activity in and around the eye, all of which spells increased eye function. Thanks for the story, Mrs. Weir.
[† January, 1981, Volume 16, No. 1, page 47, Copyright © 1981 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]
Graves Eye disease or Thyroid Eye….Is there a non-surgical solution?
We appreciate the question. Unfortunately, we do not know of any non-surgical solution to those conditions. If there’s any health care professionals reading this, we invite you to make a suggestion.
Homeopathic methods may help. Learn more at
Edgar Cayce did use homeopathic (vs naturopathic which is NOT synonymous!) methods as well.