A forty-six-year-old female, first seen in the Clinic in November, 1970, complained of pain in her right upper quadrant which had been present for approximately sixteen years. It had started after she had been through a bad spell with peritonitis. Her findings: tenderness at McBurney’s point with no rigidity; thickened left labia minora; uterus enlarged, with a myoma the size of a hen’s egg on right fundus; chronic phlebitis in left leg. She was placed on a rehabilitative program of (1) castor oil packs over lower abdomen three times a week (three days in succession), (2) head and neck exercises daily, and (3) light massage with a Cayce oil combination to the left leg each night before retiring. Results: three months later, pelvic examination revealed no further evidence of a fibroid; the uterus was normal size and non-tender; the abdomen was no longer giving the patient any trouble and was non-tender; the abdomen was no longer giving the patient any trouble and was non-tender; the labia had not changed, and the left leg has improved somewhat with the use of the massage. The woman had been extremely persistent in keeping up with the treatments as directed.
[† January, 1973, Volume 8, No. 1, page 46, Copyright © 1973 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]
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