From the A.R.E. Dallas Council Newsletter comes the following story. Bob Linscott had apparently been having severe arthritic symptoms for years and, at the same time, was severely allergic to bee, wasp and yellow jacket venom – to the point that he became a hospital emergency patient each time he was stung. The residual would last for days. At least this was his history. Here is his story:
“I am 62 years of age, weigh 220, stand 6 feet tall. All my life I’ve worked hard. The last seven or eight years have been pretty bad. I’ve been unable to put on my socks or tie my shoes. I could not move my arm to scratch my back. In other words, no matter what, I could not move without pain, because my body was so stiff. I had cramps at night. My wife Wanda was trained by Emmaline Barker to give massages. After the third massage I caught myself turning my neck to look back – something I had not done in five years. Today I am free from pain and do everything – including climbing a 40-foot ladder all day.
“On July 11th I was stung by three yellow jackets. I told the men working with me that rather than rushing me to the hospital as they normally would, to rush me the castor oil from my truck (I carry it with me). They did and I rubbed it on the bites, then sat down to meditate. As I did, I felt the pain, itch and poison start flowing from the upper part of my leg and down and out my toes! Today is July 12th, and I worked all day. I feel great-just fine. Thank God, the A.R.E. and Emmaline!”
[† November, 1979, Volume 14, No. 6, page 262, Copyright © 1979 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]
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