A story of healing comes from a very active A.R.E. member in middle America. In the prayer and healing group to which he belongs, they have recently used the laying on of hands when asked to do so and have had some definite reports of success. One woman had been told after an examination by her doctor that she had a probable cancer of the breast and that a biopsy should be done to rule out this major problem. My correspondent was asked to be the one to “channel” the healing energy from the group to the subject. “I felt the creative energies passing through (had placed my right hand on her forehead and the left hand on the neck at approximately the thyroid gland). “There was much heat, not only in the hands but throughout the whole body. She felt the energies enter and felt the heat. Each member of the group said they felt the flow of the energy … when she went for another examination at the hospital on Monday (the next day), she was examined by four doctors. The lump had decreased in size to about tile size of a very small pea, and it was decided that there was no reason to perform the biopsy at all. The doctors were puzzled and asked what had happened. She told them about the laying on of hands. You can imagine the consternation. One, a woman doctor, followed our friend out of the examination room and confided that she had always been able to ‘see’ a patient’s illness before there was a physical examination but had never told anyone because she thought they’d think she had flipped her lid.”
It’s too bad that such occurrences are not more widely accepted, but it is good, on the other hand, that they are being reported and that more doctors are becoming aware of their reality.
[† July, 1975, Volume 10, No. 4, page 175, Copyright © 1975 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]
Hi, is there 1 specific book by Edgar Cayce on this specific subject? If so can you please pass on the title of the book please?
Thanks for your time. Take care & stay safe. God bless. : )