Biochemical bases of understanding the functioning of the human body may have been adequate for the mind of the physician for many years here in the western part of the world, but it can no longer stand the test of experience, reason, and pure logic. For instance, how can oil achieve a healing effect? Witness these two stories, both of which deal with arthritis:
From Pittsburgh, Pa., I quote this: “In reading Jess Stearn’s Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet, I noted with much interest his references to arthritis and the use of pure peanut oil. As a rheumatoid arthritic I have found it to be of great benefit to my condition. After using peanut oil as a massaging oil for several years, I have to agree with Cayce’s belief that it not only lubricates but heals as well. I am sure that had I known about the oil in this use I would have been spared much misery. Why isn’t the use of peanut oil to reduce joint inflammation and pain in arthritis better known? Does the medical profession spurn it as a home remedy?”
From California: “Mother had arthritis so bad she was committed to the hospital. She was there for two weeks and released with no apparent help. The arthritis was centered in her fingers which were doubled back in her palms – she didn’t think she would be able to open up her fingers again. Father brought her home and started a treatment of hot castor oil – rubbing her hands, arms, and shoulders and legs three times a day. Within a period of three to four months her condition improved to the extent she could walk, use her arms, and her hands straightened out and today she is completely cured. She was 76 years old when she was at her worst and is now 81.”
[† May, 1972, Volume 7, No. 3, page 109, Copyright © 1972 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]I use Peanut Oil on my knees every day and as long as I do this, it works. It takes the pain away from arthritis! – C.G., Ontario, Canada
Exactly what, how, do peanut oli help arthritis, oster?
Here’s a great article that goes much more in-depth about the use and benefits of peanut oil: https://cayce.com/health-solutions/lowly-peanut-oil/