“Excellent products! My husband was told he needed gum surgery. I bought IOXAN™. A few months later, the dentist was amazed and said he didn’t need surgery! I gave our dentist all the info about it for other patients. He was impressed! THANKS!” – J.C., Wichita Falls, TX
[*©2013, Baar Products, Inc.]
“I had not gone to the dentist for nearly four years and when I finally went I was told, after the cleaning, to come back in three months because my gums didn’t look healthy and that I may need a deep cleaning. For two months prior to my return I used IOXAN™ and was glad when told that my gums now look healthy.” – W.B., Sarasota, FL
[*©2013, Baar Products, Inc.]
“Ioxan™ is the most effective gum therapy I have found.” – A.J. MD., Wheeling, WV
[*©2013, Baar Products, Inc.]
“IOXAN™ … worked! I used the stuff twice a day, working it into the gum with an electric rotary toothbrush… Last week, I went for another checkup without telling the hygienist what I had done, but merely asked what the “pockets” looked like. ‘What pockets? There are none!’ No more talk of surgery and my mouth feels just fine!” -F.Z., St. Augustine, FL
[*©2013, Baar Products, Inc.]
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