I’ve had a great deal of success using Glyco-Thymoline in various ways. Here’s two examples:
Three times per day, I put three drops of Glyco into eight ounces of water. It seems to give me enough protection against colds and whatever might be floating around the office. I never seem to get sick, even when my husband brings home a little something extra from his office.
Glyco also works for me with minor burns, like with an iron. When I can catch it right away, I apply it full strength on a bandage. When I’ve done this, the burn is gone by the time I remove the bandage. Once, I put the bandage on half of the burn just to see if it was really the Glyco at work. The result was that the portion with the Glyco was just like normal skin — no pain, redness, or discomfort. The untreated portion looked like a minor burn, which in this case, was a small, sensitive welt. – M.L.
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Glyco-Thymoline is suggested in the Cayce readings for a variety of conditions in the human body, but nowhere, according to Bob Clapp (A.R.E. Membership Director), was it recommended for burns. Yet the ingenuity of an A.R. E. member provided us with an interesting story and with evidence that there are many ways to bring healing to the body. From Burton, Michigan, comes this account:
“I first discovered it (using Glyco-Thymoline for burns] when I wits fixing a fire in our fireplace and picked up a stick that had red hot coals on one side. This kind of burn was like a match burn (no blister). I happened to have a little dish of Glyco-Thymoline for sunburn, so I dabbed some on and it cooled right away. In a few moments it heated up again, so I repeated. In about half an hour I could stop treatment, and the next day there was barely a trace, no scab-then or later-and no pain.”
“Shortly after, I was splattered with cooking grease. Again the treatment with Glyco-Thymoline, with the same spectacular results. This was all the more convincing because one small burn went unnoticed because of the pain of the main burn-and the next day the treated burn had nearly disappeared while the other little burn had a big blister on it and took a week or so to clear up.”
Since these two incidents, our researcher reports that she has used the same regimen on many occasions, with uniform success. The relief of pain and the speeding up of the healing process seem, in her experience, to go together. She feels that some adaptation of this use of Glyco-Thymoline could be explored beneficially in the case of severe burns – even to the extent of suspending the affected part in a bath of the medication, perhaps under pressure.
Burn therapy is a field in itself, and there is little likelihood that such simple treatment will make headway in burn centers. At the A.R. E. Clinic, we have little exposure to patients with burns, but some of you in the field might find this information useful.
[† July, 1977, Volume 12, No. 4, page 176, Copyright © 1977 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]
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