A report from the father of a nineteen-year-old girl: “‘Today is the 244th treatment. Fourteen months. I am using the castor oil packs and the wet cell appliance … As I mentioned to you in previous letters, she had no reaction whatsoever for eight months of treatments. At eight months she was able to lift her leg six to eight inches off the floor. Since last March I have had her walking on ten-foot long walking bars. Her record is seven hundred feet. No one holds her. She is now trying to turn around by herself at the end of the bars … She can now dial the telephone by herself from a written number and talks very intelligently. She is very much improved mentally. You would not believe that two years ago she had an IQ of forty. She is now learning to read in school. To sum it all up – she is improving slow but sure.”
[† January, 1973, Volume 8, No. 1, page 43, Copyright © 1973 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]
Lana says
Hi ,
I am also a parent of a youth with cerebral palsy. could you give me more details as to what you do and names of what you use and where to purchase it. what is wet cell appliance and what it does. thanks Lana