W. Lindsay Jacob, a psychiatrist, recently called and told us this story: A patient of his had tinnitus for over three years-so severe that it prevented her from working, and so baffling in its nature that her doctors sent her to a psychiatrist. Lindsay had heard how castor oil drops have really worked a variety of magical tricks with allergies, and suspected an allergy as the culprit in this frustrated patient. He started her on castor oil drops (6-8 each morning) on her tongue, followed by a glass of water. He was greatly excited at the response. After only four weeks, the tinnitus had completely disappeared and the patient was back at work.
[† March, 1979, Volume 14, No. 2, page 83, Copyright © 1979 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]
Brian Olynek says
Was the caster oil dosage incresed ……………sounds like it
Annette Boelman says
DO i need to gradualy increse the # of drops of Caster oil
Admin says
There’s nothing in the article that suggests that the dosage increased over time. Without any other details available, I’d suggest sticking with the recommended 6-8 drops per morning.
TM Proto says
I have read that you can also place warmed Caster Oil drops in the ears.
Is this accurate and how many drops for how long.
Thank you,
TM Proto
Admin says
Hi TM,
While a couple drops of warm oil like Olive Oil can help soften up hardened earwax, I didn’t find any instance in the Readings where Cayce recommended putting Castor Oil directly in the ear canal. For any Reading that describes a ringing or roaring in the ears, the recommendation called for just normal abdominal castor oil packs.
For example, in Reading 5140-1, the subject is complaining of loud ringing in the ears, and Cayce recommends Castor Oil packs to the lower abdominal region, Glyco-thylomine packs, a raw vegetable diet, and “shortwave electrical treatment”.
I also found this in Reading 1090-1:
3/73 letter from Mr. & Mrs. Richard Paulian [?], Box 162, Wilbur, WA. 99185: “Dear Sirs:
We want you to know of our recent experience with castor oil packs.
“Our son, age 12, has been troubled for several years with fluid in the middle ear which impairs his hearing. We consulted an ear specialist who suggested minor surgery. We decided to try castor oil packs. Every other night for the next three weeks we placed a castor oil pack on the cheek area (between the nose and ear) for half an hour on each side of his face. On our next visit to the doctor he said the condition had cleared & ears were normal. Well, I can’t put into words the surge of joy I felt or describe how beautiful the world looked that day. Through faith and with insights gained from the readings we discovered that God is the source of all healing.”