Experiences people have had with the oil of the Palma Christi – or castor oil – are always interesting and informative, and continue to provide us with more insights into how the body really does heal itself. From a Study Group member in California comes an account of a unique application of castor oil packs. Melodie’s parents had a large degree of difficulty centering around the snoring of the male member of the species. It seems that everything had been tried. Her parents had even gone to separate rooms so that sleeping would be better. But this is her story:
“My parents are both sleeping better now, thanks to the castor oil pack. My mother has insisted that my dad wear a pack every night for the last two weeks (pack with heating pad 1 hour – then just the pack all night).
“Now instead of her being kept awake by loud, guttural, choking snores and frequent angry outcries/yelling originating from nightly dreams of fighting, she is occasionally awakened by the most soft, whimsical giggling coming from the original offender – my dad! And the snoring has ceased totally! Mom also reports an enhanced sense of humor, a very affectionate husband and a spirit of cooperation that just won’t quit.”
Another castor oil story comes from Boulder, Colorado. Linda had been encouraged to attempt a bit of personal research after reading an article entitled “Research Is Often a Singular Affair.” This is her story:
“I had a skin cancer on my nose, near my right eye. It has disappeared after three days of applying castor oil first, then sprinkling baking soda over the spot! I had had the cancer two years, trying every natural method I had read or heard about. Previously I tried a mixture of castor oil with a small amount of baking soda, but with no success.”
However, she tried a slightly different method and it worked! Research is indeed a singular affair, isn’t it? And so often successful.
[† November, 1983, Volume 18, No. 6, page 262, Copyright © 1983 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]
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