A researcher tells the story of a 33-year-old woman who developed terminal cancer two years after a radical mastectomy. Her therapy had included surgery, radiation, cobalt and betatron treatments, and chemotherapy involving 5FU. Her condition became more serious: she developed peptic ulcers, elimination problems, and abdominal distention. She became disoriented and out of touch with reality. After hospitalization, she was started on castor oil packs over the entire abdomen. Her urinary tract started working again, and the distention gradually subsided. She was still impacted, but on the fourth day she started having some bowel activity. On the fifth day, she had her first regular bowel movement in weeks. Her hallucinations cleared up, her vision improved considerably, and she was able to go home from the hospital.
castor oil packs did not clear up the malignancy we call cancer, but it did aid the sensorium in this woman and brought about a significant improvement of the eliminations. The packs have done something very worthwhile in the total experience of an individual who is preparing to enter the other side of life through the birth that we call death.
[† July, 1974, Volume 9, No. 4, page 175, Copyright © 1974 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]
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