From Dr. Mayo Hotten comes the report about the use of castor oil packs over the eyes in two cases to reduce the inflammation of pterygium – perhaps sufficiently to prevent surgery. Then I received a report recently about a twenty-four-year-old housewife who, when she underwent a routine examination, was found to have a golf-ball-sized cyst on her left ovary. She was scheduled for a return visit, but in the meantime applied castor oil packs to her lower abdomen for one hour each day, four days each week. She noticed that she received a very welcome relief from the menstrual cramps she had suffered with for such a long time. When she was again examined for the cyst, it had disappeared entirely.
Another story, of interest to parents, is the case of a year-old boy who could not find relief after five to six months of chronic diarrhea. I told his parents about the use of castor oil packs, and the possibility of using Glyco-Thymoline packs also. They recently wrote me that their young son, now twenty-two months, has no problems with his G.I. tract – it cleared up completely on just the castor oil packs.
They also told me about a friend of theirs who has had almost complete remission of his epileptic seizures by regularly massaging his right upper abdominal area with a mixture of peanut oil and olive oil, and taking small dosages of olive oil by mouth.
Oil has a healing quality, apparently, that cannot be matched or really duplicated. I receive so many spontaneous communications from A.R.E. people from all over the country who have used these simple therapy ideas advantageously. The following quotation about application of oils is an example:
“Within our groups here, we have had quite a few successes using castor oil – my husband has removed a very dark mole from the tip of his nose and is now working on another one on his forehead. One of our young men has been using the oils (castor, lanolin, peanut) on a scald mark which he suffered at the age of three years, and this has been developing new skin from the center out since he first started using the mixture about four months ago! I, myself, had tremendous success using castor oil while in the hospital for surgery. I came down with a cold that was making my eyes water so badly I couldn’t see. After using it just one night – with the nurse standing there watching me to make sure I wouldn’t drink it! – the cold was gone, and by morning there was not one single trace of my ever having it. Prayers are always used when any of us apply the oils, so we can vouch for the results on a Cayce treatment level!”
[† November, 1972, Volume 7, No. 6, page 285, Copyright © 1972 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]
I have been using cold pressed hexatate te free caster oil in my eyes at bedtime. The pterygium I’ve had for 10 years has totally disappeared from my left eye and is reduced in my right.