Castor oil applied locally has been reported to clear up a multitude of conditions. One of my patients had a pigmented mole in the inguinal area. After I discovered it, she did not show up again for some time. When I saw her next she told me she had applied castor oil to the mole for two weeks and it disappeared. I checked, and it was no longer there.
An A.R.E. member applied castor oil to an acorn-sized tumor of the chest wall diagnosed as a lipoma. Three weeks later, after daily application, the “lipoma” spontaneously opened. A thick, cheesy, white material exuded from the cyst-obviously a sebaceous one-and in a few days the lesion had healed.
An enthusiastic reader of the Bulletin was injured in an automobile accident, with a possible rupture of the spleen. castor oil packs for four days brought a report from the doctor, who told her to “keep on with whatever it is you’re doing … it’s working!” She tells of unlikely uses for castor oil, applied locally, to treat chest colds, ear infections, and baldness (!). She has used the castor oil packs in her family for migraine headaches, which is one of the uses Cayce actually did mention in the readings.
By the way, the acorn-sized tumor of the chest wall mentioned earlier was a veterinary problem – her dog is still happy!
[† March, 1976, Volume 11, No. 2, page 92, Copyright © 1976 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]
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