An A.R.E. member in Irvington, New Jersey, wrote that he had had palpitation of the heart which had not responded to any treatment. He used hot castor oil packs over his abdomen three days each week for an hour and a half. Every third day he took one teaspoonful of olive oil. This therapy was continued for four weeks and the symptoms cleared up for eleven months, recurring when he underwent some psychological shock. Then, after another four weeks of therapy, the symptoms disappeared again, and have been absent for over a year now.
[† May, 1972, Volume 7, No. 3, page 185, Copyright © 1972 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]
Hello doctor, so nice to meet you,I saw your important consideration and I would love to have your important opinion Castor oil, related to my story; I am a 34 years old pharmacist and I have a problem of Alopecia (male baldness pattern) which psychologically I don’t accept so much; I read about the important help that could come from the constant application on my bald head of Castor oil, in terms of stopping hair loss and possible partial regrowth of hair and someone said that a long and constant application of this oil (months) can lead to important results.
In the past I suffered some times of high blood pressure, (stress mostly led me to those manifestations) so everytime I have to use something for a long time, even if used externally and not internally ,I carefully check if the substance in consideration could have as a side effect the elevation (very little or bigger) of blood pressure, instead I feel very good when I notice that the substance has the ability to lower blood pressure.
I tried to put on my head castor oil one night and I felt so relaxed, but then I began, in view of a continuative use of it on my head, to search on the internet about the possible relation between high blood pressure and castor oil use, external or internal, and I found so confusing and discordant informations on that.
A medical article written in 1921 reports castor oil as one of the most important three solutions to use on a high blood pressure patient (in internal use I think) while other sites talk about the dangers of use it in gestational hypertension,(as we know used internally is an efficient laxative and stimulates the uterine contractions). In this helling confusion, can you help me to have a clear idea about the connection between blood pressure and castor oil external and internal use? If applied on head skin, also overnight, what happens to blood pressure? It rises? It lowers? What about internal use of this oil ? (which is not my case)
Hope in your clarifying answer, you can also speak me in scientific terms,I an a pharmacist and I can understand you very well;
path me for my not perfect English,
and thank you very much
This man used castor oil packs on the abdomen and took olive oil which helped stop heart palpitations. what did Cayce say in readings to help that issue?