My husband was suffering from a kidney stone that was trying to pass, and he also had a hernia that had reappeared. I heated your Castor Oil and put it in flannel, and he sat in this for about an hour. It seemed like the hernia had gone down a bit. That evening, we put the flannel pack back on with the heating pad for about 3-4 hours, and the stone felt like it was no more and the hernia didn’t bother him anymore! They were gone! Also, my sister found a lump on her spine. I massaged her with Castor Oil and when I was done, the lump was practically gone! Her therapist announced the lump was gone the next time she went to her. This Castor Oil is great! – Case #10008, J.A., Cantonment, FL
[* © 2018 Baar Products, Inc.]
I plan to try this at the age of 81, I do not want surgery.
me either.. already had 3 for hernia.. especially with this covid stuff going around again
My son is 525 lbs has a inguinal hernia, the size of a football. I am so scared I want to cry. He’s on a good path now of losing weight as this is his weight now he was at 595. They won’t operate until he loses enough weight or it becomes a life or death situation.
I have known Edward Cayce since I was a teenager. Would a castor oil pack help my son? He been in bed for quite a few months now due do the weight and size of this hernia.
Thanks for any info
Hi Linda,
I would hesitate to put anything on his abdomen unless expressly condoned by his primary care physician. But if his doctor okay’s it, then certainly give it a try. Wishing him all the best.
I agree that due to age, if you can avoid surgery of any kind, it can be lifesaving.