A 12-year-old boy found that he became hoarse. When instructing his school chums at the street crossing, his teacher called this situation to his mother’s attention. It was found that the hoarseness was only temporary: after sleeping through the night, the boy would awake the next day with his hoarseness gone; however, any strain on his voice became sufficient irritation to cause it to reoccur. His parents became concerned, and took him to an ear-nose-throat specialist, who did a laryngoscopy and found two large nodules on the vocal cords. Mother was well versed in the value of castor oil packs, so she put off any thought of surgery (the condition was not thought to be cancer) and applied packs to the neck three days in a row, left the treatment off for two days, and then repeated it. This regimen was continued for three months. The hoarseness gradually disappeared, and there were no symptoms when the packs were discontinued. A year later, the throat was re-examined by the same specialist, and all that was found was some minimal scar tissue – no nodules, no irritation. Three years afterward, there still were no symptoms.
[† July, 1977, Volume 12, No. 4, page 177, Copyright © 1977 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]
Janai Mestrovich says
Can cotton flannel be used or just wool flannel for castor oil pack for voice?
Admin says
Hi Janai,
Traditionally, wool is used for castor oil packs because it retains heat and soaks up the oil better than most natural materials. However, cotton can be substituted if you have an allergy or sensitivity to wool.
Joanie Janzen says
Can I apply the packs only at night for my vocal cords? I have had laryngitis for a year. With sinus drainage.