We recently received a letter from an A.R.E. friend of ours whose son (six years old) took a nasty spill on his bike. Her written story is an excellent report on what happened with Rowan: “He had a ‘goose egg’ partially over his right temple and surrounding area. I checked his eyes, and they seemed to focus all right. I asked him if he wanted to go to church or stay home. He opted to go to church … but instead of going to his class, he stayed with me, head in my lap. When we got home he complained of not feeling well, and vomited. In talking to him, I discovered he couldn’t remember what had happened from the time he fell off his bike until sometime on the way to church. I was very concerned by this time-felt he must have a minor concussion. I put a castor oil pack on the bruise and around his head, and asked him to lie down, and remain comparatively quiet. If I recall correctly, in about an hour and a half he was asking for something to eat, playing a game on the bed with his sister-and when I checked the swelling, it was all gone. I removed the pack, and he got up. That night I put it back on until morning. No repercussions that I could see.”
The therapy? It consisted of a mother’s concern, youth’s ability to recuperate, and castor oil. And don’t underestimate any one of the three.
[† March, 1976, Volume 11, No. 6, page 276, Copyright © 1976 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]
Kinda mcdinald says
I’ve been using castor oil for over 40 years started out with advertisement for free Edgar Cayce book Health through drug less therapy. Just what I need as a young mother and had a baby in the way . Cayce recommended massage for pelvic area for easier delivery-it worked! It removed large cyst from husbands arm permanently. Shrunk brothers brain tumor to size so small he didn’t have to have it operated on with in a months time with daily applications of the oil and wool flannel. The list goes on with friends, family, and trusting strangers. My latest testimonial has to do with viruses and molds-pouring castor oil over my head and massaging all down my body for 3 nights in row heals me and the best result is that I get a clearing as though I am renewed mentally.
Andrew Park says
Thank you very much sharing these with us, Kindra!
lucille makris says
lucille makris says
Tim Mills says
My guess on this is yes.