Healing is everybody’s business or, at least, so thought the ten-year-old son of a laboratory technician, who corresponds with us. This is the story again of castor oil. It seems that Mike is the center on their football squad, and he really loves to play. His brother accidentally dealt him a low blow when he slammed a truck door shut on the index and middle fingers of Mike’s right hand. Mike had a most important football game scheduled six days later, and his right hand plays a vital part in such a contest. His mother continues the story:
“At the hospital, his hand was splinted and we were told he would not be able to participate in sports for three weeks at the earliest. Mike insisted that he use the castor oil packs 24 hours after the injury. The fingers were cut and had some infection in them. That boy soaked his own fingers in warm water for 20 minutes and applied the castor oil therapy himself. I returned from night school and he told me what he had done. He continued his own treatment for three more days and he played in that important football game. I had taped his fingers for protection, but no splints were allowed. By the following week, he was completely healed. I never thought his fingers would look right again – but today they are as if they had never been injured.”
[† November, 1976, Volume 6, No. 2, page 272, Copyright © 1976 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]
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