A 12-year-old boy, whose hearing had been impaired for several years due to fluid in the middle ear, was told he would need surgery to remove the fluid. His parents, having read much about Cayce’s use of the castor oil packs, placed packs on both cheek areas – between the nose and the ear – for half an hour every other night. Three weeks later, they took their boy to the same physician, who examined his ears again and found them both normal, with no need for surgery.
A 20-year-old woman from the West Indies had what must be classified as a mixed bacterial-fungus infection under the nail of the right forefinger. For four years, it had grown more and more serious, until the nail became very thick, the end of the finger tender, and a greenish-yellow exudate, which had a foul odor, came from the nail. For nearly four months, the girl’s mother placed a pad of cotton soaked with castor oil around the tip of the finger and bandaged it in place every night. The infection disappeared, the nail grew in normally, and now she claims it is the strongest and best nail she has.
This mother, whose daughter responded so well to the use of castor oil on her finger, used the same treatment for a bunion on her big toe – rubbing it with castor oil three times a day and sleeping with a pad placed over it at night. In three weeks, the swelling was gone. Whenever it starts to flare up again, she treats it the same way with the same results. She may have the gout, rather than a bunion, but she is controlling it in a very simplified and economical manner.
What happened to this woman is an illustration of what is prevalent in our country at the present time. She found that there was a simple way of bringing healing to the body, and she became a crusader: she wanted to cure everyone with castor oil packs. Her 76-year-old friend fell off the top of a stepladder and developed a bad pain in his back. This woman suggested that he put hot packs on his back. After two days of applications, he felt no more pain; after three days, he was swimming and carrying on his usual exercises.
That was just the beginning! Another friend’s father also hurt his back – suggestion there, too, brought relief in short order. While she was talking about this to her friend, another woman overheard them talking. They struck up a conversation, and it developed that she, too, had suffered from backaches for a long time. Three weeks after that, she reported to my correspondent that since she had been using the packs, her backaches were a thing of the past.
No remedy works all the time, as any physician will tell you. This is also true, of course, with castor oil. Quite recently, I had a letter from a Study Group member who had suggested the castor oil treatment for a friend of hers who had what she called “ugly, misshapen fingernails and toenails caused by what she calls ‘fungus.’ ” After using pads soaked with castor oil on her fingers every night for six weeks, she reported that: (1) She had removed some of the growth which had detached itself in a dry form from the finger; (2) when bleeding developed under the nail in the cuticle area, she had stopped using the packs; and (3) when she stopped, the skin on the back and in the palms of her hands became cracked, dry and black. The black was like the black smudge from newspaper print.
We have seen packs used for a time on chronically debilitated individuals; sometimes these packs developed the black smudge like our correspondent described. We have never been able to determine why this came about. I have never heard of a case where such blackness developed on the skin, but it does illustrate that even simple remedies sometimes do not work. One must conclude that those who write letters are more wont to tell us of their successes than of their failures; even so, there still remains a wide variety of conditions that do respond to simple therapy with castor oil packs.
[† September, 1974, Volume 9, No. 5, page 218, Copyright © 1974 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]
Thank you for the great info and wisdom from Cayce.
Hi mate , I got this pulsating tinitus going on in my left ear.5he sound of my blood being pumped around my head . I think I’ve lost 50%hearing possibly more. When I tap my skull around that ear it sounds weird like , do you think it could be infection or I seen something that said there may a growth or something on the inner siDE of eardrum. Do you think castor oil may help if it is either growth or infection. Thankyou
We have not heard of anyone who has used it for that condition. Due to FDA regulation, we are unable to make any medical recommendations regarding any products. Please consult with your physician. If you do use it with your physician’s supervision, please let us know of your results! Thank you.
I have had fingernail and toenail that has spread to my skinarou d the nails and my feet. Its not only looks bad it hurts. I have been on antifungal rx kind 2x. I have tried everything except for castoral oil u think i will try this now.
Hi Kim,
Best of luck to you. I hope you find the relief you’re looking for. Yes, give the Castor Oil a try. I’d also recommend a product called Toelieva, which is rich in Undecylenic Acid to kill fungus on the nailbed and surrounding cuticle.