A Virginia veterinarian related to me some of his experiences with the suggestions from the Cayce material. It seems that many doctors start off with the use of castor oil locally because it is so simple and is always so effective. It seems that vets occasionally come in contact with raccoons, and the raccoons often bite resulting most of the time in an infection. The bite is also painful. Well, my friend, Dr. Helberg, found that he could best treat such a bite by warming castor oil in a pan and putting his finger in the warm castor oil. The pain goes away immediately, and the finger heals quickly. How long in the warm castor oil? Perhaps 15 – 30 minutes. (I have myself found that the ordinary southwestern scratches – cactus puncture wounds, etc. – respond quickly to liberal application of castor oil locally.)
But the most fascinating story that comes from the field of animal medicine, as recounted by Dr. Helberg, is one dealing with a goat. It happened that the doctor was called to see this nanny-goat because of a mastitis. When he looked at her, he saw that one quarter of the udder was black and blue. This is a serious prognostic sign, and the goat is usually dead within the next 18 to 24 hours. He used Terramycin and cortisone anyhow, but the farmer wanted to know what else he could do. He was told to bring the goat inside, to keep her warm, then put a castor oil pack on the affected udder with a hearing pad and leave it in place 30 minutes. Then he was to repeat this in three hours. The next day, the doctor got a call from the farmer – the goat was running around normally, healthy and apparently completely recovered.
[† January, 1974, Volume 9, No. 1, page 37, Copyright © 1974 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]
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