A woman from Minnesota wrote recently that Cayce “often had suggested castor oil, and I decided to try it for removing a calcium deposit lump on my foot. My doctor had suggested surgery … I rubbed it once daily for about ten minutes, and within three weeks it was completely gone! Later I decided to try the same treatment again on a large wart on my forehead. It took about four weeks for that to disappear.”
Another correspondent, writing from Ontario, Canada, decided to use castor oil locally for an intense irritation of the tissues surrounding the eyes. “At first,” she wrote, “I tried putting the saturated pads in position oil the closed eyelids for several minutes, and was sufficiently encouraged by the results to decide oil an overnight application, with a light bandage to hold the pads in position. The complete success of the experiment was remarkable, dispelling not only the irritation but the general lassitude that accompanied the condition.
[† May, 1973, Volume 8, No. 3, page 132, Copyright © 1973 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]
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