Stephen Hasman tells the story of his brother being stung by a bee in Ohio. He came into the house with “goose bumps” on his arm, the evidence of the bee sting showing clearly. It was already sore and the swelling had become markedly evident. Stephen, who has had much experience with castor oil, got out his bottle and placed just one drop “on the welt which had an open puncture on it.” In less than ten minutes, his brother reported that the soreness had gone and the swelling for the most part had subsided. After supper, there were no complaints. His brother’s wife was asked why they didn’t have castor oil in their home.
From Kentucky comes another report dealing with this same oil being used for arthritis:
“Since the early 1970s when I first obtained your book, Edgar Cayce and the Palma Christi, I have been experimenting with castor oil. I have also been reading The A.R.E. Journal to see if my results are the same as others.
“My brother-in-law was scheduled for an operation on his finger (the one next to his forefinger) to scrape off the crystals that had formed there and that were giving him a lot of pain. His mother suggested he check with me on the castor oil, and I told him I didn’t think it would help as the finger was really in bad shape. However, as it turned out, he had quite a herd of cattle and was unable to have the operation as scheduled, so used the castor oil anyway – just rubbed it on, he said. Two weeks later he visited his doctor who told him, ‘Well, it’s gone.'”
Another story from the same source:
“I have a lady friend and neighbor in her late 80s who called me one day. The two middle fingers of her hand were locked and had been for years. Her thumb was twice its regular size, and the little finger and forefinger were giving her so much pain she was crying and couldn’t use them. I stressed to her that it would not be possible to unlock the fingers or correct the thumb, but based on the results of my brother-in-law, we might be able to save the other two fingers – or at least stop the pain. She didn’t have a bathtub, so we got a container for a foot bath and used a pound or so of Epsom salts in which I asked her to bathe her feet for half an hour each evening, all the time pressing, rubbing or flexing her feet (simply to keep her hands in the solution). I told her then to wrap the hands in castor oil for the evening and place a castor oil pack on her stomach with a heating pad. She called a couple of days later saying that the fingers had stopped paining and she was continuing treatment.
“I know a couple of other people who were bothered with crystals, so I thought it would be interesting to take a picture of her hands since no one would believe it without the pictures. So I borrowed a camera and went over no later than two weeks after she had started treatments. To my immense surprise, she had those two fingers unlocked and was making a quilt. She said she used the foot bath with water as hot as she could stand it for the time I stressed, then put the castor oil pack on her stomach with a heating pad and wrapped her hands with castor oil cloths, put on rubber gloves, took her magnifying glass and a book to bed with her and alternated her hands on the heating pad the rest of the evening. No pain in the other fingers, thumb greatly improved, fingers still working okay and she still works on the quilting. Whenever they begin to ache, she just gives them a repeat treatment.”
Quite amazing, isn’t it? Some of these stories definitely touch new areas in healing.
[† November, 1982, Volume 17, No. 6, page 279, Copyright © 1982 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]
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