Baby care is many things, but most problems related to it are solved through judicious use of common sense and following some simple suggestions. A Circulating File on Baby Care is available from the A.R.E. Membership Department, and many members have used the suggestions found in it in caring for their own children. One example of such research at the grass-roots level comes from Cleveland:
“Becoming A.R.E. members just recently, my husband and I for the first time really worked with the physical readings. . . Well, I’m very happy to announce that in following a reading from the Baby Care series (General), I used Carbolated Vaseline for my three-month-old daughter’s facial skin irritation. She breaks out on the face, I feel, from just the irritation of milk she has spit up, which gets on the face. This Vaseline cleared up her face within 24 hours, and I now use it as a preventive measure to protect her skin. I suggested this treatment to my sister-in-law, who used the Vaseline also on her daughter who had a severe case of diaper rash. Her daughter was helped, too. I had used various types of baby creams before the Carbolated Vaseline and none of them helped.”
[† July, 1977, Volume 12, No. 4, page 179, Copyright © 1977 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]
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