Ever since we left Virginia Beach, I have had in mind putting down on paper, as you requested – the story of my mother [5009], and the polyps and the almonds, so here goes:
In July 1957, my mother was operated on for a malignant mass in the intestines. The surgeon removed a segment of bowel to which was attached a polyp, as well as the mass. He told my brother and me that he would have liked to have removed also a further segment on which two or three more polyps (benign, of course) were located but he feared she could not have stood that much nerve shock. He said he wished to watch closely by x-ray the polyps every three months. Subsequently, I urged Mother – as soon as she was out of the hospital – to eat several raw almonds a day – whether she believed in them or not (and although she tends to discount and negate a lot she was scared enough to heed me!). In three months the x-ray pictures showed the remaining polyps “somewhat smaller” – the doctor reported. In another three months the doctor said he couldn’t discern any polyps at all in the x-ray pictures and was so pleased that he changed her periodic x-ray pictures from every three months to every six months. In another year – he changed to x-ray photos only once yearly. It has almost been 3 and 1/2 years now since her surgery and there has been no return of any trouble or of any polyps (and her last x-ray photos were of her entire body-torso as well as abdominal region). So, this is a good report for “the almond.”
[Note: The preceding report was recorded by William A. McGarey, M.D. and is excerpted from the Physician’s Reference Notebook, Copyright © 1968 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]
William Michael Donato tells a fascinating story about his experience with a lipoma. “In 1975,” he relates, “I noticed a growth on my back. Concerned, I visited my family physician, who told me that the lump on my spine was a ‘fatty tumor,’ and hence benign. He said that the only reason for removing it would be for cosmetic purposes. I had more or less resigned myself to an operation in a few months. I had read what the Edgar Cayce readings had said about almonds [“…those who would eat two to three almonds each day need never fear cancer.” (1158-31)] and thought that I really didn’t have anything to lose since the tumor seemed to be getting bigger. In profile, it reminded me of a goose egg.
“I started eating almonds at breakfast until I was eating 40 a day every day. After a while, it didn’t seem to be getting any bigger. After seven to nine months (approximately) I thought the tumor looked a little smaller. My mother confirmed it. It kept on shrinking. To all intents and purposes, it was gone in a few months more. I sometimes find it difficult even to find the area where it was.
“During this time the only additions to my life style were the almonds and, sometimes, grape juice. Grape juice was also mentioned in one of the readings (or grape products, preferably Concord grapes). The tumor seemed to shrink a little faster when I was using both.”
Thanks, William Michael, for adding your experience to these pages so that others may share in that bit of triumph that always comes with overcoming a difficulty in the body.
[† May, 1982, Volume 17, No. 3, page 131, Copyright © 1982 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]
Current raw almonds go through a treatment of propylene oxide gas that “they” say is a carcinogen.
I’m so done with these people poisoning my food.
They say that organic is somewhat safer.
Excellent point! Use of propylene oxide (PPO) and similar chemicals are prohibited when it comes to organic almonds, which use methods such as steam-pasteurization instead.