F 26
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Virginia, this 9th day of April, 1934, in accordance with request made by self – Miss [528] new Associate Member of the Ass’n for Research and Enlightenment, Inc., recommended by Mr. [1005].
Present: Edgar Cayce; Mildred Davis, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. L. B. Cayce.
Time and Place: 3:40 to 4:10 P. M. Eastern Standard Time. …, Ky.
(Physical Suggestion)
1. EC: Yes, we have those conditions that disturb this body, from this address – [528] – [528] – yes.
2. As we find, there are disturbances that in their reaction make for that which may be called the inability of the body to coordinate in the eliminations of the body, and where there is a humor produced in the lymph from this incoordination, finding expression in the cuticle or in the face and body – or portions as exposed; as well as in the muscular forces of the body at times, as in the upper arm and shoulders.
3. These, then (physical), are the conditions as we find them with this body, [528], whose address is …, Kentucky.
4. As to the BLOOD SUPPLY, in the internal circulation, this we find is very good in some respects. While the numbers in the red and white blood and the lymph or leukocyte do not always coincide, these arise from conditions that may not be said to be prenatal but are as existent from conditions that arose during the period of conception. For, those that make for this unbalancing of the coordinations in eliminations are weaknesses that are of an infusion in the lymph blood supply as a humor – or as producing those forces that make for blotches on the exposed portions of the body, specific, and on other portions of the body also.
5. This tends to make for poor eliminations. For, there is the tendency for the thinning of the walls of the intestines themselves, and a smoothing – as it were – of the natural surface for secretions in the duodenum when the gastric juices of digestion react.
6. These are conditions and the effects that are produced in the blood supply.
7. In the NERVOUS SYSTEM we find conditions that tend to make for periods when the mental reaction is more severe than the actual physical condition, yet this in the nerves of the cerebro-spinal tends to make for an easy fagging. Or, the body becomes easily tired from mental or physical exertion, unless working under a high nervous tension. And after such periods there is the reaction of more severity, or more of the tendency of lividness, and fresher are the secretions from the abrasions that occur on portions of the body. These are natural reactions.
8. As to the ORGANS THEMSELVES, we find there are those conditions that make for weakness from the general condition existent in system. But, if there is the purifying of the blood forces and the balancing of the elements necessary in the body for creating an even balance, and producing in the system a fresh blood supply, as it were, we will find these conditions would be brought to near normal reactions in the functioning organs.
9. Hence, as we find, it will require persistence and consistence on the part of the body to eliminate and eradicate these conditions from the system, as we have indicated. And when these are purified, we will find a much STRONGER body, mentally, physically, and capable of giving better expression to itself in every way and manner.
10. First we would give an outline to be followed for a period of six to ten weeks, at the end of which we will give those changes necessary for purifying the body.
11. Prepare, in the order and manner given, these properties to be taken internally:
12. To 6 ounces of Compound Simple Syrup, add: Essence of Wild Cherry (or Extract), Tincture of Stillingia, Essence of Poke-Root, Essence of Yellow Dock Root, Essence of Burdock Root, 10% solution Iodide of Potassium
Shake solution together before the dose is taken. Take half a teaspoonful four times each day, before meals and before retiring – ten to fifteen to thirty minutes before the meals.
13. Be very mindful of the diet.
14. Take this consistently for ten days to two weeks, see? Then stop for three days. Nothing. Then for five days take three to five drops each day of Atomidine (“Atomic Iodine”). See? [Editor’s Note: Atomic Iodine from Baar is the product Cayce is referring to as it is electrified and includes the herbs. There is no other product made available that meets these requirements.]
15. And for the diet, this would be an outline:
16. Mornings – citrus fruit juices; coddled egg (only the yolk taken), with brown bread or toast. Sometimes there may be taken stewed fruits or cereals, but not at the same meal when the citrus fruit juices are taken. A little very crisp bacon may at times be taken.
17. Noons – preferably, or principally, green vegetables; that is, FRESH vegetables, as lettuce, celery, carrots, tomatoes, peppers, spinach, turnip greens, mustard, and the like. Occasionally such a salad may be altered with broths from vegetables that are well cooked, but no quantities of fats should be taken; that is, not large quantities of gross fat cooked in such broths, see? And perferably when any of the salads are taken, or the green vegetables, that only the mayonnaise or the olive oil dressing be used. Not too much milk at any time, and when milk is taken use preferably the Bulgarian or the dried milk – which is preferable to the raw or animal milk. Or, goats’ milk may be taken – if this is preferable.
18. Evenings – a well balanced vegetable diet. Beware of sweets; that is, foods that have quantities of sugar in them – especially cane sugar. No ice creams. No strawberries in particular. Blackberries and those fruits in season may be taken. No green or fresh apples, or raw apples, but the baked or cooked apples may be taken in small quantities. No bananas. Any amount of grapes desired may be taken at any time. Bananas are taboo, as given, even in creams; as these should not be taken, though there may be taken ices or any of the cold drinks – just so they are not made with too large an amount of carbonated waters. There may also be taken in the evening meals the meats such as fish (but no shell fish), mutton, lamb or fowl; but no pork nor any large amount of beef – and NEVER any FRIED FOODS of ANY kind!
19. As a wash to bathe off the blotches or places on body, prepare same as follows:
20. Dissolve 1/2 ounce Bicarbonate of Soda and 3 to 4 grains Corrosive Sublimate [mercury bichloride] in 1 pint of water. [Editor’s Note: Mercury bichloride is no longer used for medicinal purposes because of mercury toxicity]
21. To be sure, be mindful that it is not gotten into the eye or in the mouth. But this may be used to sponge off once or twice a day. It is not necessary that this be used EVERY day, as a wash or to purify the external forces; only when needed, but it may be applied with impunity twice each day – morning and evening.
22. And when using the powder for face (as blotches on face), only use the pure talcum with stearate and balsam of tolu in same; that is, the balsam and stearate and PURE talcum AS a powder. None of those that have been highly scented with other ingredients.
23. Of course, when the Atomidine (“Atomic Iodine”) has been taken for the five days, then rest three days and begin with the blood purifier again. And so on, as described.
24. As given, in ten weeks we would give further instructions.
25. Do these, and – as we will find – we will bring, with consistency and persistency, being mindful of the diet and the necessary changes, the better conditions for this body.
26. And we will give, at least in ten weeks, further instructions.
27. We are through for the present.
Copy to Self
Copy to Ass’n file
- 3/03/34 “I have a skin trouble on my face which has been diagnosed as acne. If the rdg. suggests an x-ray, please advise the doctor to whom I may go. Also will you please suggest a diet? There is a discoloration left on my face from the pimples. Can this be removed?”
- 4/06/34 “Could you help me for the neuritis in my shoulders as well as for the acne on my face? I’m more interested in my face, of course, for it is very humiliating to have blemishes on your face. I’m deeply interested in your work and I’m indeed grateful to [1005] for bringing me to you.”
- 6/28/34 “The rdg. said in 10 wks. that I would receive further instructions. I think the 10 wks. have just passed and I don’t know whether to keep on the medicine and diet or not. My face is much better. However, I have four new places. The ones that come now are smaller than they were before I was under your treatment.
“The distressing thing about it to me is that I have lost nine pounds. I wondered if that was natural, being on a diet.
“I never could get the powder mixed with Balsam of Tolu and Stearate, so I have been using Johnson’s Baby Powder. That is the only instance in which I have not followed the rdg.” - 7/09/34 “I have lost 11 lbs. since I have been on the diet and am thinner than I have been since I have been grown. Is this condition anything to be alarmed over?
“Please suggest how I should clean my face.
“Is there anything I could use to take the color out of the places that have come and gone?
“When the places get yellow should I open them or let them dry up?
“I have told others about your work and I hope they will let you hear from them.” - 7/12/34 See 528-2, especially GD’s note in Par. R9 in re [528] being cured of scleroderma in ’37 by following the treatment recommended but in 5/40 she was still suffering with neuritis. Could the neuritis about which she asked, when writing for 528-1 for acne, have been early symptom of the scleroderma which later developed? Apparently the neuritis was cured after following treatment in 528-1, but in ’37 and ’38, etc., after being cured of scleroderma, the neuritis returned and remained.
F 26
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Virginia, this 12th day of July, 1934, in accordance with request made by the self – Miss [528], Associate Member of the Ass’n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.
Present: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Mildred Davis and L. B. Cayce.
Time and Place: 3:40 to 3:55 P. M. Eastern Standard Time. …, Ky.
(Physical Suggestion)
1. EC: Yes, we have the body, [528]; this we have had before.
2. As we find, conditions are considerably on the improve; while there has not been a complete re-coordination of the eliminations and the coordinating between the activities of the alimentary canal. The respiratory system, and the tendencies that have existed for the creating of this disturbance in the cuticle, these are greatly improved.
3. We will find it would be well to continue with the internal treatments that have been indicated for the body; these we would continue, also the wash that was indicated.
4. While the talc stearate with the balsam has not been used, the other properties have been very good.
5. For the exterior forces where abrasions have left the effects, especially for the time of scar tissue, where the eruptions show, we find that it would be most helpful first – when the tissue forms into eruptions and collects (the matter in same) – open these places with potsherd (or glass); which would be much better than any prick or the like, and will cleanse the skin more thoroughly. Then, following same, massage into the skin a compound as follows: Camphorated Oil, Witch hazel, Russian White Oil.
6. This will, when shaken together, make a tendency for CLEARING the skin, you see.
7. We would change the diet somewhat to more of the BUILDING foods. While not using too much fats, we would take the JUICE of beef; and Wyethe’s Beef, Iron and Wine will be helpful also. Not as is ordinarily taken a tablespoonful three times a day, but a teaspoonful in the evening just before retiring and in the morning before the breakfast would be the better.
8. We would also change now to a series of fifteen to sixteen diathermy treatments – about fifteen minutes – the diathermy – about three times a week.
9. And we will find this will build, and the resistances will be overcome, and all of the bottom of these sores cleared up, and the system regenerated.
10. Ready for questions.
11. (Q) Is my loss of weight since following the diet suggested anything to be alarmed over?
(A) No. As we have indicated, it is rather a cleansing of the system; not to excess, but that we may have the proper basis for the building up now. Beef juices would be taken as medicinal properties, not just drunk, you see. Two or three teaspoonsful two or three times a day, and preferably taken between meals – made in the regular way, but no fats, no butter, and the same character of foods as we have indicated – but more BUILDING foods now, you see. Two to three times a week a portion of the meals would include broiled liver, tripe, pig’s knuckle, and the like. Blood puddings (if these can be taken by the body) would be helpful.
12. (Q) Please suggest how I should clean my face.
(A) As indicated, it is best that this be massaged or scraped with GLASS – or potsherd; that is, CROCK, you see. This is better than pin pricks or needle pricks, for it cleanses the pimples. These will gradually disappear, if these things will be carried through as we have indicated.
13. (Q) If I should still use the Balsam of Tolu and Stearate, will you please tell me where I may locate it?
(A) Should be located in ANY good drug store. Stearate of talc with Balsam, you see. Peter, Bauer Drug Company may supply it.
14. (Q) Where is this drug company located?
(A) Market Street in Louisville.
15. (Q) Is there any further advice for my better welfare?
(A) Be consistent. Be persistent with this, and we will find these will be cleared and corrected.
16. We are through with this reading.
Copy to Self
Copy to Ass’n file
(Directions were enclosed for preparing Beef Juice and Blood Puddings.)
- See 528-1 on 4/09/34 for acne.
- 7/12/34 Also enclosed was a letter for Dr. Sargent [Andrew Sargent, D.C.] regarding the diathermy treatments, or for any other doctor to whom you may go for these. I understand that Dr. Sargent has a diathermy machine, but there may be others in …
- 7/19/34 Miss [569]’s letter: “[528] was out here Tues. p.m. She rec’d her rdg. that a.m. and of course was very much excited over it. She brought it out for [760] and me to read and talk with her about it. We both had a big kick out of that blood pudding. She said if she had to eat that she was going to have me take dinner with her so I could help her get rid of it, that she thought I needed it, too.”
- 12/07/34 Miss [528] told EC that the troublesome condition with her face and skin had practically been eradicated by following the treatments outlined in her reading, the greater portion of which, she felt sure, was due to her diet.
- 1/09/35 Dr. Martha D. Beard (D.O.)’s letter: “I am treating Miss [528]’s mother, Mrs. [865], who says that [528]’s face is very much improved since she’s been following your directions.”
- 3/23/35 Miss [528] obtained a Physical Rdg. for her mother, Mrs. [865].
- 10/08/35 Mr. [1005]’s letter: “[528] is getting along very nicely and still thinks that Mr. Edgar Cayce is some kind of a god or some other supernatural being. No kidding, Mr. Edgar, she sure thinks that you are a great guy.”
- 11/14/35 She obtained a Physical Reading for her father, Mr. [1057].
- 1/14/37 See 528-3, the first of a series of rdgs. for scleroderma.
- GD’s note: See 528-16 Background in re unhappy love affair starting early in 1935 which terminated three yrs. later. Could the neuritis about which she asked 4/06/34 at the beginning of 528-1 have been an early symptom of the development of scleroderma? Even though she was cured of the scleroderma by following for one yr. the treatment recommended, on 5/28/40 she wrote that she was still suffering with neuritis.
F 28
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Va. Beach, Va., this 14th day of January, 1937, in accordance with request made by the self – Miss [528], Associate Member of the Ass’n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.
Present: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Hugh Lynn Cayce.
Time and Place: 11:30 to 11:40 A. M. Eastern Standard Time. …, Ky.
(Physical Suggestion)
- EC: Yes, we have the body here, [528], this we have had before.
- As we find, it has been rather late in beginning with the disturbances that have arisen.
- These as we find are of a very subtle nature and unless there can be some activities produced in which there is assistance to the vitality of the body, in resisting the inroads of a tubercle [See 2/23/68 Dr. Wm. A. McGarey’s ltr., 528-3, Par. R12.] in the nature in which it is involving not only those areas through the respiratory system but even the structural portions of the body, from which the blood supply attains or gains its division of a supply of element from which the red blood cells are builded, we find that the condition will rapidly continue to make inroads.
- Hence we find that which may be of an addition is to disseminate – as we would find by heat and the elements that would carry those vibrations to not only the circulatory forces but through the muscular activities, and in such measures and natures to carry elements by the radial activity of their vibratory forces upon the physical body itself in the dissemination that they may be eliminated; at the same time supplying to the system those forces or influences that will add to the blood stream in such a way and manner as to give that resistance in the hemoglobin and the effluvia of the blood itself, those abilities to destroy or throw off the conditions.
- As we would find then, over the abdominal area and especially along and over the lower portion of the lumbar, the sacral and extending to at least the lower portion of the diaphragm along the back, we would apply Castor Oil Packs. But first, before these are applied, we would sponge off the body thoroughly with a saturated soda solution – Bicarbonate of Soda, saturated solution; then apply the Packs – heavy oil packs, to those portions of the body.
- We would begin immediately also with Ventriculin in small quantity; half a teaspoonful taken twice a day.
- We would give most as the diet small quantities but often of Beef Juice; and little or none of those foods that carry any quantities of starches at all.
- These as we find we would begin with in the present.
- Keep up the Oil Packs for two to three hours, then rest a two or three hour period and then continue until there has been stayed this tendency for the formation of knots or clots by the blood supply attempting to make for coagulations; and thus forming in the muscular forces, and drainings upon the system at the same time, these hardened places – not only in the spinal area but in the abdominal area also.
- These will need to be worked very fast or else we will find the activities gaining upon the strength of the body.
- Use enemas rather than cathartics or laxatives as eliminants. These if they are given at the temperature of the body, and not too much at a time, will offer the better opportunities.
- Ready for questions.
- (Q) Ventriculin with or without iron?
(A) Without the Iron in the present. Small quantity twice a day. If this disagrees with the body reduce the quantity, but if starches are kept away from and only Beef Juice given – not broth but Pure Beef Juice – we will find this agreeing with the body. With the Beef Juices and most of the other properties given, use Graham or Ry-Krisp or Rye Crackers or Whole Wheat Crackers as the bread – which carry little of the starches and sufficient of weight and cleansing for the system itself.
But the resistance must be builded, the disseminations must be made before there is such a condition that hinders the abilities for resuscitation. - (Q) Is there any trouble in the chest?
(A) Plenty of trouble in the chest, for there’s little of the oxidization or sufficient oxygen to meet the needs. Hence we are adding to the system, by mouth as well as by dissemination, those influences to overcome these conditions.
A little stimulant at times of egg cooked with whiskey would be well; with all the alcohol burned out of the whiskey first. To be sure, do not light the alcohol or whiskey with other than paper, else we would produce a condition that would be most detrimental. The yolk, not the white of the egg. This in addition as food values.
These are very serious conditions, and are growing upon the body rapidly. - (Q) What causes the temperature and sweating?
(A) As indicated, the tubercle. And it’s attacked upon the blood stream. Hence we are to FEED the blood stream ALL the body will assimilate, see? - (Q) Is it best to stay in bed?
(A) It can’t do much else in the present!
Plenty of fresh air. And if Oil of Pine is burned, or fumes of same in the room – these are helpful; as would be at times fumes from equal portions of Eucalyptol and Tincture of Benzoin – just the fumes in the room would be helpful. - (Q) What is burning along spine?
(A) This is as indicated, the attack – or drain upon the blood-BUILDING forces of the system. Hence the necessity of the supply to the assimilating system. - (Q) Any further advice for the body?
(A) Do these as we find in the present. - We are through for the present.
Copy to Self – Special Delivery – Wired also
Copy to Ass’n file
- See 528-1 & 528-2 on 4/09/34 & 7/12/34 for acne, which condition cleared completely with following the treatment outlined for it.
- 1/08/37 Wire from [528]: “Give me physical rdg. in bed 8 wks. – is there any trouble in chest – what causes aching over entire body – what is hardness through buttocks & upper leg – what causes temperature & sweating – shortness of breath – is it best to stay in bed – what is burning along spine.”
- 3. 1/13/37 Wire from [528]: “Wire immediately treatment hardness spreading suffering severely over entire body.”
- 1/14/37 Wire to [528]: “Sponge off with saturated solution Bicarbonate Soda then apply Hot Castor Oil Packs heavy over abdomen & lower spine for 3 hrs. rest 3 hours begin again. Also take Ventriculin without iron half teaspoonful twice daily. Small quantities Pure Beef Juice often with Ry-Krisp or Whole Wheat Crackers. No other breads or starches. Use enemas body temperature rather than cathartics. Full information special. Consult Mrs. [760] for immediate application suggestions.”
- 1/18/37 Ltr. from Mr. [2704]: “…Aunt [760] is coming in every day & helping Mrs. [865] nurse Miss [528]. She said she had never had such a case nor seen anyone in such a pitiful condition. [1312] talked to Aunt [760] this evening & she said there seemed to be a slight improvement…”
- 1/20/37 Ltr. from [528]’s mother, Mrs. [865]: “…Mrs. [760] has been with us since the day I received your wire for immediate treatment. We have followed the rdg. in every detail. I feel sure that her condition is no worse, but we cannot see any especial improvement, unless it is that her color is better – not so pale. The swelling and hardness through the hips & upper legs has not improved. She suffered very much with the back of her neck & pains under the shoulders yesterday, however today that is not so bad. She is very sore all over her body, & seems to take cold each day, she sneezes & has great difficulty in breathing through her nose. She is not very weak & has a good appetite, her digestion is very good – sometimes has a little gas. So far as we know we are not giving her anything to eat that she should not have. No starches at all. We give 2 tablespoons of beef juice every 2 hours, egg yolk with burned whiskey in glass of milk at bed time. She drinks sweet milk with chocolate malt and a little cream with her meals.
“We are so very anxious about [528]’s condition. We have had 3 doctors here, she went through Haggard Clinic in Nashville, and one physician from Nashville saw her two weeks ago. They diagnosed her case as hardening and thickening of the skin. They said there was only four hundred cases on record, and that very few recovered. Also that they did not know the cause. This hardness did not show up until about three weeks ago. Before that time there was a little temperature each day and her hands and feet perspired, also she complained of being so hot inside, and severe aching over entire body.
“Mrs. [760] has wondered if we should have a specific diet. She is so good to us and is so careful that we do everything just right.
“I thank you so much for your interest in us, and pray that there is some help for her… “P.S. Do I send a check for the reading given, or wait if there is to be another one? Please advise me…” - 1/21/37 Letter from [528]’s mother, Mrs. [865]: “…The physician who had [528]’s case in the beginning has gotten some information from a research laboratory, which is claimed to be very successful in this trouble. [Scleroderma] He thinks there will be a change in two weeks from this. In the mean time we are not using oil packs, but following your other suggestions.
“Please do not give check reading until I let you hear from here.
“Thanking you for your very great interest in her…” - 1/26/37 Letter from [528]’s mother, Mrs. [865]: “…We are so very anxious over [528]’s condition. She has not been so well since Sun. She awakened with a weak spell Sun. morning, with another one at noon, and one at noon Mon. She has not had any today, but is not as strong as she was before this condition came up. The hardness of the skin is very slightly less in the upper hips, but seems to be a little lower down in legs than before. From hips to knees, and slightly in arms and right side of back and stomach. She is very cheerful most of time. If you think necessary for check reading please give as soon as possible.
“Have oil-packs been given so as to obtain best results? If not what change should be made? And shall we continue them?
“What caused the extreme weakness Sun. and Mon.? Was the medicine given in the leg beneficial? Shall we continue with medicine which is being rubbed on leg”
“What causes severe aching and soreness over body, and disagreeable odor under arm pits?
“Is there any trouble with lungs and is it T.B.?
“What causes continued sneezing and symptoms of colds, and is she getting enough oxygen?
“Shall we continue ventriculin? What effect is impacted tooth having on body and is body in condition to have tooth extracted at present?
“Please give specific diet – the diet suggested has agreed with her so far. We are so anxious to get the most out of the reading and do everything possible for her.
“Hope to hear from you right away…” - 1/27/37 Letter from Mrs. [760] to EC: “…Mr. [[528]’s father] [1057] came after me again yesterday and was in there till ten last night. When they got the telegram from you Mr. [1057] came after me (I had told her if she would get a reading I would help her any way in my power). I was there for a week and she was responding right along and the morning before Dr. Stone gave her the shot of medicine in her leg, said she felt better than since she had been sick. She is in a dreadful shape, and I was never any more determined to carry out the suggestions the case being so unusual and getting no help from all the Drs. they had four Drs. here – two in Nashville and took her through the clinic in Nashville. Well, when Mrs. [865] came and told me Dr. Stone [Harvey Stone, M.D.] had given her this shot and changed her diet and stopped the packs, I was not in the room at the time; am sure I showed my anger for I was furious. To think after he had not been able to help her, and acknowledged she was better, flesh was softening, and her legs were like stone from her waist to her knees, right arm hard to elbow, stomach and bowels up under her arm and back up to shoulder blades hard, face dreadfully swollen and firm; I never was so shocked and distressed when I got there, we worked heroically with her and when she was getting better to step in and put a spoke in the whole thing, maybe you think I did not express myself to her mother and father plainly, and I came home. She took three shots, one each day and Sunday they thought she was dying. Monday another spell and since, shortness of breath. When she had this spell he stopped the shots. I asked them yesterday was Dr. Stone satisfied with experimenting with her. I had helped her with the letter for other check, so I helped her with the request last night, but, I said don’t send for it UNLESS YOU ARE GOING TO FOLLOW IT, and not have any Dr. unless suggested by Mr. Cayce, I said if you will follow the readings, I will stay with you to the last; if you don’t, I cannot see her experimented on, with this serious condition. Her condition has caused the concern of everybody here, and I never was so anxious to get her relieved through the readings, and I am just that interested in the work, and you, to do my utmost best to carry out to the letter every suggestion given; as I told them I NEVER QUESTIONED ANYTHING GIVEN IN A READING. I knew it was right, but her face and eyes were swollen yesterday and I feel terribly worried about her. The Drs. all say there are only four hundred cases like hers on record, and not one out of each hundred has gotten well, so you understand why I am so anxious for her case to get well under your treatment. I think so much of her and everybody in … does…”
- 2/01/37 Letter from EC to [528]’s mother, Mrs. [865]: “… Have yours of the 26th and note what you have to say. Will be glad, of course, to try, Mrs. [865], but do not know that it is best to try and do the Doctor’s suggestions and the reading also, especially if they interfere; yet, know you cannot dismiss the doctor when [528] is so ill. Our first open time is Friday morning – hope that is not putting it off too long, but would have to change someone else’s appointment to get it earlier. Know we are glad to try any time, but certainly do not want to make confusion in any way, know it is too serious a condition to do that. Hoping that will be satisfactory, or if [528] wishes it sooner wire me and will do best can…”
- 2/06/37 See 528-4 and subsequently 528-5 through 528-16.
- 3/61 HLC’s taped interview with Mrs. [528] see transcribed under 528-16 Reports. She was cured in 1938 and had no recurrence.
- 9/07/75 Also see her latest report under 528-16.
- 2/23/68 Dr. McGarey’s ltr. to those M.D.’s who agreed to either treat A.R.E. members or act in consulting capacity in re tr. according to EC readings:
Medical Research Division 4018 N. 40th Street Phoenix, Arizona 85018 William A. McGAREY, M.D., Director
Dear Doctor
As you can see, this is only a semi-personalized letter. Thus, you may or may not have been present at the 1968 Edgar Cayce Foundation Medical Symposium held here in Phoenix early in January. If you were, I am sure you will share with me my enthusiasm in an experience which, for the first time, brought physicians together to discuss concepts of physiology and therapy found in the Edgar Cayce readings. If you were not, you can find some of that experience still recorded on tape at the A.R.E. Tape Library (see address below) and available to be borrowed.
Various parts of the country were represented Pennsylvania Oregon, Texas, Tennessee, Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska, California and Arizona. To add spice to the proceedings, two present residents of Phoenix who attended have spent most of their lives in Egypt and India, respectively.
Most of the physicians in attendance, I believe, began to feel that the strange language of the Cayce readings was unraveling into understandable physiology. There began to emerge a recognition that the suggestions for therapy in the readings were based on physiological concepts that are only now being proven in the laboratories throughout the world. Strange bedfellows: – sleep phenomena, osteopathic manipulations, hypnotherapy, cellular physiology, castor oil packs – all these began to show relationship as the dynamics of the body, the mind and the soul as a unit were explored, even to the theory of the Dynamics of Human Interaction and Love.
Use of these concepts in the practice of medicine began to be an idea with portfolio, so to speak, as case presentations were made – one a woman with scleroderma; the other a man with muscular dystrophy. Both of these individuals showed a significantly improved clinical condition in the early stages of therapy using only concepts taken from the readings.
Perhaps the most dramatic incident of the entire three-day period followed the scleroderma case presentation. Cayce insisted in each scleroderma reading that this was a disease process that involved tubercle bacilli in the skin. When I presented the case, I reported this fact as one of the physiological considerations – since I was presenting the commentary as Cayce saw it. However, I apologized for his tubercle bacilli, since nowhere had I seen record of such being the case in any of the medical discussions on scleroderma. After the presentation was over, we were handed an article entitled “Acid-fast Microorganisms as a Possible Cause of Scleroderma”. (Medicina Cutanea, Ano 1-N. 6-Mayo 1967, paginas 583-596. Editorial Cientifico-Medica – Barcelona) This article, written in Spanish, was given us by the prime author, present at the symposium, A. R. Cantwell, Jr., M.D., who did the work with Craggs, Wilson and Swatek at the Department of Dermatology, Long Beach V.A. Hospital. Microscopic demonstration of the organisms was made and Cayce’s unconscious visualization of what he called tubercle bacilli no longer needed even an uninformed apology. [See 3/16/68 Dr. Cantwell’s letter enclosing a reprint of the Scleroderma article printed in English.]
You have signified your interest in treating A.R.E. members or acting in a consultation capacity when these people want to be treated according to the readings. What happened here in Phoenix last month was a long first step toward making your desire to participate in the research of the Edgar Cayce Foundation much more of a reality. We plan to send you information from time to time. We are making up a notebook that will be of reference help to you. A list of pharmaceutical suggestions from the readings is in the process of being prepared (early stages), and we have already put the 1969 Medical Symposium on the schedule for January 10th through 14th, which is Friday through Tuesday. The winter A.R.E. Lecture Conference for Phoenix and the southwest will follow this, the latter part of the week, for those of you who are interested. You are encouraged to write us for information or for any sort of help you will need in approaching the use of these physiological concepts in your practice of medicine. I would be most happy to supply you with all the information we have come up with to the present time.
May you have a thoroughly vital and productive year…
Very sincerely yours, William A. McGarey, M.D.
Tape Library: Mr. Joseph Chevola 2312 E. Aldine Phoenix, Arizona 85022 - 3/16/68 ltr. to HLC:
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PERMANENTE MEDICAL GROUP 1505 North Edgemont Street, Los Angeles, California 90027 Telephone 663-8411
Dear Hugh Lynn,
I finally got the reprints of the scleroderma article printed in English.
These “acid-fast” bacteria are a close relative of the TUBERCLE bacillus. Not too much is known about this kind of bacteria but more and more reports are coming out indicating they can cause a variety of diseases.
Looking forward to seeing you in May. Alan Cantwell. - See Source File Key #528 for all current reports, supplements and professional commentaries re 528-3.
F 29
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 6th day of February, 1937, in accordance with request made by the self – Miss [528] Associate Member of the Ass’n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.
Present: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.
Time and Place: 11:45 to 11:55 A. M. Eastern Standard Time. …, Ky.
(Physical Suggestion)
- EC: Yes, in some respects improvements are shown; in others there are hindrances.
- As we would find, if there is the careful study of the conditions that exist – while not being fully understood by many – it will be seen that these are as we find the indications and the disturbances as have been given; the effect of the tubercle activity to the superficial circulation, and with the properties in the system as indicate the making for the hardening through this portion of the system, works a hardship for the circulation and for the general condition of the body.
- And this may become constitutional, as the very nature of consumptive force – or the consumption of tissue by the disturbance – makes for this constitutional nature.
- Hence we would follow those suggestions as to external applications, as to massage, as to the diet, more closely – all of these; and we would find better conditions.
- The injections have caused disturbances to the heart’s activity, to the coordination between the sympathetic and the cerebrospinal system. The sinking spells and the weakness are from the lack of assimilation of these conditions to the body.
- Either use one or the other.
- We have given thus far that as would be the more beneficial. But choose thou.
- Then as conditions change (as has been indicated) other things may be given to help.
- For we would use then, very soon, the low electrical vibration through the Wet Cell Appliance carrying the alternation of Atomidine (commercial strength), Chloride of Gold (the strength would be three grains to an ounce of distilled water), and Spirits of Camphor full strength. Apply these alternately; that is, in days – not one right after the other. Each treatment would be for a period of thirty minutes. The attachments would be made in these manners:
- The first day, the smaller plate would be attached first, at the 4th lumbar; while the larger plate – through which the Atomidine (“Atomic Iodine”) solution would pass – would be attached last, over the umbilicus and lacteal duct area.
- The next day the smaller plate would be attached first to the 2nd dorsal, while the larger plate – through which the Chloride of Gold solution would pass – would be attached last, to the umbilicus and lacteal duct plexus.
- The next day the smaller plate would be attached first, at the 1st and 2nd cervical plexus; while the larger plate – through which the Spirits of Camphor solution would pass – would be attached last, over the umbilicus and lacteal duct plexus.
- Alternate in that manner. Each solution carries to the circulation the vibrations of these properties to act upon the glandular system as well as the circulation.
- Begin these only after quiet has been maintained and choice has been determined as to the course to pursue.
- Ready for questions.
- (Q) Have the Oil Packs been given properly?
(A) Very good, and have obtained results. These must be kept up for periods of two to three days, and then a rest period of a week; but keep up along with these others. - (Q) Should all suggestions given in previous reading be continued?
(A) All suggestions be continued. Especially as to diet, that makes for such changes in the reactions. - We are through for the present.
Copy to Self
Copy to Ass’n file
- See 528-3 on 1/14/37 for Scleroderma.
- 2/08/37 Letter from EC to [528]’s mother, Mrs. [865]: “…Do hope the suggestions will prove very helpful for [528] at this time. Know there is nothing more that I can add to the suggestion just now, but will always be glad to hear from you and you know if it is possible am glad to try and be of a service. Please let us hear how she gets along. Please give her our love and best wishes…”
- 2/08/37 Wire from [528] to EC: “Send Wet Cell Appliance complete with directions for amount of medicine prescribed in reading for each treatment. Check will follow…”
- 2/09/37 Letter from EC to [528]: “…Received your wire regards the Appliance this morning. Phoned the Health Home Remedies Corp. at once, and am sure you will hear from them direct at once. Do hope you are feeling a lot better, and will soon be your normal good self again. Am sure you will have to be a bit patient, but can you get the results it will be worth it all. Know we will be anxious to hear from you every chance. With love and regards to all…”
- 2/24/37 Wire from [528] to EC: “Immediate reading two rigors severe aching – bleeding from rectum – stomach sore – is battery given correctly…”
- 2/24/37 See 528-5.
F 29
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Va. Beach, Va., this 24th day of February, 1937, in accordance with request made by the self – Miss [528], Associate Member of the Ass’n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.
Present: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.
Time and Place: 3:25 to 3:30 P. M. Eastern Standard Time. … St. …, Ky.
(Physical Suggestion)
- EC: Yes, we have the body here, [528].
- As we find, while the existing conditions appear somewhat disturbing – unless it breaks farther, through strain or through some other overactivity of the body, this is the system’s attempting to adjust itself and eliminate those disturbances in the circulation that have caused the checking of the flow to the lymph circulation.
- Hence while precautions would be taken, we would give rather as this:
- With an enema occasionally, use considerable of Glyco-Thymoline in the solution for general use; that there may be no reinfection from the tendency for the system to exhume this disturbed circulation through the alimentary canal. Every other day this may be given. Not necessary if there is not a greater amount of discharge.
- We would also on the day or at the day when the Camphor Solution is to be used, use this Camphor Solution in the same manner as indicated two days in succession, then the others in their regular order.
- Also we would use an Alcohol Rub. This while diluted should be grain and not rub alcohol. This will give more strength to the body, and especially on the limbs and across the shoulders. This will also tend to make for a better lymph circulation.
- In the diet be mindful that the strengthening forces are given, though not that which may antagonize or cause too great quantities of starch in the system.
- Ready for questions.
- (Q) Is the Appliance being used correctly?
(A) As indicated, use in the same manner except use the Camphor Solution two days in succession; and reduce the time a little bit on each of these – not more than twenty minutes now for the time. - (Q) The two rigors, severe aching –
(A) (Interrupting) As indicated, arises from the attempts of the body to throw off the poisons. Hence the stimulation by the rubbing. Of course, keep up the oil rubs, but the strengthening by the rubbing with alcohol. - (Q) Does this condition also cause the sore stomach?
(A) As given. - (Q) What proportion of the Glyco-Thymoline?
(A) Two tablespoonsful to a quart and a half of water. Have water body temperature. This is to prevent secretions or the discharges from becoming reinfected or setting up adhesions, also to keep an alkalinity. - (Q) With the exception of the Camphor Solution being used two days, is the Appliance being used correctly?
(A) As indicated! If it hadn’t been, we would have changed it! - We are through with this reading.
Copy to Self – Special Delivery – Wired also
Copy to Ass’n file
- See 528-4 on 2/06/37 for Scleroderma.
- 2/24/37 Wire to [528]: “Every other day Glyco-Thymoline enema, proportions 2 tablespoonsfuls quart & half water body temperature. Use grain alcohol rub especially limbs, across shoulders. Use Camphor Solution 2 days in succession, otherwise continue Appliance same except reducing time to 20 minutes. Full information special.”
- 2/25/37 Ltr. from EC to [528]: “…Sorry you had such a scare, but do hope you are feeling a whole lot better. Glad to try and be of a help. Let us hear every little while, for you may know we are all anxious about you, and are praying with and for you…”
- 3/03/37 Ltr. from [528]’s mother, Mrs. [865] to Health Home Remedies Corp.: “…Will you please let me know if it is necessary to change the auxilliary solutions (Gold, Atomidine (“Atomic Iodine”) & Camphor) when we recharge the Appliance.
“[528] has not been so well for the last week. I wired for an immediate rdg., but the condition with her stomach has not cleared up.
“Can you advise us about the membership fee of twelve dollars and fifty cents for each year. Does this cover the rdgs. she has gotten? I have misplaced the letter, and she did not understand it fully…” - 3/05/37 See 528-6 volunteered following Ck. Phys. 538-43, without suggestion being made to obtain it.
F 29
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Va. Beach, Va., this 5th day of March, 1937, for Miss [528], Associate Member of the Ass’n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.
Present: Edgar Cayce; Hugh Lynn Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Gertrude Cayce.
Time and Place: 11:40 to 11:45 A. M. Eastern Standard Time. …, Ky.
(No suggestion; this volunteered information came at end of another Ck. Phys. [538-43], after Conductor had given suggestion, “That is all.”)
- EC: Now, as we find, we would give these suggestions for the body [528], … Street, …, Kentucky.
- Now the conditions are much on the improve, by the vibrations that have been set up through the system by the low electrical forces and the rub. These should be kept.
- The plates of the Appliance should be kept a little cleaner. Not that the precautions haven’t been taken, but so easily do the emanations from the body – with the little temperature and the poisons, and the very character of the condition – tend to clog that constant flow that should be had from the vibrations.
- Do this also: Prepare a charred keg, at least a gallon or gallon and a half size. Put in same half to a gallon of Pure Apple Brandy. Prepare with an outlet through which the body may inhale only the fumes that form in the space above the liquid, that would be kept not on a radiator but close to same – so that the gases from the charred oak – as well as from the brandy may be inhaled for the circulation. Do not inhale too much in the beginning. Only one deep inhalation, or maybe half an inhalation in the first will be sufficient. Do this about two or three times a day, whenever there is the tendency for a shaky or an ague feeling or weakness. For this will assist the circulation in healing tissue that has been impaired by the effect of the conditions as given.
- With the rest keep those strengthening forces that have been indicated; as the beef juice, this sipped often. Also we find that a little (not much) Red Wine taken with brown or sour bread (that is, black bread), or with Ry-Krisp or the like, in the late afternoons will be well to add to the diet. About a jigger or half a jigger at a time; this also sipped. These will strengthen the body, and as the conditions are being broken up will give strength and vitality to the body.
- We are through with this reading.
Copy to Self
Copy to Ass’n file
- See 528-5 on 2/24/37 for scleroderma, with subsequent Reports.
- 3/05/37 EC volunteered 528-6, following Ck. Physical 538-43, without suggestion being given to obtain it. A few days later EC rec’d this ltr. from Miss [528]’s mother, Mrs. [865], dated 3/05/37. Was she writing it at the same time the rdg. was volunteered? “[528] has not been so well since I wired you last week. Her stomach is badly upset, she has severe pains in lower abdomen, and much gas. Her food does not digest, & she aches badly over entire body, more however in right shoulder & down all of back. We are not sure how often we should have a rdg., as her condition seems to change each few days. Until last wk. she had no trouble during entire illness with stomach.”
- 3/08/37 Ltr. from [528]’s mother, Mrs. [865]: “…The rdg. that came for [528] this morning was an answer to my prayers. We are so very grateful to you for this information. She has been so bright and cheerful all day. We felt that in some ways her condition was improved, yet she suffers so much from the aching over body & skin being sore, we were not positive. The hardness of her skin is less, though very evident yet, through the hips and limbs to knees.
“I am continuing all treatments suggested from first – as Mrs. [760] thinks you would have said stop them if necessary.
“In a very few days it will be time to recharge the battery. Shall we also get new solution of camphor, gold & atomidine (“Atomic Iodine”) at the same time? I wrote in regard to this, but… I was afraid I would not get the information right away…
“I thank you so much for the suggestions, and assure you that
I shall follow them as nearly as is possible. May God bless you and your wonderful work…” - See subsequent Phys. Rdgs., & Reports included in 8/38 Case Study on Scleroderma by Hugh Lynn Cayce & used later in THERE IS A RIVER, pp. 420-30, showing gradual overcoming of this dread disease.
- 8/12/65 GD’s note: Recently we heard that [528] is still leading a normal, healthy life as a busy housewife, organist, etc.
- See subsequent Reports on other scleroderma cases, treated according to [528]’s directions, under 528-3.
F 29
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 23rd day of March, 1937, in accordance with request made by the self, Active Member of the Ass’n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.
Present: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.
Time and Place: 4:00 to 4:10 P. M. Eastern Standard Time. …, Kentucky.
(Physical Suggestion)
- EC: Yes, we have the body, [528].
- While conditions as we find are far from being entirely satisfactory, there is much improvement shown in many ways – that should be most gratifying to the body, as well as to those so anxious about the conditions.
- As we find in the present a disturbance arises most from lack of activity to make for the proper character and the proper manner of eliminations.
- Hence those tendencies are existent for the hepatic circulation to gather the poisons that are so much being thrown off, and to tend to make for temperature that becomes rather aggravating to the circulation.
- Then in those portions of the lymph circulation there is the hardening of the muscular forces in the activities – as through the shoulders and the neck, and as portions of the lower limbs and across the abdomen. These very influences then, of course, tend to make for a formation of gas.
- We would not change or alter so very much, then, the properties that have been indicated, in blood building, blood purifying, the rubs and the vibratory forces for making for the better coordination with the low electrical forces.
- The Appliance should be kept, of course, much in the manner as has first been indicated. Keep the plates very clean, and not a rigid but a positive connection to the body when they are applied.
- As we would find, the enemas of warm (not hot but body temperature) saline solutions; that is, soda and salt both would be well; and if it is necessary use the high colon tube so that the gas is carried off from the system. If such enemas are taken once a week or once in ten days, these will be most helpful in keeping down the poisons and preventing their reaction or reabsorption by the activity of an already disturbed circulation. The proportions of the salines would be a level teaspoonful of baking soda and a heaping teaspoonful of table salt to each quart of water, body temperature, well dissolved in same. This is rather saline but combined will be preventative for irritation and for other disturbances. Use in the last water (after the saline solution has been used and the enema bag rinsed) a tablespoonful of Glyco-Thymoline to the quart of tepid water.
- Also three to four times a day we would take internally small quantities of Pure Olive Oil. Do not take so much as to cause overfermentation; quarter teaspoonful or a few drops is much better than a tablespoonful for this body.
- We would keep most of the same in the diets, the inhalations.
- The inhalations will soon need to be recharged, or the keg refilled with the solution – for it is the evaporation that takes place, you see. Put another half gallon into the keg, you see; and these we find should make for greater improvements for the body.
- Keep the rubs and all of those as indicated.
- Well for the body to be as active as possible, but not to overtire the body. If the body walks about the house or even in the open air – that is, sits where there is plenty of air if not walking about – this is much better. Even riding in the open is well if the body finds that its strength allows same. Just take care in seeing that the body is wrapped up. For these are well for the changing of scenes, and some activity gives better outlook for the body.
- Ready for questions.
- (Q) Are we giving the Appliance correctly?
(A) As indicated, keep the plates clean. Make a positive though not too binding connection. - (Q) Shall we continue the Oil Packs?
(A) These are very necessary. Do not have them too hot but have them so that the body absorbs these; but as these are absorbed, remember the poisons – as they are absorbed – must be eliminated from the system. We find that occasionally a little Milk of Bismuth with a few drops of Elixir of Lactated pepsin will be helpful for the digestive system. Whether taken once a day or once a week (do not take too much, but whenever there is a feeling of gas movements this would be well), the dose would be a teaspoonful of the Bismuth and two, three, four to six drops of the Pepsin stirred in half a glass of water. This gives better tone for the stomach, helps to absorb poisons, keeps down the gas and aids the abdominal disturbances. Thus, naturally, with the poisons being absorbed, the irrigations or colonics (that is, enemas – using the colon tube) become necessary, as indicated. Unless there is the overabundance of activity through such eliminations, the poisons must accumulate and the disturbance be more severe. - We are through with this reading.
Copy to Self
Copy to Ass’n file
- See 528-6 on 3/05/37 for scleroderma, with subsequent Reports.
- 3/20/37 Mother [865]’s letter: “[528] would like to have a ck. rdg., as the aching over her entire body is so bad. For the last few days, especially, it has been very severe across shoulders and in neck, and all of the skin is very sore. She has also run a slight temperature yesterday and today. She had been free of fever for 3 wks. She continues to have quite a lot of trouble in stomach and bowels. Shall we continue the oil packs and other treatments? Is the battery given correctly, and is her diet correct? Is it best to stay in bed, or how long each day should she be up?”
- 3/21/37 Reply to Questionnaire, signed by Miss [528] herself:
“Yes, the analysis of the rdg. covered the condition as far as we understand, except for the aching of entire body. Symptoms described correctly were the aching across shoulders and neck for several years, then the aching became worse effecting entire body, temperature, night sweats, sweating of hands and feet, burning along spine, thickening and hardening of skin, increased weight of 20 lbs., soreness of skin, soreness of stomach, gastrointestinal tract disorder, accumulation of gas in abdomen and rigors.
“I went through a clinic and they said a nervous condition and a suspicious looking place on apex of one lung. I had 5 other doctors, one a specialist who finally said I had scleroderma and no lung trouble.
“Since 1/14/37 we have followed the rdgs. the very best we knew how.
“Improvements have resulted. Aching continued, temperature at intervals, night sweats stopped, sweating of hands and feet improved, burning along spine in spots but not full length of spine. Thickening and hardening of skin is 25% improved, increased weight reduced 5 lbs., soreness of skin slightly improved. Stomach shows improvement at times but still a lot of gas and sourness. No more rigors.
“Aching has improved little if any, but other conditions are better.”
- 3/25/37 EC’s letter: “Do hope the suggestions in the last rdg. will make a lot of difference. Do not let the suggestion that you have enemas all upset you, because your father [1057] had such a time about them. You can take them yourself if you will use a Fountain Syringe and get you a colon tube, and take it easily, and you won’t have any trouble. Evidently the poisons are what are causing you a little fever. Clear that up and you will find you will feel a lot better. Take it easy with your getting out, but soon you should be able to have some nice long drives, and that will help a lot. Don’t tire yourself too much with these, but keep up all the suggestions, and you will whip that old trouble yet, despite what anyone says. For, after all, [528], “Ye are gods,” [Ps. 82:6] and He has a work for you to do here, now. If you will give Him a chance He will show you what is best. You are His. Just be willing to be used as He sees fit. Isn’t that all in keeping with the Good Book, and what everyone has been saying all these years? There are so few of us who don’t tell Him how and what we want to do, rather than being just what He would have us be. The motivative force in whatever may be used to help must be divine, or there can’t possibly be any help, and we only use it aright.
“Oh, no, I am not a preacher, but I know you have experienced enough to know all these things [GD’s note: Miss [528] is a church organist] and I would only call them to your remembrance. You can use the facts for God’s purposes, not for your own, make your ways His ways, and all is, and will be, fine and lovely.” - 3/31/37 Mother [865]’s letter: “In the last rdg. it was suggested that the keg be refilled. Shall we empty the keg of the solution or put the half gallon in with old brandy?
“[528] appreciated your kind letter to her so very much. She is feeling fairly well, still aches badly and her skin is very sore. The stomach condition is some better. She is up for a few minutes each day now, as you suggested, but is very weak.” - 4/05/37 EC’s letter: “Do not think it necessary to pour out the brandy in keg, but just add more to that already there. Keep it where it will evaporate; that is, where it keeps warm, not hot, but tightly corked, and when loosened to use, to be sure the first few inhales are the best.”
- 4/16/37 Mother submitted questions for a Ck. Physical, saying they had referred a Mr. [1365] for a rdg.
- 4/26/37 See 528-8.
F 29
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 26th day of April, 1937, in accordance with request made by the self – Miss [528], Active Member of the Ass’n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc., through her mother.
Present: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.
Time and Place: 3:35 to 4:00 P. M. Eastern Standard Time. … St., …, Ky.
(Physical Suggestion)
- EC: Yes, we have the body here; this we have had before.
- Now as we find, there is a great deal to be desired – in the eliminating of disturbing forces and in the building up of the activity of the system in such a manner as to prevent those disturbing factors in the glandular system, in the circulatory system, in the blood supply proper, from causing disturbances that from time to time give anxiety and disturbance to the body.
- These then are the conditions as we find them in the present, and – as has been indicated at other times, there is much improvement yet much to be desired.
- In the blood stream and in the manner of its circulation in the superficial forces of the body, we still find there are the indications of the effect of those disturbing factors that are a portion of the cause of the disturbing condition, or the hardening and the withdrawal of proper circulation.
- These arise to be sure from an inherent condition from those things that have disturbed the body. This comes about to be sure by the lack of the ability of the glandular system to effect, through the assimilations, sufficient of the leucocytes to ward off or destroy this form or type of bacilli that has been and is still active. However, the causes are being reached, and the ability of building up in the blood supply is being gradually improved.
- Then as there is sufficient improvement for the body to become more active in the open and to keep the necessary balance through the diets and through the activities from those influences and forces as may be given, there will be more and more of a gain; and there should be an eliminating of the causes and a building back to normalcy for the body.
- As to just how long this will require, to be sure depends upon the responses of the system to a great extent to the applications and circumstances as it were for conditions as might cause or produce a detrimental condition in the experiences of the body.
- In making the applications in the present:
- As we find, it would be well to keep the Ventriculin for the aid in creating in the assimilating system bettered conditions in the blood stream.
- It is well to keep the low electrical vibrations carrying the elements that become active with the system through the carrying of same into the body. As has been indicated, keep the connections close or tight, the applications to the body in contact but without too much binding; and keep the anodes very clean when attached; changing the solutions at their regular intervals. When the solutions of the electrical vibrations are changed, change the medicinal solutions also that are to be carried into the system; that is, the Atomidine (“Atomic Iodine”), the Gold and the Camphor.
- Keep the inhalations. These as we find are effective in making for the better conditions through the lung supply, that there may be a more perfect oxidization or more oxygen carried in not only by the expanding of the lungs by the gases from the brandy but by the stimulating effect to the whole of the system.
- We also find that it would be well to use the Castor Oil Packs for the absorbing in whatever portion the stiffness occurs. To be sure, the application of same over the abdominal area was for the specific condition, becoming more effective there; but apply same on the neck, shoulders, hips, lower limbs, any portion where this hardening occurs, for periods sufficient until it is seen that there is the relaxing and the pliability of the skin so that the circulation carries on through same normally.
- As much as is possible, and as the weather improves, be in the open. Not in the beginnings would it be well for too much of the direct sun rays, but keeping in the wind and the sun if well wrapped is well. While this may produce at times those tendencies of an irritation, if cared for by the massages and by the applications to the portions of the body as indicated, it will be helpful.
- Then as soon as the body is able to travel, the salt air – and the pines, or the seashore, the sands and the same – will be most helpful for the body. There should not be too great an exposure of the body at first in the sun, but gradually – early morning before ten-thirty, in the evening after three-thirty, would be the proper period for exposure in the beginnings, under such environs; and in such surroundings we find the more the body is able to “rough it” the better.
- In the diet, keep close to those things that have been indicated, that are body and blood building; easily assimilated but that make for structural forces as well as more blood and cleaner blood.
- Keep the eliminations in the manners as indicated. These as given must be a little above normal, for the poisons that are carried off from the system in the drosses through the applications of all the influences and forces must be cared for; else we may find the lymph and the emunctory forces building up or picking up refuse forces that become effective in reinfection through other portions of the body.
- Also keep in the mental attitude of constructive forces as has been given.
- Let the body, during those periods especially when the Wet Cell Appliance is being used, be in that attitude of putting self – in a meditative, prayerful mind – into the hands, into the arms, into the care of the Savior. Not merely as trusting, not as merely hoping, but as relying upon the promises; and make them cooperative, co-active. Be used for something; not only good but good FOR something; that ye may bring into the experience of others – even by thine own ability to suffer – the glorious knowledge of the working of the Christ-Consciousness within the individual mind.
- For if these are adhered to, if these are kept, we will find the helpful forces in EVERY manner; not only with the patience to bear the cross of distress or anxiety but with the means and the friends and the hopes to CARRY ON for Him!
- Ready for questions.
- (Q) Please tell us what to do for this aching that has been so severe recently?
(A) As indicated, apply the Castor Oil Packs, heavy, over the areas until not only the flesh but the whole circulation is seen to be – by the “feel” – active and correlative with the rest of the system. - (Q) Have they been given correctly so far?
(A) Only over the areas as first given to hinder the progress there. Now, as intimated, apply these wherever there is the stiffness; whether in neck, in back, in loins, in lower limbs, or in whatever portion there is the aching or heaviness. The deep reaction from the Oil will relieve the distress. - (Q) Are enemas given correctly?
(A) These are very good. As has been indicated, let these be used in preference to so much cathartics, or even laxatives; though vegetable stimulation may be used – such as a little excess of rhubarb or the like in the meals, or the oils as of the Russian Mineral Oils, or even the Simmons Liver Regulator for an exercising of the whole hepatic circulation at times when necessary, when there is not at least one to two activities from the alimentary canal each day. Do not let a day go by without SOME eliminations; better that there be two eliminations. - (Q) What causes the suffering with gas in stomach the day high enema is given? Is anything wrong?
(A) This is a tendency for the slow circulation as exists through same to form pockets, which cause or produce the reaction. When the enemas are given, if the salines and soda are used these will tend to keep this down. - (Q) Should there be any change in giving the Appliance?
(A) Only as has been indicated. - (Q) Shall we continue to give Ventriculin?
(A) As has been indicated. - (Q) What causes temperature to return after being normal for a week or ten days?
(A) The tendency for reinfection, as has been indicated, that must be warred against by the stimulation not only to the circulation internally but to the superficial circulation and the eliminations through the alimentary canal and the whole of the respiratory system and perspiratory system. - 28. (Q) Is there any trouble in stomach?
(A) No trouble in the stomach; only that as has been indicated – the weakness by the using up of the energies through the system’s attempting to adjust itself against those active principles in the circulatory system from the lack of glandular reaction, and from the infectious forces.
Do as has been indicated, consistently, persistently. - 29. We are through for the present.
Copy to Self
Copy to Ass’n file
- See 528-7 on 3/23/37 for Scleroderma.
- 4/16/37 Mother submitted questions.
- 5/02/37 Mother [865]’s letter: “What do you think of using one oil pack a day instead of 2-3 a day for 3 days and a rest period of a wk. as we have been doing, since the rdg. suggested more exercise?
“[528] has so very much confidence in the rdgs. and is so anxious to carry them out exactly as they should be. [“I am putting them over entire body except below knees.”]
“She has ached more severely since Thurs. than at any time since her illness, all over her body and especially along her spine. We really feel so discouraged about her condition, as this was the way she started. However, we do not let her know how anxious we are.” - 5/08/37 EC’s letter: “Use the oil packs as often as she likes. Every day, or if there are times that the soreness comes on, or the stiffness, use them more than once a day, and keep them regularly.”
- 6/08/37 Miss [528]’s letter: “I know you think my case is the most stubborn one you have seen – in fact I think that. I get so discouraged sometime that I feel like giving it up as a bad job. However, I don’t intend to, because I intend to get well and I won’t stop fighting until I do. But that well day seems so far off.
“From the way we interpreted the last rdg. we thought we were to keep on with the same thing until the hardness left. I didn’t know about getting another rdg. and wanted to ask your advice. We think some of the hardness is still there in the upper legs. I get in the packs from the shoulders to the knees, except the stomach, every day. I still ache awfully bad – of course it is worse in the back and across the shoulders, but the muscles over the entire body are affected. In the right knee, right at the place I bend it, is sore. I can’t stoop down because it hurts so bad. It feels like it might be in the joint. The temperature started today after being free of it for about 3 wks. It is just 99 but I know that isn’t right. I wondered if it could be pre-menstrual temperature. I take the high enema once a week and the Simmons’ Liver Regulator once a week. I don’t have as much gas on my stomach as I did after the enema or any other time. I exercise every day and am able to be up most all the time except the 3 hrs. in the pack and about an hour and a half for a nap. I just rest when I feel tired but I am much stronger now than when you gave the last rdg. I just can’t understand why the aching doesn’t leave, though. The soreness of the skin is better but not all gone.
“I wanted you to know just exactly how I was and advise about another rdg. Some of my friends want me to go through Mayo’s clinic for the aching, but I believe if anybody in this world can help me, you can. I don’t believe that it will ever leave.”
“P.S. I have lost in weight from 148 to 141 since the last rdg. I wondered if the diet should remain the same. I don’t eat any sweets but the natural sweets, for somebody told us that sweets formed starch in the stomach. I weighed 127 when I went to bed in Nov. but I hate to lose too much.” - 6/16/37 Wire verified appointment, asking: “Have sore places through stomach and bowels – shall all suggestions be continued? Can anything help aching? What is trouble in knee? Any change in diet?”
- 6/17/37 See 528-9.
F 29
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 17th day of June, 1937, in accordance with request made by the self – Miss [528], Active Member of the Ass’n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.
Present: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Carrie S. House; also Maud M. Lewis and little granddaughter from Greenville, Alabama.
Time and Place: 10:40 to 11:00 A. M. Eastern Standard Time. … St., …, Ky.
(Physical Suggestion)
1. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [528]; this we have had before.
2. As we find, while there are disturbing conditions that arise at times, the body is continuing on the improve.
3. And to eradicate or eliminate those disturbing factors that arise in the circulatory forces as related to the circulation in the superficial portions of the body, or in the skin, those precautions need to be kept and those activities that have been indicated.
4. From the very nature of the infectious or the destructive forces that arise, from the character of the disturbance or the destroying of tissue that should be builded up by the nature of the disturbance as given, more precaution and the more consistent effort are required on the part of the body.
5. Hence the body must not, should not lose courage to carry on, but working in patience, knowing that all healing, all help must arise from constructive thinking, constructive application, and most and first of all constructive spiritual inspiration.
6. For to be in the position of using the energies in nature that manifest themselves in body, mind, abilities, purposes, aims, desires of a living entity, is to be using that which is the gift of the Creative Forces – or God.
7. Then because of the fact that destructive forces arise in the physical forces, the impulse, the nature of the disturbance must be first eradicated with a purposefulness in the desire for self to be used in a constructive, helpful, hopeful way for others; as well as self.
8. Then, these we would keep for the body:
9. Whenever there are those changes that naturally arise from activities of the organs of the body in relation to eliminations, in relation to constructive forces – as has been recently experienced – the eliminations through the periods have been or are rather scant, rather far apart; yet in the more recent there has been more of a near normal flow.
10. Hence there has necessarily, nominally, been a greater drain, a greater drawing upon all of the organs of the system, as related to constructive and creative forces within the bodily functions. But these – with which nature has endowed the body – cleanse the system. Hence they should be taken advantage of, rather than dreaded, rather than looked upon as a detrimental force.
11. Use then, as ever should be, the disturbances as stepping-stones for higher and better and greater understanding.
12. Hence first, keep up nominally those inhalations, that the respiratory system may be kept in a near normal, nominal reaction; so that those tendencies for inflammation, those tendencies for the respiratory system to be better cleansed may be continued; so that the circulation of the body is better or improved. Then, keep the inhalations of the brandy.
13. Also keep the Ventriculin. These properties, to be sure, should be kept for periods of three to four weeks, left off for a period of four to five days, then kept for periods of three to four to five weeks and left off again. As has been indicated, these properties carry the enzymes for the body to be stimulated for the more perfect coagulation.
14. Thus they become in the circulation (the enzymes), by the use of the vibratory forces of the electrical Appliance, such as to change the vibratory body to an extent where there may be constructive forces in the whole of the bodily functions themselves.
15. Hence the electrical vibrations of the influences as indicated should be kept also; these rather consistently. See that all connections, that all solutions, are kept normal and proper.
16. The Oil Packs should be applied when there is soreness in the abdominal area, or when there is found – in the lower limbs or in the shoulders or in the knees or in the feet or in any portion of the body – that tendency for the circulation in the superficial or skin portion to become slowed by the cellular forces not being eliminated properly. Use them on the various portions, you see. Not necessary that the whole body be covered with them at one time, but the areas where these disturbances arise.
17. Also now, as a rub, especially for the knees, the hips, the abdomen, the shoulders, the head and neck, we would use equal portions of Olive Oil and Tincture of Myrrh. Heat the Oil and add the Myrrh. This combination is not only a food for bodily respiration, especially during these seasons, but carries with same the healing forces of the oil as combined with the myrrh as a stimulation to the circulatory forces in the superficial portions of the body.
18. Keep eliminations a little above normal; that is, be assured that there is a thorough evacuation of the alimentary canal and colon once or preferably twice each day.
19. Take a little of the Olive Oil internally when necessary. Use the Russian White Oil. Also when there is not sufficient activity, or when there are not the movements of the body sufficient to cause the proper eliminations, occasionally use the enemas to cleanse the colon; for the poisons naturally are of the nature that they disturb the circulatory forces. And the enzymes and the coagulating forces of the system being broken down have those inclinations to make for weakness, for soreness in portions of the body.
20. As to the diet: Keep that which is not only palatable but that is in a proper relationship as to acids and alkalines. Not all acid; for as is indicated, the very nature of the tubercle reaction is acid, yet at times the throwing off of the reactions tends to make for congestions in eliminating areas – as the liver, the kidneys and the alimentary canal.
21. Hence the necessity for a little more of the alkalines than the acids, because the body because of the natural conditions and those applications becomes more susceptible than it would be ordinarily. So we will find that milk is not so good at times as other drinks; as even water, as wine, as those things that make for a variation in the activity through the eliminations of the bodily forces themselves.
22. Then, as we have oft given, do not combine cereals and citrus fruit juices at the same meal or even the same day. Drink plenty of orange juice, citrus fruit juices of all natures. Combine a little of lemon with most of the orange; though lime and the grapefruit may be taken alone. Lime with a little syrup and carbonated water would be very good, just so it is alive.
23. Use also the small fruits, the green vegetables that are easily assimilated. All the foods should be those that are easily assimilated by the body.
24. Keep the normal activities, in the open as much as possible.
25. Keep in a cheery frame of mind. Plan as to what you are going to do, not only for yourself but plan for others, with others, as to things that you desire to do.
26. Help those who are less fortunate, even than self, in those things that have brought, do bring, helpful, hopeful experiences for the own self.
27. Pray often. Be patient. Be gentle.
28. DO NOT WORRY about the outcome! KNOW you are in the hands of the living God; let Him give the returns but you keep in that way as you know to show forth to others His love.
29. Ready for questions.
30. (Q) How much Olive Oil should be taken internally at a time?
(A) Depends upon the trouble, depends upon the period, depends upon how it is active. If there is a disturbance through the alimentary canal and the body will assimilate it, take a whole spoonful. If it upsets or becomes disturbing to the stomach, then take a little sip about four to ten to forty times a day. This depends upon what is needed at the time.
31. (Q) What is the trouble in the knee?
(A) Localization of those disturbances; and we would use the Packs and the rubs about same.
32. We are through with this Reading.
Copy to Self
Copy to Ass’n file
- See 528-8 on 4/26/37 for Scleroderma and subsequent Reports.
- 7/12/37 “I went to Mayo’s Sat. 2 wks. ago. Nothing would do my family but that I go. We knew the hardness was much better but that aching still sticks with me. Sometimes it makes me so nervous that I feel like I’ll lose my mind. Don’t you think for a moment that I had thought of not following the rdgs. and my family have just as much confidence in them as I do. They just wanted me checked over on account of this aching. We couldn’t tell just how much was hardness and how much was muscle. They said that just enough hardness was there with the symptoms for them to diagnose the trouble. They called it sclerodema and not derma. They said that was fluid in the tissues and inflammation of the muscles. They found no focus of infection to cause the aching. All they told me to do was to take plenty of exercise and quit this high nervous tension I was under. They thought it came on from recurrent attacks of flu. I didn’t know whether you would be interested to know all of that or not, but at least they were in line with the rdgs. from the way I understand them. I came straight home and got in the oil packs.
“I thought it was about time to get another rdg. Last Mon. a wk. ago I had five rigors and awfully high temperature and the weakness from those put me back a week. I took a high enema and followed it with a low one but they didn’t stop them. I finally took Aspirin. When I have those rigors I ache almost unbearably. I also had two terrible sweats.” - 7/15/37 See 528-10.
READING 528-10
F 29
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 15th day of July, 1937, in accordance with request made by the self – Miss [528], Active Member of the Ass’n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.
Present: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. W. A. Dixon of Lynnhaven, Va.
Time and Place: 11:10 to 11:25 A. M. Eastern Standard Time. … St., …, Ky.
(Physical Suggestion)
- EC: Yes, we have the body here, [528]; this we have had before.
- While there is still much to be desired in the general physical forces of the body, as we find conditions in the main continue to be on the improve.
- There is still the necessity of keeping much of those things suggested for the building of the body for the resistances in the system against the cellular forces that tend to break down in the superficial circulation, and to cause much of the inflammation and the activities in the muscular forces of the body though, these, too, show improvements somewhat.
- As we find then, some little changes we would suggest in the present – these others we would keep.
- Keep the application of the low electrical vibrations for the body, carrying the elements into the system in the manner as has been indicated – through the Wet Cell Appliance. These we would reduce in periods; not more than twenty minutes, but use the one or the other each day.
- And following the use of the Appliance, have a gentle massage with Olive Oil all over the body; especially in the areas from which the cerebrospinal and the sympathetic nervous systems receive the impulse in the circulation. That is, in the lumbar areas (and the sacral), the 9th dorsal area, in the upper brachial and across the shoulders, and especially in the vagus center in the neck and in the head. This with the Olive Oil, you see; all the body will absorb. But let the massage be more than just rubbing the Oil in; not to make the body sore, but gently given, see?
- We would also keep the Ventriculin. These elements as we find are necessary for the activities for the body to make for the better assimilations.
- Also we would take every other day one minim of Atomidine (“Atomic Iodine”) in half a glass of water, before the morning meal; just one minim. [Editor’s Note: Atomic Iodine from Baar is the product Cayce is referring to as it is electrified and includes the herbs. There is no other product made available that meets these requirements.]
- Keep in the open and the exercises as much as possible.
- Keep the greater amount of thought-expression in those directions as indicated, of the CONSTRUCTIVE forces as of not only living but living for a purpose! And as we find these will make for a continued improvement for the body.
- In the diets, we would keep these much in the manner that has been given; changing only as to the seasons the fruit and vegetables that make for the greater quantity of the diet.
- Ready for questions.
- (Q) Must I keep on taking the Beef Juice?
(A) This is very good if there is the necessity for the strength; though we may change this somewhat now to more of the fruits than of the beef juice. - (Q) Should I continue taking the Oil Packs every day, or will exercise take that hardness out?
(A) It will be necessary, when there are those tendencies for the chills or the rigors, to use the Oil Packs then. - (Q) What caused rigors, and what should I do for them?
(A) As has been indicated, the exercise, the rubs, the manipulations these should tend to prevent these from arising. For when these arise we have that breaking up or the incoordination between the superficial and the deeper circulation. This, that causes or produces same, arises from those infectious forces that have been indicated.
We find that a little Yeast taken now would tend to make for better eliminations; though when necessary use the enemas as has been indicated. But the Yeast will tend to reduce those tendencies for the superficial circulation to make for marks or spots upon the face or body. - (Q) Can anything ever be done for the continued aching, or will I continue to have it?
(A) This as we have indicated will be eliminated from the body with the establishing of the better coordination in the circulatory forces, and with the eliminations and activities. - (Q) I have a few acne bumps on my face, and what can I do about them?
(A) As has been indicated, take the Yeast at the present. - (Q) There is typhoid fever here and I haven’t had the shots for about six years. Would it be wise to take them?
(A) It certainly would NOT, under the conditions! Take the precautions rather as to the water, as to the surroundings, and as to the activities! - (Q) I want to go back to work as soon as possible. Will you please tell me, if you can, when I can go and if I should work at the church [church organist and music teacher] and teach also.
(A) Just as soon as the conditions are such; and the more the activities of the body are kept, the sooner will be the ability to return to those active forces in carrying on the experiences about the body.
Work at the church and teach too. These are a part of self; not too much at the beginning, but these are a part of self and become a part of the routine. And the sooner these are begun, with the abilities of the body to help, the better it will be! - (Q) Any further advice for the body?
(A) Keep the constructive forces in much of the prayer and meditation, and especially in the periods when the Appliance is used. Raise that vibration within self that there ARE within self the healing forces. For all healing of every nature comes only from the One Source, the Giver of all good and perfect gifts. - We are through with this Reading.
Copy to Self
Copy to Ass’n file
- See 528-9 on 6/17/37 for Scleroderma and subsequent Reports.
- 7/22/37 “You don’t know how happy the last rdg. made me when you said to stay out of the oil packs. I was staying right with them but in the summer time they are not very funny. When I read that the aching will leave me and that I can go back to work and take up both the teaching and the choir, I did everything but shout. You see, my family is opposed to my taking both jobs again, but I wanted to so bad. I just love to do both and the reason they object is that I have flu every winter. Of course I don’t want that but maybe you can get me in such good health that I won’t have it. I want to go to work by Sept. if possible and I’m about to walk myself to death to get strong enough. I know that aching won’t be gone by then because it sure is setting me wild now. When I get the olive oil rub following the battery my back between the shoulders and the neck and the shoulder blades burns and feels like needles are sticking in it… I like the yeast; in fact I get very good results from it and hope it takes care of the acne… Mr. Post Wheeler is very much interested in psychic work and wanted to know all about you and how you treated me. People here think it a miracle that I am getting well and they certainly know you have done it… I told him all I knew to tell him, but I think my case was all that was necessary.”
- 7/29/37 EC wrote asking her if she would give music lessons to Miss [1352] and let him, EC, pay for them, without [1352] knowing it. [1352-4 Her Life Rdg. told her to play the organ.]
- 8/12/37 “Another mo. has rolled around so I expect I would like to get another rdg. There hasn’t been much change since the last rdg. as far as I can see, but you said I had better be checked over every month, and you know I am in your hands ’til I get well. A chiropractor told me yesterday that he knew he could help this nervous condition but I told him you had never suggested one… The aching is better than 4-5 mos. ago but is still mighty bad… When I go down town or to the movie people stare at me like I’m a piece of stone walking around. I tell them if it hadn’t been for you I would have been stone but not walking. I’m so thankful this hasn’t left me stiff… I would be glad to teach [1352] piano, which is necessary before she could amount to anything on the organ… A Life Rdg. is what I want when I can start back to work and get some of these bills paid… The yeast has helped the acne…only have a few bumps now.”
- 8/23/37 See 528-11.
READING 528-11
F 29
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 23rd day of August, 1937, in accordance with request made by the self – Miss [528], Active Member of the Ass’n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.
Present: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.
Time and Place: 11:15 to 11:35 A. M. Eastern Standard Time. … St., …, Ky.
(Physical Suggestion)
- EC: Yes, we have the body, [528]; this we have had before.
- As we find, there is a continued improvement. Not that there are not periods when the body reverts to the inclinations or tendencies for the influences in the system to create a pressure upon the nervous system, because of the activities of those tendencies indicated there.
- Some little changes in the present, as we find, would be the more beneficial:
- In the use of the Appliance – this we would keep in the way that has been indicated; that is, charged at the regular intervals; but we would leave off – now – the solution of the Gold AND the Camphor. Take only the Atomidine (“Atomic Iodine”), and change the solution of Atomidine (“Atomic Iodine”) about twice during the period of one charge – or every fifteen days, see? Make the application to the body for the same length of time it has been given, and the attachments to the same places or positions as given for the Atomidine (“Atomic Iodine”) – not for the other solutions; for these would be left off at the present. But use the Appliance with the Atomidine (“Atomic Iodine”) solution once each day, preferably about the middle of the afternoon; or if the activities have been such as to interfere, apply same of a morning – if the engagements or activities demand – but have a regular period. [Editor’s Note: Atomic Iodine from Baar is the product Cayce is referring to as it is electrified and includes the herbs. There is no other product made available that meets these requirements.]
- The inhalations of the fumes from the Brandy had best be kept very near to that which has been indicated.
- Also the diet, though this may be changed somewhat to suit the appetites of the body; but be sure there is the inclination for the diet to be – whatever is taken – in the proportion of eighty percent alkalin-producing foods to twenty percent acid-producing. Then remember, too, the combinations in this direction as we have so oft indicated. Do not take citrus fruit juices AND cereals with milk during the same day. Do not eat white bread, white potatoes and spaghetti during the same day; any one of these may be used – but preferably the whole wheat bread, the jackets of potatoes; spaghetti with cheese, yes, but not the same day the potatoes or the white bread – is used. These should be kept in mind in the activities proper. More of the beef juices, liver extracts – these are well.
- As the cold weather starts, or when cold, damp weather begins, take the Halibut Oil with the Viosterol. This will assist in building body muscular forces as well as work VERY well with the enzymes in the Ventriculin; that should be continued, for this builds blood forces that are resistant to the inclinations and tendencies of the body.
- NOW we will find, too, that OSTEOPATHIC adjustments would be MOST beneficial. There should not be so much of the adjustments in the first as the manipulations; but a thorough massage OSTEOPATHICALLY, using the structural portions as leverage in making activity of the muscular force through not only the lumbar area but through the lower limbs and those areas above the diaphragm – just a full, general treatment. Not using the upper dorsal and cervical as the sources, but the WHOLE of the ganglia along the cerebrospinal system; then extend same to the extremities – that is, the lower limbs as indicated and the upper limbs also, or the arms, the head and the neck. Such a treatment given once each week should be about sufficient, if it is thoroughly given; but there should be a period of at least thirty to forty-five minutes taken in giving such a treatment. Once a week, at least thirty to forty-five minutes of a full OSTEOPATHIC massage.
- Keep the activities outdoors in much the same way that has been indicated.
- The Yeast is well to keep, provided at times the enemas are used (once a month, oftener if necessary) to cleanse the colon; for with the deep manipulations thoroughly given, there will be the inclinations for more poisons to be thrown into channels FOR elimination.
- For the prevention of cold, and the inclinations which usually arise through the mucous membranes of the nasal passage AND the throat, we would use a weakened solution of Atomidine (“Atomic Iodine”) as a spray. This would be advisable once a day or once in two days, dependent upon the irritation, how much activity, how much in areas where there may be expected particles of dust to accumulate or where there is a great deal of activity of many bodies. As to how often the spray is used, then, depends upon such activities.
- This will require, then, that the atomizer be cleansed VERY THOROUGHLY each time after it is used, else the tendency will be for the solution to corrode upon parts of the atomizer too greatly. If possible use a glass or rubberoid atomizer, and even then cleanse same with a little warm soda solution and let it dry thoroughly and be wiped AGAIN before solution is put into same. Spray the nasal passages and the throat. The proportions for the solution would be a teaspoonful of Atomidine (“Atomic Iodine”) to an ounce of Distilled Water – or that proportion. Or, preferably, use a medicine dropper and measure how many drops to a teaspoonful. Then once set, it is not necessary to measure in the teaspoonful but in the medicine dropper, or in the glass, which is much preferable to metals of any nature.
- These done, and kept in most all of the ways that have been given, will keep the better conditions.
- Ready for questions.
- (Q) What should be done for blackheads?
(A) Keep the eliminations and the activities by the manipulations; these will be found to be helpful. - (Q) Is there any hardness left and if so where is it?
(A) This comes and goes. As the very nature of the disturbance is in the epidermis, and between the superficial circulation and the bodily or deeper course of same, this comes and goes. There is at present a little tendency for hardness in the upper portion of the hip, on the left side; and a little at times in the muscular forces of the UPPER dorsal, more to the right side here than to the left. This will be more easily perceived by the manipulator. We would give that Beard would be very well, though take time – and be patient with her as well as with self for same. - (Q) Is there any tubercle infection in the body now?
(A) The weaknesses and tendencies exist. So long as there are rigors, so long as there are the inclinations for such hard aching, KNOW that the weaknesses – if not active forces – are present. But leave them off, don’t study them, don’t think them! Do and act to keep those away! - (Q) Is 98 3/5 my normal temperature?
(A) About the normal temperature of the body; the normal temperature. - (Q) Am I able to go back to work now?
(A) Gradually we would find that such activity would really be beneficial. Do not tire self out too much, but classes we would resume in – say – October. This would depend, to be sure, upon the feelings and activities of the body. The practice and the other service or activities, well – by the first of September. - (Q) Will that make the nervous condition and the aching any worse?
(A) With the precautions kept, and those others added as given here, it should really make the condition better rather than worse. - (Q) Are the olive oil rubs being given correctly?
(A) These are very good, and keep them up. They feed the skin, feed the circulation. - (Q) Any further advice?
(A) These do for the present. By the time there has been – or say ten to fifteen days after beginning the activities, then it would be WELL that these be checked. - We are through for the present.
Copy to Self
Copy to Ass’n file
- See 528-10 on 7/15/37 for scleroderma, and subsequent Reports.
- 8/12/37 She submitted questions.
- 8/19/37 “Is there anything I can do to avoid colds and flu? When I was taken with this trouble [last Nov.] the doctors called it flu. That was before we found the hardness, though. I was taken the same way as I have been with every spell of flu. I sometimes wonder if it hasn’t been this trouble coming on for a long time. Would the flu shots do me any good? I would do anything to escape it. I dread the first cold spell until spring on account of flu. I have had it from once to twice every winter for about ten yrs.”
- 9/06/37 “I was encouraged from the last rdg. but I wouldn’t write you until I had started to work. Yesterday was my first day and I wanted to see how I got along before I wrote you. I think the choir practice on Friday night made my shoulders hurt a little more – at least that pulling sensation was a little worse. They have hurt me worse since then but I don’t want to lay every extra pain to that. I was careful not to use my head in directing the choir but I forgot several times and did it. I was awfully nervous yesterday morning especially when so many came up to the organ and talked to me. That made me more nervous than playing the service. I broke out in a perspiration all over my body. Last night, though, I got along better and wasn’t so nervous. I was thrilled to death over going back but I knew the first time would be hard on me. I want to do it so bad and I wish this old back and neck of mine would get better. Do you think part of the aching between the shoulders and neck could be a nervous trouble? I know that is the nerve center. I ache worse there than anywhere else – however, the rest of the body aches bad enough. I didn’t tire, though, very much and I was glad of that…
“I have had two treatments from Dr. Martha D. Beard, D.O., and I sure hope she can help me. She told me this morning that the vertebrae between the shoulders were too far apart and that is where I ache so bad. Just to sit and hold my head over and shoulders drooped just sets me wild, it hurts so bad. I know I’ll be better, though, because you haven’t told me anything yet to do that hasn’t helped me…
“I gave a woman in Tenn. [Mrs. [2514]] your address. She has turned hard something like I did.” - 9/27/37 “The day before you gave the last rdg. I had a rigor and that is the last one I have had. I live in dread of those rigors – so afraid they will happen close to Sunday. I have been having a lot of gas in the stomach for the last few days and the eliminations have not been so good. I took an enema and some magnesia two different times. I probably ate the wrong thing or something. The yeast has lost its charm with me as to eliminations but my face is better, however I have a bump now and then on my face.
“I don’t feel like the work at the church has made me any worse. It may cause the shoulders to ache a little more when I get tired, but they ache all the time anyway. This past week I got awfully nervous and upset over something and let myself worry unnecessarily and I ached much worse. I wonder if part of that aching isn’t caused from nervousness. I know my circulation isn’t right because I sleep with cold feet most every night. Dr. Beard says the are all inflamed and are so sore that they cause the the muscles to be sore and and that’s where the aching comes from. You know I don’t know whether she knows what she is talking about or not, or just trying to run my bill up with her…
“Must I continue the olive oil rubs following the battery treatment? The sticking sensation has just about gone. If the general condition is improving, why doesn’t the aching improve?…
“I will start [1352] next week… I can’t take money from you after what you have done for me, I’ll never make enough money to pay you – in fact, money can’t pay you for helping me the way you have.” - 10/05/37 She submitted other questions.
- 10/08/37 See 528-12.
READING 528-12
F 29
This psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 8th day of October, 1937, in accordance with request made by the self – Miss [528], Active Member of the Ass’n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.
Present: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.
Time and Place: 11:00 to 11:15 A. M. Eastern Standard Time. …, Ky.
(Physical Suggestion)
- EC: Yes. We have the body here, [528].
- Now as we find, while there is still much to be desired, the body is on the improve.
- These are conditions as we find to be reckoned with in the present, and these the applications that are the better for the body in the present:
- As we find the manipulations have been very good. These may be put a little farther apart, but should be kept up as yet; say three in each two weeks for another six, or four to six weeks; then we would give the further instructions regarding these.
- There must be, as we find, care in the manner of the adjustments and manipulative measures. For, contrary to the ORDINARY conditions, we find in the upper dorsal, and even through the cervical areas, the inclinations for the segments to be far apart rather than close together. And this tends to make for leakages; or too easily does the body – or those portions of same – become influenced by the impulses that arise through those portions of the body from which there is not the tension. Hence this achey condition, or the hurting or the feeling of a full flow.
- While we find in the lumbar and through the sacral area a tendency of tightness. THIS makes for that inclination, now, from which there are the inclinations of a FLUSHING; that is, in the circulation, to the lower portions of the body.
- Hence in the manipulations these would be not so much MOVEMENTS of the segments as to stimulate the muscular forces along the side of the spine and following the nerve ends – or nerve branches FROM those portions to their extremities in the body. Whether this becomes those that come along the sides of the body, those that dilate to a portion of the arm, or those that are stimulated in the lower portion to the lower limbs.
- These we find (that is, the manipulations) would be under the knees to the lower portion of the limbs and the feet. All of these would be stimulated. While those from the upper portion would be merely a circular motion with not so much of a depression but to stimulate the flow of impulses BACK to the body as well as FROM the body.
- Then we would continue with the use of the low electrical vibrations. These we find are well, and in the manner as has been taken; but keep the plates clean.
- As to the building properties for the system, we would take the Halibut Oil with the other properties with same, about twice a day. Take these rather, though, in series. Take them for three weeks at a time. Then leave off entirely for a week. Then begin again.
- Keep the outdoor exercise as much as possible; that is, in keeping with the weather and the general conditions, of course.
- We do NOT find that it has been injurious to the body for the activities in association or connections with others. Yet it will be necessary, in the activities as for lessons and practise, that the body NOT become OVERANXIOUS or fretted by the activities of others. Rather before or when this would occur, walk out in the open, take a circle around for five or ten minutes, and then commence all over again. But be constructive in the thought during those periods.
- And keep the mental attitudes!
- In the diets, these have been very well. Keep them in the way as has been indicated.
- We find, as there are those disturbances from the eliminations at times, it would be well to vary the laxatives that may be taken. Vary the Yeast with weight – or the Psyllium; this will be found to be helpful. This is not too irritating to the system and will keep down that inclination for the forming of gas when there has been a little undue exercise. When the Psyllium is taken (and this about once a day for a few days, then leave this off and take the Yeast again for a few days, and then change – but when the Psyllium is taken), prepare same five or ten minutes before the meal is to be taken, and take WITH the meal and not alone. Preferably take it with a cereal or such natures. These are the better for this PARTICULAR activity for this body.
- Do these and as we find we will continue with the improvements for this body, [528].
- Ready for questions.
- (Q) Is halibut oil with viosterol the same as haliver oil? [The druggist told me it was.]
(A) As has been indicated, it is NOT. - (Q) What causes soreness over bowels and intestines?
(A) As indicated, from the variations in the conditions in the cerebrospinal system. Too easily are the impulses active through the segments in the upper portion, and a tautness in the lower portion of the cerebrospinal system. This makes for a slowing up then of impulses through the upper digestive system. Hence the variations in the manipulations, as indicated, as well as the character of eliminants for the body.
If there is the feeling at times that there is an over-quantity of gas, or a feeling of fullness, especially of evening, take a couple of tablets of Pyrosan. - (Q) Should I continue the Olive Oil rubs following the Appliance?
(A) These we would continue. - (Q) Should I continue the Liver Extract?
(A) We would continue the Liver Extract. - (Q) Has the work at the Church hindered my progress?
(A) As indicated, this as we find has NOT hindered but rather helped.
But DO NOT overtax self to where it becomes nerve racking, or the body becomes overanxious. Take a walk in the open when such begins to occur. - We are through with this Reading.
Copy to Self
Copy to Ass’n file
- See 528-11 on 8/23/37 for Scleroderma and subsequent Reports.
- 10/05/37 She submitted questions.
- 11/04/37 “I guess you think I didn’t appreciate the last rdg. by being so long about writing you. I have just been so busy that I haven’t found time and I’m writing now while my best beau is here. “I have had two terrible spells of indigestion in the last 3 wks. and lost 5-6 lbs. but since I am able to eat again I am gaining it back. I am very careful about the food I eat so I didn’t know what caused it. Dr. Beard said she thought it was nervous indigestion. Last Sun. at church my hands perspired so freely I could hardly hold them on the keys. I had the last spell of indigestion Fri. and Sat., then this happened on Sun. I was ready to give up. My hands still perspire at times but not as much as they did Sun. I had those two spells when I was tired, so maybe it was nervous indigestion. They told me at Mayo’s that was the only thing wrong with my stomach.
“I am holding this flesh since I started back to work – between 140 and 144. I’m really proud of it, too. If I could get these nerves to doing right and this aching to leave, I guess I wouldn’t have anything to grunt about.
“In the Bulletin [9/37] I saw where you were preparing a case report on my illness. I didn’t know you called it tuberculosis of the blood. [528-3 on 1/14/37 called it tuberculosis of the blood.] I have been scared to death since I read that. I thought I had scleroderma. That doesn’t sound as bad as tuberculosis, even though I am getting over it. You have scared me to death. I’m afraid to do a thing, so afraid it will come back on me. Every time I sneeze I know I am getting the flu. I do have a slight cold.
“I have never been able to get the Pyrosan tablets. I’m taking everything else you told me to except that.
“Dr. Beard said Tues. when she gave me a tr. that she could tell a very slight change in the segments – they were a little closer together. She said the reason I tired so easily was from nervous exhaustion.
“I sure was sorry you didn’t take me off of the oil rubs. I know I needed them, though, so I should not complain. I have skipped a few because I just didn’t have time to take them. I have skipped only a few, though – every Sunday, of course.
“I am trying to get well harder than I am working, so don’t think I am falling down on my job with you. A woman told me last night that it made her feel good to see me at the organ every Sun. She thought my recovery was a marvel.
“[1352] is getting along fine. I never saw a girl try so hard in my life. She is a lovely girl and I thoroughly enjoy her.” - 12/03/37 She submitted questions.
- 12/07/37 Mother [865] wrote: “We are all very sure that [528] is overworking and have tried every way to persuade her to give up a part of the work at least, but we have not succeeded. She tires so easily and is compelled to rest about every 2-3 hrs… I’m sure she will do just what you say, and she will not listen to us.”
- 12/08/37 Wire verifying appointment: “Will sunshine lamp help aching? Shall I continue battery, Ventriculin? Is improvement satisfactory?”
- 12/11/37 See 528-13.
READING 528-13
F 29
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 11th day of December, 1937, in accordance with request made by the self – Miss [528], Active Member of the Ass’n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.
Present: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Noah L. Miller and Adolph K. Swartz.
Time and Place: 4:05 to 4:20 P. M. Eastern Standard Time. …, Ky.
(Physical Suggestion)
- EC: Yes, we have the body here, [528]; this we have had before.
- As we find, there are a great many changes in the physical forces of the body since last we had same here.
- In the main these are improved. The body should change somewhat in its activities and in the APPLICATIONS of those things that would be the more beneficial for the body in the present.
- Some of the applications of the beneficial things for the improvement have become rather the routine to the body, than their being applied for definite reactions in the system.
- The tiredness or weakness that occurs at times is from too great an amount of exercises and activities without considering the general depleted condition of the body.
- Hence there should be, in this direction, rather a budgeting more of the time, and not such a strenuous amount of work INSIDE. Have more time for the outdoors, and for the relaxation of the body. Do not have too great a stress upon the system.
- As to the applications for the body: We would find that, now, too great a quantity of the oil rubs CAN be taken. It would be better to give them GENTLY, LESS often, and for definite purposes; and more of a massage given when the oils are used. And NOW we would use ONLY the pure Olive Oil, see? These rubs given once every other day should be sufficient.
- We would find that, now, too great a quantity of the oil rubs CAN be taken. It would be better to give them GENTLY, LESS often, and for definite purposes; and more of massage given when the oils are used. And NOW we would use ONLY the pure Olive Oil, see? These rubs given once every other day should be sufficient.
- If there is weakness or pain, apply an Oil Pack – and have a general massage afterwards. Not too hot, but sufficiently so that it will create the better coordinations between the perspiratory system and the activities of the respiratory system, or allow the cells of the body or of the skin all over to breathe more. Not by so much bathing off; while this should follow the oils, to be sure, but allowing these activities to be as a part of an application for benefits.
- Morning and evening have the inhalations of the Brandy. These are stimulations not only to the circulatory system – that is, through the lungs themselves, by the inhalation of the fumes – but change these, make a new lot and use that regularly; not too much of it, two to three deep breaths should be sufficient – but it is stimulating. Also it will prevent the accumulations by a slowed circulation by the body tiring so.
- Once a day or once in two days, or three times a week should be sufficient – we would use the Appliance; but rest and don’t be thinking about what you’re going to do next, or as soon as you get through with it! Do this for a purpose! not be worrying about something else that must be done, and this just has to be filled in to get it done – for it doesn’t do good in that direction!
- Leave off the liver extract. Keep, though, the building of the blood supply in the enzymes for the body (Ventriculin). This we would keep at least three to four times each week.
- The Cod Liver Oil – take this in the White’s Cod Liver Oil Tablets; of an evening preferably, just before retiring – two tablets should be sufficient for a dose – every evening.
- Do not let either the Ventriculin or the Cod Liver Oil Tablets become so as to replace food values for the system, but be consistent with those things.
- Beef juices as medicine, not as food; that is, sipped. When the body is tired, a teaspoonful of beef juice would relax the body, replenish the body, quicker than most anything that may be taken – but sip it, don’t gulp it!
- Keep the manipulations osteopathically for at least through the periods of the winter, that there may be no cold. Once a week SHOULD be sufficient, but the segments in the dorsal area must be made so that the cushions of same do not allow for the strength and the vitality and the impulses of or through the cerebrospinal system to become so ESCAPING, as it were, and thus making for the inclinations for the blood stream – as indicated in portions of the system – to become active again.
- Rest sufficiently, play sufficiently, work sufficiently – but THINK constructively!
- Take into consideration more often the purposes of the activities; not as the OUTWARD appearances in thy choir practice but what do such activities stand for? What is the message that is to be given to the world through this channel of singing? The love of the Christ to the world!
- Then let it be a personal thing to thee, that He is thy strength, He IS thy life! For in Him ye live and move and have thy being!
- Then let it become a more personal thing; and the more personal His life, His love becomes,the easier, the more beautiful, the more effective the message that will be given in the organ or in the pupil that ye would teach or what – not only to others but to those that convey in song the message of the LIVING redeemer, the living Savior!
- These being a part, then, of thyself will bring thee STRENGTH, will bring thee HELP, will bring thee LOVE; of which all the other influences are only a part!
- Make it then cooperative, and cooperate with that being applied. Let thy life, thy love, thy activities not only be good and well-spoken of but good FOR something; creating that atmosphere, that life, that love, in the experiences of the hearers, that makes more and more the Christ a living thing in thy experience.
- Ready for questions.
- (Q) What is the matter with my stomach?
(A) Taking the active principles for same, and thinking about what you’ve got to do in five or ten minutes from now, or what you must do tomorrow! These just don’t work together, see?
But leave off the activities as given, just keeping the Ventriculin and the White’s Cod Liver Oil Tablets. - (Q) What should be done for the hemorrhoids?
(A) Use TIM (“Tibbex”). This as we find will, with the lesser activity as labor or anxiety, with more outdoor exercise, bring bettered conditions.
Use Tim in the tube that is injected, for these are not only of the protruding nature but of the second sphincter center. - (Q) Will sunshine lamp help aching?
(A) When there is not sufficient of the real sunshine, sunshine lamp is helpful. But better to have twenty to thirty minutes in REAL sunshine, though it may be cold, than to have many hours of an imitation sunshine. For this can be made a thing that would be more harmful than effective. A LITTLE is well, if there are several dark days, but not too long nor too strenuous or close. BETTER than the sunshine lamp is the Mercury Quartz Light, and half a minute of this – forty-eight to fifty inches from the body – especially across the back, and a little massage afterward; this is much more effective than ten to fifteen minutes of the sunshine lamp – more penetrating, more helpful. - (Q) I seem to have a slight cold all the time.
(A) Keep a better balance, and keep the better balance of alkalinity for the system, and those things in those manners as indicated as we find will keep this better balance. - (Q) Has the work hurt the nervous condition?
(A) As indicated, there is too much work and too much worry to the amount of play and relaxation it’s taken! Better divide it up!
Did you find the Master worked continually, or did He take time to play? and time to relax? He is a good example in EVERYONE’S life! - We are through with this Reading.
Copy to Self
Copy to Ass’n file
- See 528-12 on 10/08/37 for Scleroderma, with subsequent Reports.
- 12/15/37 EC’s letter: “Thanks a thousand times, [528], for your help to [1352]. I want to do something about all that for you, and will some way, somewhere. [12/30/37 See 528-14, her Life Rdg., a New Year’s gift from EC.]
“Now, whenever you feel you would like to know what the rdg. would say about you in any way, please let me know – only too glad to try – and don’t think it is ever too often or too little a question.” - 1/17/38 See 528-15, her next Ck. Physical rdg.
READING 528-14
F 29 (Organist, Choir Director, Music Teacher, Protestant)
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 30th day of December, 1937, in accordance with request made by the self – Miss [528], Active Member of the Ass’n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc., but sponsored by and given as a New Year’s present from Mr. Edgar Cayce himself.
Present: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Born February 3, 1908, about nine p.m., in Hopkinsville, Christian County, Ky.
Time and Place: 3:50 to 4:30 P. M. Eastern Standard Time. …, Ky.
(Life Reading Suggestion)
- EC: Yes, we have the records here of that entity now known as or called [528].
- In giving the interpretations of the records as we find them here, what is chosen to be given – if it is applied in the experience of the entity in the present – may make for a greater development in the present activity.
- To gain first the purposes for which an entity enters any given experience should be the desire and aim of every entity seeking to know its place, and seeking to be a channel for the greatest manifestation of that the entity sets as its ideal.
- Let the entity then first determine in self, “What is my ideal – physical, mental, spiritual?” And know that unless it be founded in things spiritual it must eventually turn and rend thee.
- As the entity from its sojourns in the earth is an Atlantean, hence it is in the very nature of the present experience unusual in abilities, in faculties, in activities – and in disturbances of every nature.
- For as there is more and more the reincarnating of the Atlanteans in the present experience, these bring a union of energies in the activities of those that sojourned there.
- The astrological aspects, from which influences in the present activity or experience of the entity may be drawn – these are not because a planet, a constellation or a zodiacal sign was in this or that phase of the astrological aspects. Rather is it that the entity in the interims between the earthly incarnations has been in the environs to which such activities are accredited by many; as Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and the like – that become a part of the influence to the entity by that environment or sojourn there.
- Hence the astrological influences are more to the spiritual or INNATE urges, that are aroused by the deeper meditating of the mental self.
- For while mind is the builder, the mind of the physical and the mind of the spiritual entity are one, according to what stress or phase of activity is indicated by the dwelling upon same.
- These as we find in this entity then become the ruling influences:
- Uranus is the EXTREME influence. Hence we find the entity inclined to be at times very good, again very bad; or very optimistic or very pessimistic; very ill or very well. Extremist; and yet much of this is tempered by the Venus influences in same.
- Hence we find music, the activities as in social influences; a temperament that may be activative by gentleness, kindness, patience; or those virtues that are attributed to love in its pure form make for benevolent influences in the experience of the entity.
- Hence we find one very high-strung; and making for the great variations in its way or manner of expressing itself yet tempered with patience, love, sympathy.
- And a great deal of sentiment as to places, conditions, individuals always plays a part in the experience. This, of course, may be carried to excess – or may be used by its very virtue in its activity and its implication to make for abilities towards the activities in which the entity may find the greater outlet for its expression in the present – that of music, and of transposition of songs already written, or the expressions of those in a better or a more harmonious experience for the entity.
- The influence in Jupiter we find influenced by both the Uranian and the Venus forces. Thus the associations and activities of the entity will incline to be in connection with masses or groups rather than individuals; though individual in its application oft.
- Thus in the expression or manifesting of its activities, both those that have to do with individual instructions and those of a mass or group application will be a part of the entity’s experience.
- As we find the entity may, from these very experiences, make a sojourn in which a career may be a part of the entity experience – or the greater expression of the home-making, or home-building.
- Yet even in the home-building, the giving to others in their desire for expression in the field of harmony, the field of music, the field of activities as related to the artistic temperament of individuals will still be a part of the entity’s activity.
- However, if there is union with one of the same temperament as to thought, desire or expression, there may come forth from the union a soul’s expression that would become very, VERY unusual in abilities for the CREATIVE music or expressions of same!
- As to the appearances in the earth, these we find – while not great in number – varying much in their manner of expression or application.
- Thus we will find many environments and changes in the experiences of the entity in the present sojourn.
- These find expressions in what may be termed the EMOTIONAL influences or forces of the entity. Thus these become what may be said to be the EXPRESSIONS of the emotions, or the hereditary forces in the experience of the entity from the MENTAL or spiritual-mental angle.
- Before this we find the entity was in that portion of the land of the present nativity now known as the “city of brotherly love,” or Philadelphia; during those periods when there were those separations and segregations of individuals for the early settlers’ activities.
- There the entity was a teacher, as an active influence for the young – as related to the economics of the home, as to the teachings as related to song and the religious training.
- Thus we find in those activities that the entity, Dotty Graham, made for influences that brought an awakening for many during that experience.
- The entity gained and lost – only in that of self-aggrandizements in the activities among those of its own sex and groups.
- Hence we find oft those of its own sex in the present question the entity as in relation to its activities among and with others.
- Before that we find the entity was in the land now known as the Palestine land, or the land of promise – when there were those days following those when the Master had walked in the earth; and among those peoples who had gathered from many portions of the land during the latter days – or upon the day of Pentecost.
- The entity was among those that were born in and during that period, and of the Galilean land; of those children that were close to Salome in the relationships to John Mark and of that household – kinsmen of Peter, Andrew.
- Thus we find the entity growing under those periods of oppression, suppression; an activity in which there were the general conditions of oppression because of political rather than religious reasons – and later in the early years, became the oppression because of the religious persecutions.
- Thus the entity grew under those material environments during that sojourn.
- Hence we find within the experience of the entity in the present those periods of confusion, other than the rote and routine that comes from a long activity, without the full purposes as to why this or that might be a part of the spiritual life.
- Hence all the more injunction that the entity in taking thought and counsel of self should first KNOW the ideals, and not only as the ideals, not only as to what ye believe but in WHOM ye believe!
- And know that He in whom ye have believed is able to keep that ye may commit unto Him against any experience that may arise in thy conscious activity; whether in material things from the material causes or purposes or those in the mental achievements of the material or spiritual thoughts or of the purely spiritual purposes and imports that become a part of the experience of every entity in its activity among material things.
- The name then was Josia.
- Before that we find the entity was in that land now known as or called the Egyptian, during those periods when there were the preparations, the building up of the activities of those that had become a part of the influence from the Atlantean land; those preparations of each individual for the activities as made for the distributing of the tenets and the teachings of the land – whether pertaining to the home, the political activities or those in the commercial field, or the purely spiritual influences to be wielded upon the various forces throughout the experiences of those sojourning in the earth.
- The entity was among the Natives that were of the Priest’s choice for services in the Temple Beautiful, and for the segregations of those that would in such service become a part of the activities in other lands.
- There the entity gained throughout, in the name Shu-Arsto.
- Before that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land, when there were the first disturbances that arose for the destructive influences that made for the application of spiritual forces for the material conditions that brought the destructive influences within that land.
- In the city of the Posedians was the entity, and of those tenets of the Laws of One; yet becoming entangled with the activities as related to use of the principles of the stone upon the spheres, these brought to the entity periods of self-indulgences, self-aggrandizements – and these brought destructive forces.
- Hence again the more of the injunction: KNOW THYSELF and thy relationships to the Creative Forces that may bring into the hearts and minds and souls of others the consciousness of the God-force, the Creative Force being existent and willing to manifest in and through the individual application.
- KNOW that God is not mocked, and whatsoever ye sow that must ye also reap!
- As to the abilities of the entity:
- Keep the faith that thy fathers had in those lands of promise. Find thyself in thy relationships and meet them in harmony, that they may bring peace and quiet to the hearts and souls of men!
- For thy abilities are many. Thy purposes are aright, when kept in that way that leads to the knowledge, the understanding of the law of divine love within.
- For thy body is indeed the temple of the living God. There He promises to meet thee oft. Then harken to that voice within, that may direct thee in thy choices of this or that experience, this or that association.
- And let patience and love be thy guide. For divine love is that which makes aware to the hearts and souls of men the PRESENCE of His love, of the Father being within!
- Ready for questions.
- We are through for the present.
Copy to Self
Copy to Ass’n file
- See previous Physical Rdgs. for scleroderma, especially 528-13 on 12/11/37 giving mental-spiritual advice. EC, in gratitude for Miss [528] giving free music lessons to Miss [1352], obtained 528-14 as a New Year’s present for Miss [528]. [She had on several occasions expressed her desire to have a life Rdg.]
- 1/18/38 She obtained 528-15, a Ck. Physical rdg.
- 5/02/38 She obtained 528-16, a Mental-Spiritual rdg. in regard to an unhappy love affair.
- 8/09/42 She married a soldier in the Air Corps, not the same man about whom she asked advice in 528-16.
- GD’s note: She went back to school before her marriage and got her Bachelor of Music degree; piano major and voice minor.
READING 528-15
F 29
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 17th day of January, 1938, in accordance with request made by the self – Miss [528], Active Member of the Ass’n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.
Present: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.
Time and Place: 11:25 to 11:35 A. M. Eastern Standard Time. …, Ky.
(Physical Suggestion)
- EC: Yes, we have the body, [528]; this we have had before.
- As we find, there has been the inclination for too severe a taxation to the body without taking those precautions to keep the body alkalized sufficiently. And the leaving off of sufficient of the corrections osteopathically to keep the conditions in the cerebrospinal system from leaking as it were in the circulation has caused the body to become disturbed with cold, congestion and the effect of poisons more in the system.
- We would rest from so much taxation. This does not mean to go to bed, or not work at play. But keep in the open, active to be sure, but make those applications; by the manipulations osteopathically, by the deep inhalations from the charred keg with brandy in same – this not so much to cause irritation to the throat but sufficiently to break up the congestions.
- Use the Wet Cell Appliance – this we would keep.
- We would take internally the oils to carry on the eliminations sufficiently. A little Bromo-Quinine would be helpful, though it will tend to make the body feel the irritations from the effect of the Quinine in same by roaring, by an achey feeling even more than has been experienced – but keep the feet dry.
- And in the applications by the osteopath, make some corrections in the lumbar and sacral areas, as well as those where the indications are in the upper dorsal and cervical for the soreness that exists.
- In the use of the oil rubs, these should not be so much as to irritate the skin, but keep sufficiently that the body may absorb the effects of the Olive Oil in particular. Do not use too much of the rub alcohol, as this tends to dry when continuously used – unless more of the Olive Oil is absorbed by the skin.
- Do these as we find for the better conditions of this body.
- Ready for questions.
- (Q) Just how should the Bromo-Quinine be taken?
(A) Swallow it! - (Q) I mean, how often and how much?
(A) Sufficient to feel the relaxation of same. Two tablets taken before retiring and before arising. This taken for about two days or three days should be sufficient. Two tablets upon retiring, two tablets about an hour before arising. - We are through with this Reading.
Copy to Self
Copy to Ass’n file
- See 528-13 on 12/11/37 for scleroderma, and Life Rdg. 528-14 on 12/30/37.
- 1/14/38 Wire: “Please give rdg. Had chilly sensations. Aching badly. Slight cold. Degree of temperature today. Skin on back parched from oil rubs. Very nervous.”
- 1/23/38 GD’s letter to Miss [528]: “This clipping I cut from our Norfolk paper yesterday, as it occurred to me that you might want to write to the young man and tell him your experience. If so, I’ll be glad to send him literature. Of course, as you know, we do not ‘solicit’ Readings, but we are only too glad to arrange a Sponsored Reading (by one of our Active Members) for a case of this kind, provided we have the sincere desire and seeking on the part of the individual and those responsible – or those who have the ability to follow out the Reading. So, the best approach would be from a person who has had experience with a similar condition – such as yourself. If you write him, let me know and I’ll send some literature about Mr. Cayce’s work for him to study before deciding.
“I want to remind you, too, that all money you and your family have paid to the Association during the past year may be deducted on your family income tax return. The Association is a philanthropic educational research organization, and all money donated may be counted as a gift to charity, etc.
“With kindest regards, and trusting you are on the ‘up and up’ continually, I am…”
Clipping enclosed: Norfolk-Ledger Dispatch Norfolk, Va., 1/22/38
Farmer Faces Certain Death Reconciled to Fate of Being Petrified Alive
Wheeling, W. Va., Jan. 22 – (UP) – Reconciled to his fate, Ogle Neely, 36, of Howard, laughed and joked although he faces slow but certain death because his flesh is turning to “leather.”
His arms to his elbows and his legs to the knees already have been “petrified” by the rare disease of scleroderma, from which specialists at Johns Hopkins Hospital say he is suffering. Doctors say they know neither the cause nor the cure for the disease which has attacked Neely in a worse form than ever before recorded.
When the Marshall County farmer was only 23 years old, the ailment first appeared in 1924 and started at the tips of his fingers and toes. Each year it spread a little more.
Now he is unable to work and he must live on $20 a month relief funds. Although his legs are deadened, he walks four miles to the nearest grocery once a week.
Neely is reconciled to his fate, Byron Pipes, relief investigator, believes. - 5/02/38 She obtained 528-16, a Mental-Spiritual rdg., which also gave physical advice. See subsequent correspondence in re her complete cure under 528-16 Reports.
READING 528-16
F 30 (Organist, Choir Director, Piano Teacher, Protestant)
This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 2nd day of May, 1938, in accordance with request made by the self – Miss [528], Active Member of the Ass’n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.
Present: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.
Time and Place: 10:30 to 10:50 A. M. Eastern Standard Time. …, Ky.
- GC: You will have before you the body and inquiring mind of [528], …, Ky., together with the circumstances and relations with a friend to whom she has been engaged for some years. Considering all that has recently happened between the two, and others, you will tell her the course she is to pursue at this time, and how.
- EC: Yes, we have the body, the inquiring mind, [528]; together with conditions and relations that have existed, that do exist in the present.
- First, we would consider the physical conditions of the body in the present. To be sure, the anxieties and the upsetting conditions of the mental forces and influences have worked and do work hardships against the better physical conditions of the body.
- Yet as we find there are precautions, physical, that the body should take; not only in keeping the charges for the Appliance, especially, for creating the better vibrations, but in keeping and watching the eliminations. For the activities have set about to eliminate the poisons as created by the infectious forces through the whole of the system.
- Hence as we find, the greater source of the infection that causes the neuritic reactions in the nerve and muscular forces arises from toxic forces through the alimentary canal.
- Therefore, we would use the Eno Salt as an eliminant, and keep the eliminations above nominal, so that there is the cleansing of the system at least twice each day. Also we would use occasionally the high enemas to cleanse or evacuate the colon. This will make for a relief of the toxic forces and thus eliminate the sources of the disturbance in the nerve and muscular forces of the body.
- Precautions should be taken occasionally regarding the rest of the conditions, as has been indicated.
- In regard to the mental attitudes, the relations that have existed and do exist in the present between the self and the associate or companion or friend, or lover, there should not be ANY self-condemnation. And if there is no SELF- condemnation there may NOT be then the condemning of others.
- Then, for the greater satisfaction, the greater aid and help for each, there should be sought those relationships that make for the abilities of each to supply that needed in the other’s experience; in the physical, the mental and the spiritual relationships.
- This should be, then, as we find, the attitude.
- To be sure, only self may be controlled. But if there are those relationships that are felt, are declared by the friend to be existent – if there is the care, physically and mentally, for the associations and activities – then the activities of self will be returned in the manner in which there is the meting out.
- If the feeling has grown cold, if the nature of the activities of the body has been of such import that it may be within the mind of self justified – not by hearsay, but – if ye would be forgiven, ye would forgive – build then upon that which is thy concept of the loving, forgiving Christ-Consciousness.
- Not that such relations or activities were by Him condoned, but rather was there the consideration of the desires of the body as well as the mental attitudes, circumstances and conditions.
- So with self. For the needs of that as may bring into the experience, in the present, build upon that in self that is the answer for the hope, the faith, the EXPERIENCES; that ye may know in the oneness of purpose, oneness of desire, to keep that which IS the whole import and purpose of thy material relationships in thy activities, in thy environs, in thy surroundings!
- Do not condemn. Do not condone. But as ye would that would be done to thee, do ye even so to the other – which is in keeping with thy concept of thy CHRISTIAN faith, thy CHRISTIAN hope!
- Thus ye will find that such activities and attitudes will bring into thy experience the greater peace. Not by “Don’t do this – Don’t do that! I won’t have this – I won’t have that!” Rather in that same manner in which ye have held and do hold in thy own heart and mind the love not of self, not of desire as to satisfying of physical relationships or activities, but in the singleness of purpose that each day, each activity may be a manifestation of being a channel of blessing to someone day by day!
- Only in that attitude, in that purpose, may ye find within thine own heart and mind that which will bring peace and harmony BETWEEN thee, or will give to thee the all good conscience.
- KNOW that it is better to trust a heart or body, and that deceiving, than to doubt that body which IF believing would BLESS thy life with true understanding!
- Keep thy faith in HIM, that ALL will be and is right! And make thy life, thy activities in accord with same!
- Ready for questions.
- We are through for the present.
Copy to Self – Special Delivery
Copy to Ass’n file
- See her Life Rdg. 528-14 on 12/30/37 and previous Physical Rdgs. for scleroderma with which she became afflicted 11/36 and gradually recovered from it by following treatment in the rdgs.
- 4/29/38 “I should have written you before [following Life Rdg. and last Ck. Physical] but so much has happened that I haven’t known which way to turn. I turned to you when no doctor could help me and you got me out of bed and now you are the only one I can turn to. I hope this will be kept in the strictest confidence.
“I have been going with a man here for 5 yrs. every night and have been engaged to him for 4 yrs. He has plead with me to marry him and I refused at first because of the debt he owed for his education and, too, I loved my work too much to marry. We were to have been married, though, but I was taken sick and was sick about a year, and when I got up I wasn’t in a physical condition to marry. Now he has started going with a girl 9 yrs. younger than he and from all reports has been untrue for about a year – not that he went with other girls because he was with me every night but in his office, so I hear. We have broken now. I have taken him back 3 different times and he has promised to be the man I fell in love with and restore that confidence in me that I once had. He told me Wed. that he just felt that he didn’t want to marry, that he would be doing me an injustice but he thought more of me than any girl he had ever known in his life…
“In my physical condition and my nerves so shot I feel that I can’t go on. I feel that my life is wrecked, for my whole life had been built around him. He is well established here…and is going to stay here. I have my work here, my class and church job and without that I would be lost. But to have to live my life here looking at him is more than I can stand, but my work holds me and my family have a home here. I still love him regardless of what he has done – he has slipped from the church because I’m there… Is there any way I can help him to have a change of heart and be the man I fell in love with? That is what I want worse than anything. If not, could I get him out of town? What must I do to find any happiness, if there is any in this world? I feel now that I could never be interested in another man… Is he worth trying to win back? I feel that if anybody can save him I can, for he has loved me as much as I love him now. I want to know what to do with my life if it has to be without him.
“I didn’t know whether you would take this or not. I heard what you did for the Jew in N.Y. in the metal work [?]. If you would it would be one of the greatest things you have ever done. My illness was nothing compared to this in my life. My nerves are in such a terrible condition now and the neuritis is much worse. “Please, Mr. Cayce, as a personal favor, if you can help me me, please for my sake do it. I don’t know where to turn and my heart is broken and my life shattered. I am to see him around Tues. or Wed. If you can help me could you let me hear by then? Don’t wire, because I want this kept a secret…
“I’m not improving as I should due to this terrible thing and if you can please help me I’ll forever be grateful to you.”
- 5/05/38 EC’s letter: “Do hope matters are clearing up for you – appreciate your coming to me and sincerely hope the information has not failed you, and that with meditation upon what was given, with prayer and meditation, you will see and know just which course to pursue. Have been a bit worried, to be sure, since receiving your letter, but went back and read your Life Rdg. [528-14] and, [528], I sincerely believe if you will read that over again – especially the 2nd page – you will find a great deal there that may be of real help to you at this time, for it tells you that you might expect just such an experience and what to do about it…
“Have missed hearing from you but was just so in hopes that no news was good news this time. Let us hear whenever you can, and please let me know how everything works out. Know that all your strength is in the divine, and that divine is within you – not afar off, for there He has promised to meet you, and on Him you can place every care.” - 5/07/38 “I rec’d your letter this morning and you don’t know how much I do appreciate your helping me. If I ever needed someone to help me I do now. I got the rdg. Wed. night and appreciate your sending it special. I was in such a state of anguish when it came that it was like a drink of water in the Sahara desert. He was to see me by this past Wed. and tell me what we were going to do but he failed to come and I haven’t seen him yet. Mr. Cayce, I am desperate. We have meant so much to each other in the past 5 yrs. that I feel that life without him isn’t worth living. We had a complete hope chest that he had given me mostly, sterling silver goblets, two diamond rings, wrist watch and everything nice one person could have given another. I love him even after all he has done to me. Is there anything possible I could do to get him back?
“I read my Life Rdg. and can see now where this was to take place. I couldn’t see it when I got it because I was so sure we for each other and I never dreamed anything like this could happen to us. I trusted him like I did myself. But Mr. Cayce I don’t see any course to pursue. You said I would know what could be done from the Life Rdg. but I can’t see it from either one of the rdgs. Could you tell me any specific thing that can be done? I realize I will have to try to get him back – he isn’t coming of his own accord. I don’t want to make a fool of myself but I’ll do anything in my power, and if you can just tell me what to do I’ll do it. I know he has loved me, and if I could revive that love please tell me and how to do it. I won’t do one thing toward seeing him until I hear from you…
“I’m afraid if something doesn’t take place I’ll be in the asylum, and my family will too, for they are so worried about me.” - 5/09/38 EC’s letter to [528]: “Yours of Saturday afternoon just received. Thank you, appreciate your confidence in me, and hope and pray may council you aright, at this time, think can appreciate your feelings but first let me say, don’t let your anxiety get the best of you – just pray about it the more often – asking that you do the right thing that as is best at all times for each of you, and am sure you will find that HE will answer you, and bring you that Peace He has promised to every one of us that will call earnestly on his Name.
“For a moment – lets analyse a part of your information in Life Rdg. [528-14], on first page, Par. 4 it says: ‘Let the entity first determine in self what is my Ideal – physical, mental spiritual – And know unless it is founded in things spiritual, it must eventually turn and rend thee’ Or is saying you must know just what your desire is – toward Physical-Mental and Spiritual things and conditions and that they must be spiritual in their concept – or they will bring remorse. That am sure you understand – but how to apply that under the existing circumstance is your question – What then would you have the circumstances be – Hold to that thought what ever you have decided – then Pray about it ask HIM to bring it about – putting all your trust in God and he will bring it to pass. Not that you are to sit still – No, do what you are prompted to do make a point to see him, tell him what you wish, he loves you – of that you may be sure – and then act and be as if it is just that way – that is the only way – never fear but he will come when you ask him – if you have prayed about it and in the manner indicated. Your work has been, is too much tied up in the spiritual life of others – you can and will build a home – and still bring light to the minds and hearts of many – Wish could sit down and talk this all over with you but am sure you will get just the right thing to do now [528] – take it all to Jesus – He cares – He hears – He will direct you. Never fear.
“On second page of Life Reading, [528-14], Par. 13: ‘One very high strung, and making for great variations in its way or manner of expressing its self; yet, tempered with patience, love, sympathy’ – this as you see [528] is your saving grace as it were, is the promise as it were that will you just be patient – show love, show sympathy – not ask for these for is like life its self – ‘would you have life give life’ would you have love – sympathy – and the like you have to give it – not demand it – give it and it is yours. Quite a difference – but you can and will do this am sure and every thing will come out alright – a trying period for you – just don’t become panicky – hold on to God – in Jesus Christ – and every thing will come out alright.
“Feel mighty like was telling you something you already knew – sure I am – but you have just forgotten it for the moment – pass up his neglect – think rather of all the love shown in that hope chest in all the lovely preparations that have been planned – think of those – and call him not to remind him of neglect – not of any of the many things that might come to your mind – but to remind him of many of the things that have been planned in building a Godly home for each of you, and it will work out alright – Remember God has promised many times – ‘try me and see but I may open the very windows of Heaven to pour a blessing on you’ and that means you [528], you. Just you try it.
“Write me again soon, won’t you, with Love and may the blessing of the Peace of the Christ keep you…” - 7/10/38 Letter from HLC to [528]: “You will receive very soon the current Bulletin announcing the Seventh Annual Congress of the Association and also some folders regarding Virginia Beach. I hope you will read them carefully and give this matter of attending the Congress some serious thought.
“Without the slightest overstatement I can say with all frankness that there is no one who could do more good by attending these meetings than yourself.
“You know in presenting and studying the psychic work which my father is doing we are constantly faced with problems such as confronted the old frontiersman when he began to clear new land. People are afraid of this or that, critical, too intellectual, or even ignorant.
“You have had two experiences [Cure of acne (See 528-1 & 528-2) and cure of scleroderma (see 528-3 through 528-6), etc.] with the readings that would inspire the most skeptical and give confidence to many who are falling by the wayside in the face of obstacles in carrying out treatments.
“It is in no way necessary to make an example out of you – simply the story and your presence here. Well it would be most helpful.
“Besides, we need a good musician for the dinner (you can get out of that if you absolutely want to) and I would like to show you Va. Beach in the summer time.
“Let me know if there is any chance of you being able to make it, [528]. Really it is important – to us, yes, and perhaps to you.” - 6/22/38 She referred Mrs. [1636] for a Physical Rdg.
- 8/12/38 Mrs. [1636]’s letter: “I did appreciate reading [528]’s rdgs. The poor girl did go through a lot, and was very faithful. They have moved away from … That love affair seemed to get the best of her. I’m very sorry it all had to happen that way. Yet, the young man was very faithful to her during all of her illness, and no doubt that helped to keep up her spirit, and courage to get well. Could you help her along that line? I do know that human love can be overcome, and forgotten. It’s only one of the stepping stones to a higher and better love. But she has had no training along that line of thinking, and unless she has someone for a staff, or a balance, she no doubt thinks she has quite a problem. But it could be so easily dissolved and fade into nothingness, with the right mental attitude. When one realizes the allness of God, the one power, it gives one lots of strength, and it banishes all fear, and gives one a peace the world knoweth not.”
- 8/38 See HLC’s paper, AN INDIVIDUAL CASE OF SCLERODERMA, based on 528-3 through 528-13, and 528-15; it was later used on pp. 420-430 of the book, THERE IS A RIVER.
- 12/07/38 “I suppose you have thought I had dropped out of existence but I am living in … We moved in August. I left … the first of June and spent the entire summer at Peabody [Institute of Music, Nashville, Tenn.?]. I came here the last of August and am still here. I have no idea where I will be a year from now. My life is not settled, and the future is black to me. Of course you know why I could never go back to … My heart was broken there and it would just kill me to ever go back there. I am teaching piano here and am playing the organ and directing the choir at the largest church in … I have been very fortunate in getting a place in a church with a big three manual organ to play on.
“I am taking voice and two theory courses over at … College – 42 miles from here. I go over every Wed. and take private work. I am trying to finish up my Bachelor of Music degree.
“I know I am doing a lot of work – probably more than I should do, but I have to keep busy or I would be in the asylum. I have no idea what will happen to me but I really don’t care a lot.
“My health is fair. I still have neuritis terribly bad all over my body and am extremely nervous but I have had enough to stand to put me in the grave. I don’t see that the neuritis is any better but I am stronger. I work 7 days a wk. and at nights a lot with the choir. I don’t sleep well but I just think too much about my trouble to sleep. That is why I try to work all the time. I have thought that I should be checked but I just put it off. The rdg. would say not to worry so much and I can’t help that when I have lost everything that I wanted in the world. This is in the strictest confidence. “I would like to join the study group, if you are planning to have it, for soul development. Let me know about it and when to pay. I would like to give $5 for the place for the records. I would like to give more but going to school is rather expensive.” - 10/10/38 EC’s letter: “Glad you have gotten into the work you like there. That, of course, is the best way to get anything out of your mind. The hurt will be there for a long, long time but the more you do for others, the more you bring joy, hope and love into their lives, the less and less will grow the pain. Oh, I know you have heard all this many times but you know it is true; and the more you hold resentment the harder it will be for you.
“Saw Mrs. [1636] when in N.Y. recently – we were talking about you. She was saying what a beautiful, sweet girl you are and the joy you bring to the lives of so many in your work with the choir and the music, to those who need the awakening. So you just must not let a thing like what has happened hurt or keep you from giving the beauty you have to give the world.” - 5/28/40 Miss [528]’s letter to HLC: “Nothing would thrill me more than to be at the Beach for the Congress, especially since my case will be discussed. I had rather do that than anything in the world right now. I am thankful every day of my life for what Mr. Cayce did for me. If he could see me now he would wonder if I was the same person who was so sick and at death’s door three yrs. ago. I weigh 148 lbs. and have held that weight for a year and never know a sick day. I work harder than I have ever worked in my life. I have a piano class of 16 pupils, a church job at the largest church in … playing a lovely 3 manual organ and directing the choir, also a junior choir, and drive 100 mi. every Sat. for work at … College, finishing up my Bachelor of Music degree. I am a piano major and voice minor. That is where I’ll be during the Congress and the only reason why I won’t be there. School opens June 10th and closes Aug. 2nd and I just can’t miss a day or I won’t get my credit.
I hope you understand why it is impossible for me to come. Please don’t think me an ungrateful wretch and just because I have gotten well that I don’t still think of all of you often and thank God for what you did for me.
“Tell your Dad that I still have my neuritis badly and have never gotten much better of that; otherwise I don’t know a sick day…
“Thank you for the invitation very much. If it were at all possible I would be there. Give my love to all of your family and let me hear about what was said about my case.” - 5/25/41 She referred Mrs. [2514] for the first of a series of rdgs. for scleroderma.
- 6/16/41 Miss [528]’s to HLC: “I only wish it were possible to be with you all this year but it would mean failing to get my credits for summer school. I couldn’t be absent for a week and cover the work. I am leaving today for … College for ten weeks, only for week-ends which I will spend at home and take care of my church job. This will be the last summer and I am anxious to finish this degree business up…
“Please give me a rain check and let me plan to come next year. I would adore telling of my case – I have so many times – people think I am a curiosity.
“A girl from … came to see me about 3 wks. ago [Mrs. [2514]]. She is so pitiful with a different form of scleroderma from mine. The doctors at Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville are at their ‘row’s end,’ I told her how I was cured. I hope she will be as persistent as I was in the treatment if she gets a rdg.
“Don’t forget me next year.” - 6/26/41 HLC’s letter: “[852] and her mother, along with Mrs. [760], were here and we presented her case…
“We are going to look forward to having you with us next year.” - 7/05/41 Mrs. [2626] obtained the first of a series of rdgs. for scleroderma, via Miss [528]’s recommendation.
- 8/09/42 Miss [528] married Pvt. […] of the U.S. Army Air Corps.
- 8/13/42 EC wrote Mrs. [2514] (see under 2514-8): “I just had an Announcement that Miss [528] just got married.”
- 3/61 HLC taped an interview with Mrs. [528] via telephone in Ky. She said: “I became ill about eight months before I obtained the first rdg. for the condition [528-3] on 1/14/37. I was examined at the Haggert Clinic in Nashville, Tenn. At first I had symptoms something like flu or malaria. That is what they first thought I had. There was a generalized aching all over the body, and a low grade temperature. By the time I had the rdg. I was hard – all the flesh from the hips to the knees was just as hard as it could be. I was not suffering pain, except just the aching. All the upper part of my body was swollen, and when I smiled my face was so swollen that I couldn’t see out of my eyes. I had a pone [hardness] all down my back, and my arms were swollen. I was swollen all over my body except from my knees to my feet, and from my hips to my thighs the flesh was HARD. My condition was getting progressively worse at the time I obtained the reading. The main treatment, as I remember, was Castor Oil Packs. I had to lie in these packs for three hours at a time, three times a day; in for three hours and out for two hours, and there was some medication but I have forgotten what it was. A little later the Wet Cell Appliance was recommended, and I did use it. Later on the olive oil rubs were advised.
“In a week’s time after beginning the treatments the swelling began to leave my face, and it just gradually left. By the summer of 1937 the swelling was just in my thighs a little bit. In September of 1937 I went back to work, as an organist at the Methodist Church.
“Yes, I completely recovered. In 1942 I got married and am still married but have no children. I am still active as an organist and have had no return of the trouble.” - 9/25/64 Mrs. Archie H. Clark (Lucille A. Clark)’s letter: “Enclosed please find $1 in cash for the booklet, ‘The Discovery of Edgar Cayce’ by Wesley H. Ketchum. I am interested in Edgar Cayce’s works – maybe one reason being that he cured my music teacher, [528], when I was a child and another most important reason – Gray Salter [Gertrude Cayce’s cousin] married my cousin, Margaret Ann Adcock. Thank you.”
- 8/12/65 GD’s note: Recently we heard that Mrs. [528] is still leading a normal, healthy life as a busy housewife, organist, music teacher, etc.
- 9/07/75 Mrs. [528] wrote HLC: “I am writing at the request of Mrs […] who has scleroderma. Her doctor has given DSMO but she is unable to take it. She is interested in the A.R.E. Clinic in Phoenix, AZ and the doctors who treated the woman by the treatment that was used for me. [See 2/23/68 Dr. Wm. A. McGarey’s letter and subsequent data on sclero- derma verifying Edgar Cayce’s findings, listed under 528-3 Reports]. Her case is not as bad as mine was but she shows no improvement…
“We thought Bob Terrio was so nice and so talented with ability and personality. I hope the interview will be of some value to you and may it help someone else. I am grateful for my recovery and was so glad to help any way I could. My mother [865] enjoyed having a part in it. She loved the Cayces and was a very close friend of Miss Sarah’s [Mrs. L. J. (Sarah Cayce) Hesson].
“Best wishes for your work and may the work of your wonderful father live on.” - 3/12/92 Report:
PATIENT: Charlene Seguine – 901 Rt.#82- Hopewell Jct., NY 12533 Tel: (914)221-2508 DIAGNOSIS: SCLERODERMA (Generalized) – Lung involvement
Diagnosed at Layhe Clinic. Patient was afflicted 9 years. Was not diagnosed at Layhe until the fall of ’88. Every few months she has her regular check-up at Layhe.
Started the Cayce approach to scleroderma with Dr. Pagano on 5/10/91.
Dr. Pagano received the following communication from the patient on 3/12/92:
Charlene Seguine 901 Rt. 82 Hopewell Jct., N.Y. 12533
March 8, 1992
Dear Dr. Pagano
I’m writing you this letter to inform you of the results of my tests I had run at Layhe clinic. I went to Layhe on February 4, 5, 6 they did a pulmonary test which measured the amount of air I take into my lungs and checked my blood gases. I’m pleased to tell you the test turned out great my lungs have improved from last year I have 97% oxygen in my blood. The doctors couldn’t believe it, they said that they had never seen that before when you have a thickening of the lung as I did it does not improve it can stay the same but it will not improve. Well Doc we proved them wrong I’m living proof it can happen I wish you could have been there to see how confused they were because they couldn’t explain it was great! I know what did it though, I feel by using the charred oak keg and following the diet you gave me and following the Cayce readings it has made a major change in my health. I want to thank you for everything you have done for me I will let you know about the rest of my test results when I get them from Layhe I hope to see you soon.
Sincerely, [signed] Charlene Seguine
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