By Linda Caputi, RN Up to 60,000 Americans Could be Suffering from Mercury Poisoning For the last few years I’ve been reformatting and updating the old mimeographed Circulating Files into word documents and, on occasion, even putting together some new ones. A number of these updated files are now available online free of charge as […]
The Cayce Appliances: Handle with Care
by Linda Caputi, Venture Inward It’s been more than a decade since I’ve written about my experience using the wet cell battery for muscular dystrophy in Venture Inward (Jan/Feb 2000). At the time of the article, I had been using the battery daily for about six months and I was in heaven. In only six […]
Epilepsy: Jody’s Journey
By: Linda Caputi In 1986, when Jo was eight years old, we moved to Virginia Beach. Regretfully, it became a traumatic event since she missed her friends and the New York energy in which she thrived. Over time, her unhappiness developed into emotional overeating, and by age 14, my petite daughter was more than 75 […]
Epilepsy, 9 Who Were Healed
The book Epilepsy, 9 Who Were Healed, by Linda Caputi, R.N. is now available for FREE. Just click the title at the bottom of this page. This book is a labor of love by Linda in her quest to help her daughter who was suffering from epilepsy for 8 years. She researched 9 cases from […]
The Wet Cell Battery: What Stands in Its Way
Why aren’t More People benefiting from it? By Linda Caputi, RN Disbelief is an issue I’ve often run into when sharing information on alternative remedies. People will typically say, “If there are such good options out there, why haven’t I heard about them before?” or, “Why hasn’t my doctor told me about them?” as if […]