In the diet we would keep about a 20 percent acid-producing to an 80 percent alkaline-producing diet. (1522-2) Although naturopathic doctors learn a wide variety of health promoting diets, it was the Cayce material that really underlined the pH diet for me. Edgar Cayce re-iterated the pH diet repeatedly, in more than 330 readings, for […]
Attunement: The First Step In Healing
Although the Edgar Cayce readings tell us that mind and spirit are crucial components in creating physical health, a prescription for the mind or the spirit is not common at the doctor’s office. As a naturopathic doctor, I field questions about physical healing every day, and though a naturopathic intervention is different from conventional care […]
The Radio Active* Appliance
Vibrational appliances are a unique contribution to alternative medicine from the Cayce readings. The first one I’ll discuss is the Radiac Appliance, also called the Radial Appliance, Radio-Active Device [Radio Active Appliance], Impedance Device or the Radiac. The specifications for the construction of this gadget were entirely channeled from the Source of Cayce’s readings. Cayce […]